Residents of Idlib said about preparing provocations against Russia

Residents of Idlib said about preparing provocations against Russia MOSCOW, 24 Jun — RIA Novosti. Residents of Idlib province said that militants are preparing a provocation using a staged video, said in the center of the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria (TSPVS). The initiator, according to the TSPVS, were made by the group “Dzhebhat EN-Nusra”* relevant information was transferred to the Russian military on the phone. According to local residents last Friday in the province came the operators of one of the middle East news Agency. “This group, together with the terrorists “dzhebhat an-Nusra”* conducted staging the evacuation by the rebels on civilians in the hospital, “Alhelal al-Ahmar” active “restoration” terrorists civilian infrastructure supposedly destroyed in the attacks of the Russian and Syrian aircraft,” the report States. As a “supporting frame” is scheduled to show houses destroyed by extremists during clashes with other terrorist groups. According to go,

Flying from Russia to Turkey, the aircraft urgently villages due to engine failure

Flying from Russia to Turkey, the aircraft urgently villages due to engine failure A plane flying from Novosibirsk to Antalya, Turkey urgently villages in the Kazakh city of Atyrau due to engine failure. This was announced by the civil aviation Committee of the Ministry of investments and development of Kazakhstan. The incident occurred on the morning of 24 June. We are talking about the Boeing 737 of Turkish airlines, Pegasus Airlines, on Board of which there were about 200 people. “The crew decided on emergency landing at the airport of Atyrau. At 10.20 safely made landing”, — stated in the message. Earlier it was reported that in Odessa urgently villages flying to Barcelona the plane.

In the Central district of Barnaul introduced a state of emergency after hurricane

In the Central district of Barnaul introduced a state of emergency after hurricane BARNAUL, 24 Jun — RIA Novosti. The authorities of Barnaul on Sunday morning imposed a state of emergency on the territory of the Central district of Barnaul, the most affected by the hurricane disaster, the official website of the city hall. “Central district of the regional capital took the largest brunt of the disaster. Currently disconnected from the power supply and water are the villages of Zaton, Suburban, Montesca, Flowers of Altai, part — Swan, the Satellite, the Solar glade, and Zmeinogorsky tract. On the liquidation of accidents are 11 teams gorelektroseti, at most sites the supply to be restored by lunchtime on 24 June. In the village of Zaton damaged roofs of private houses and apartment buildings”, — stated in the message. Works on elimination of consequences of the hurricane lasted all night. Difficult situation at

Drunk migrants mauled a woman doctor near Munich

Drunk migrants mauled a woman doctor near Munich On Friday evening, in Ottobrunn (near Munich), there was a surge of multiculturalism. At the center for juvenile refugees, two of his pupils got drunk and began to brawl. Their names were not disclosed, but the age and origin are known: the 17-year-old Ethiopian 20-year-old Eritrean (however, the numbers do not be confused: many refugees often underestimate the summer, in order to obtain child benefits). The center staff tried to calm the rowdies in these institutions who would have thought, the drinking of alcohol is prohibited. But there it was. Beating two teachers (including one woman) with fists on the head, “the dashing couple” continued adventures on the street. There was another social institution — the nursing home where just drove the ambulance: some of the patients became ill. Two of our people from East Africa this machine with the doctors with

Fallen TV killed the woman the day of her birth, the media are writing

Fallen TV killed the woman the day of her birth, the media are writing MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. The visitor of night club in Surgut, celebrating his birthday, died from falling on her head TV, according to local broadcaster SurgutInformTV with reference to eyewitnesses. The incident occurred at night on Saturday. 36-year-old victim fell design, to which was attached four plasma screen. The woman suffered an open head injury, arrived on the scene, the doctors failed to save her. Police have started a probe into the incident, the report said.

In Barnaul in the collision of a floating cafe with a bridge support injured 15 people

In Barnaul in the collision of a floating cafe with a bridge support injured 15 people Fifteen people were injured in the collision of the floating cafe “Barracuda” with the support of the automobile bridge in Barnaul, informs Western-the Siberian investigatory management on transport SKR. “As a result of the incident killed and injured, according to preliminary information, 15 people who were damaged, not dangerous to life and health”, — is spoken in the message of management. All on Board were 120 passengers. Earlier the witness told the “RIA Novosti” that a pleasure boat caught in a storm on the Ob river, a wave broke the glass, several passengers were cut.

Large Russian city was left without light

Large Russian city was left without light Barnaul from-for a Gale-force wind almost completely remained without power and partially without water, RIA Novosti reported, citing its correspondent in the city. A powerful storm began after 21:00 local time (17:00 Moscow). “In a few minutes in the Central part of the city power outage, there is no light in areas Osipenko,., in new buildings in the Baltic and in other regions”, — told the witnesses. During the download an error has occurred. Because of the hurricane were damaged dozens of cars were also fallen trees, fences and billboards. In addition, according to Interfax, a construction crane fell off the boom and fell onto power lines and a car, killing the crane operator. During the download an error has occurred. Before the storm in the city stood 30-degree heat. The population of Barnaul is more than 630 thousand people. During the download

On Zimbabwe’s President assassinated

On Zimbabwe’s President assassinated Unknown made attempt on the President of Zimbabwe Emmerson mnangagwa, the. According to the Al Jazeera TV channel, the explosion occurred when the head of state descended from the stage in Bulawayo, where he spoke at a rally in the electoral campaign. According to the press Secretary of the President, the politician was not injured and is safe. Explosion at election rally Barbados just as President Mnangagwa left the stage. He’s said to be safe, but looks like assassination attempt. Video from local tv — John Ray (@johnrayitv) 23 Jun 2018 According to preliminary data, injuring several people who were near the epicenter of the explosion. 75-year-old Mnangagwa became President of Zimbabwe in November last year, succeeding the 94-year-old Mugabe, who was forced to resign after military intervention. The new head of state proclaimed the policy of political and economic transformations in the country. July

Militants attacked a Syrian army position in the southern zone of de-escalation

Militants attacked a Syrian army position in the southern zone of de-escalation MOSCOW, June 23 — RIA Novosti. The Syrian army along with the formation of the free Syrian army repelled the attack “dzhebhat an-Nusra”* in the North-East of the southern zone of de-escalation, according to the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. Tonight, more than a thousand militants “dzhebhat an-Nusra”* attacked the positions of the 9th Panzer division in the area of human settlements Dama and Deir Dama. Now Syrian soldiers continue defensive fighting. Their losses amounted to five dead and 19 wounded. In addition, under the blows of the terrorists was hit residents of these settlements. The report notes that assistance in repelling the attack asked the commanders of the local units of the free Syrian army, before agreeing to go on the side of the legitimate government. They turned to the command of the

In China for drug offences were executed ten people

In China for drug offences were executed ten people BEIJING, 23 Feb — RIA Novosti. Court of the city of Shanwei in Guangdong province in southern China on Sunday sentenced to death ten defendants indicted for drug-related crimes, the sentence was powered in the same day, the statements of the court. It is reported that the defendants were accused of production, trade and drug trafficking. “After a public sentencing, sentenced under the escort was taken to the place of execution for the execution of the sentence” — it is told in the message of the court. The death penalty in China is provided by several dozens of articles of the Criminal code, the vast majority of cases for drug trafficking.