It became known to cause major power outages in Baku

It became known to cause major power outages in Baku Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU — the Reason for the termination of electricity supply in Baku was the accident at Mingechevir HPP, said the President of JSC “Azernerji” Etibar Pirverdiyev. “Because of the extreme heat went out on one of the blocks at Mingechevir HPP. This was the reason for the shutdown of Baku from the power supply. Currently, work is underway to restore power supply of the city,” said the Pirverdiyev, Azerbaijani portal “”. According to him, gradually restored the supply of electricity and in other cities of Azerbaijan.

Two million Baku was plunged into darkness because of the explosion

Two million Baku was plunged into darkness because of the explosion The city of Baku, with a population of over 2 million people, has almost completely been de-energized due to the explosion at the power station “Azerbaijan”. The reason, according to preliminary data, was the intense heat in the country. On Tuesday, July 3, according to local newspaper Oxu. It is noted that due to the high temperature air in the cooling system of the CHP has a problem. Employees of the station has promised to restore electricity supply in the near future. Experts find out the exact circumstances of the incident. According to others, the accident was the fault of the employees of the company “Azerenergy”. The reason floor Baku was left without light! #nothing #Azerbaijan #Baku Publication of Welcome to NOTNG ?? (@ne_obasnovannie_temi_) 2 Jul 2018 1:55 PDT During the download an error has occurred.

In Thailand found alive all 12 adolescents, who had spent 9 days in the caves

In Thailand found alive all 12 adolescents, who had spent 9 days in the caves In Thailand found alive all 12 adolescents, who had spent 9 days in the caves, along with the coach of a local children’s football team. The Governor of the province where the children disappeared, announced the successful completion of the search operation. The search was complicated by heavy rains, which flooded the cave. In this regard, the operation involved divers. Rescuers hoped that the group managed to escape from the floods climbed to one of the platforms in the caves where did not reach the water. A group of teenagers 11-16 years and their 25-year-old coach went missing on June 23 in the cave complex of Tham Luang, where they went on the tour. More than a thousand people, including the army, police, volunteers and professionals from different countries took part in the rescue operation.

TASS: Nikita White will serve his sentence in IK-5 in the Ryazan region

TASS: Nikita White will serve his sentence in IK-5 in the Ryazan region Former Governor of Kirov region Nikita Belykh delivered to the IK-5 strict mode in the village Klekotki Skopin rayon (Ryazan oblast). This was reported by TASS source. “Complaints about the conditions of detention had no no”, — said the Agency interlocutor. In UFSIN information about his whereabouts is not provided. That Nikita Belykh was sent from the SIZO “Lefortovo” to the place of punishment, became known on 26 June. In June 2016, the politician was caught red-handed when receiving a bribe, and in February 2018, the court sentenced him to eight years in a strict regime colony and a fine of 48 million rubles under part 6 St. 290 criminal code (bribery in especially large size).

Kerimov returned to Russia after the withdrawal of the charges in France

Kerimov returned to Russia after the withdrawal of the charges in France Moscow. July 2. INTERFAX.RU — member of the Federation Council Suleiman Kerimov returned from France and is currently in Russia, reported “Interfax” on Monday an informed source. “He’s already in Moscow,” he said. Another interviewee confirmed this information, adding that Kerimov returned to Russia right after the French authorities returned his passport. “A pledge he has not yet returned, but will return. It’s just a longer process than the return of the passports,” — said the source. 28 June, an informed source told “Interfax” that the French law enforcement authorities took Kerimov allegations of undeclared transactions when buying property in the South of France for the purpose of evasion from payment of taxes. This information was confirmed then, “Interfax” the lawyer of the victim Nikita Sychev, adding that soon his client will be returned the passport and a

The sky over San Francisco was painted in orange color (photo)

The sky over San Francisco was painted in orange color (photo) And all because of the forest fires that are raging in the vicinity of the city for more than a week. The heat and strong winds led to massive fires in San Francisco. Due to ash and smoke in the sky over the city was painted in orange color. San Francisco sky is bizarre right now. Rayleigh scattering through this cloud is depleting all the blues and leaving us with a sepia sky. — Rick Zuzow (@RickZuzow) July 1, 2018 The people EN masse to share in the social networks post-apocalyptic photos and videos. Users report that this is the natural color of the sky and all the photos were taken without a filter. Amber sky at dawn? There’s a low cloud layer/light fog in the air that’s casting a very eerie light over San Francisco at the

The flight from Moscow to Khujand has declared a state of emergency

The flight from Moscow to Khujand has declared a state of emergency TJK646 flight departing from Moscow to Tajikistan Khujand, has declared a state of emergency. It is reported by the Twitter feed BreakingNNow with reference to the tracking sites of aviation. According to the portal Express, the aircraft of Tajik Air airlines took off from Moscow’s Domodedovo airport, however, flying over the Ryazan region turned to the air port and is now circling over the town, probably waiting for permission to land. More details are given.

More than 200 migrants drowned in the Mediterranean sea for three days

More than 200 migrants drowned in the Mediterranean sea for three days GENEVA, 2 July. /TASS/. More than 200 migrants trying to reach European countries drowned in the Mediterranean sea from 29 June to 1 July. The total number of deaths at sea since the beginning of the year is more than 1,000 people, said on Sunday evening in Geneva, the international organization for migration (IOM). “At the end of this week, around 204 migrants died at sea off the coast of Libya, — stated in the message. Thus, the total number of migrants who have drowned this year, more than 1,000 people.” According to the IOM on Friday in a shipwreck, has killed 103 people, including three children. Another shipwreck of a ship with migrants occurred on Sunday, the death toll, the organization does not name, informing only about the rescue of 41 people. For three days from Friday

In Moscow freed the captured in the store hostage

In Moscow freed the captured in the store hostage Moscow. July 1. INTERFAX.RU IN Moscow the security forces freed the detained in the store “Dixie” on the Big Academic street hostage. As the correspondent of “Interfax”, the hostage was removed from the store by medics after a detachment of militiamen conducted the assault. The liberated woman was taken away by ambulance. all ended well #Dixie #PE #Sochi — Event Kitchen (@shutki_vstoronu) July 1, 2018. Hostage in Dixy store in Moscow released. The woman was taken out of the store. The attacker detained — #Govortsova (@govoritmsk) July 1, 2018. Earlier it was reported that a man took hostage an employee of one of capital shops. As reported by witnesses, the traffic on the section of Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street in the heart of Dixie where a man took a hostage, was blocked, including for public transport. Currently, the movement

In Moscow unknown holds the employee of the store “Dixie”

In Moscow unknown holds the employee of the store “Dixie” MOSCOW, 1 July. /TASS/ — the Source in law enforcement bodies reported about a possible victim. Police take steps to arrest the man who keeps the store “Dixie” on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya street in Moscow employee. About TASS reported the press service of the Main Department of MIA in Moscow. The police received a message that in one of the stores on the Big Academic street, the man illegally holding of the employee. “Police and Asgardia measures are being taken to the specified detention of a citizen”, — reported in GU Ministry of internal Affairs. A law enforcement source said that the Agency sealed off the store. According to him, the ambulance service received information about a possible victim. The place of the accident are also the staff of the Investigative Committee. A man with a knife hostage-taking in Dixy store