Police found ipesasilo monument to Fyodor Cherenkov fan

Police found ipesasilo monument to Fyodor Cherenkov fan The Metropolitan police arrested the fan who scribbled monument to Fyodor Cherenkov near the stadium “Spartak”. About it “lente.ru” reported in a press-service GU MVD of Russia in Moscow. “In fact the inscription on the monument near the stadium “Spartak” by the police is checked. In result of the taken measures police officers established and detained the person who committed the act. By results of check the procedural decision will be made in accordance with the law,” — said the police. The source in law enforcement bodies clarified that the question on excitation of criminal case under article “Vandalism”. July 3, before the match 1/8 finals of the world Cup England — Colombia fans England wrote the word “England” on the monument to the Soviet player. Later, the result “works” of fans has been erased. The Cherenkov monument would be installed in

How Hollywood inspires the famous French robber

How Hollywood inspires the famous French robber Now Redouane faid again wanted after escaping from prison by helicopter. About 3,000 officers are looking for now across France, the perpetrator of Sunday’s second escape from prison in five years. This time 46-year-old Redouane faid, who is serving a 25-year sentence for armed robbery in 2010 in which a policeman was killed, managed to escape via helicopter and armed accomplices. Law enforcement agencies are fully mobilized in search of this man.Edouard Filippelli Minister of France The police have one advantage: fayeed is a famous person. In 2009, after a 10-year sentence for a series of armed robberies of banks, faid asked the journalist to write his memoirs. After the book and subsequent interviews Faida French TV channels Paris police gave him the nickname “the Writer”. In the memoirs of the faid admitted that he built his criminal career in Hollywood movies. According

The ECHR ordered Russia to pay the Soviet debt bonds

The ECHR ordered Russia to pay the Soviet debt bonds MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. The European court of human rights ordered Russia to pay debts of the Soviet Union at the premium bonds of the state domestic premium loan of 1982. As published on the website of the court document States that Russia, after the collapse of the Soviet Union undertook to pay the debt to bondholders, however, did not fulfill its obligations. “Today the decision in the case “Volokitin and others versus Russia”, the ECHR unanimously found a violation of article 1 of Protocol No. 1 to the European Convention on human rights in relation to some participants,” the document says. The court ruled that Russia should pay different amounts of three of 15 applicants, as well as compensation for moral damages to be allocated to each of them 1800 EUR. The rest of the plaintiffs the

Found in Thailand, children can spend in the cave for a few months

Found in Thailand, children can spend in the cave for a few months Due to the ongoing rainy season was found in Thailand teenagers and their coach, may have to spend in the cave for several months, said representatives of the army. 10фотографий10фотографий10фотографий The search for the missing football team lasted nine days. On Monday, the teenagers found the British divers John Volanthen and Rick Stanton. Valentina had a video camera on which he recorded the time of the meeting. All 13 people alive and almost unscathed, although very weak, so spent nine days without light and food. To bring them food so far failed due to rising water levels. Perhaps the food of the children will have to provide a few months as to get out of the cave until they can’t. Now they are trying to provide electricity and communication to enable them to contact the parents, said

Who are these Britons, which found teenagers in a cave in Thailand?

Who are these Britons, which found teenagers in a cave in Thailand? The whole world is watching as the rescue 12 teenagers and a 25-year-old coach of their football team, who were found living in caves in Thailand after nine days of searching. 9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий Missing found two British diver John Volanthen and Richard Stanton, who had been asked to help the Thai authorities. The British Council for the salvation of the caves (BCRC) announced that three British divers Valentin, Stanton and Robert Harper arrived in Thailand three days after the teenagers got out of the caves and their relatives raised the alarm. According to representatives of the BCRC, British divers are familiar with the caves of Tham Luang Nang Non and know most of their branches, stretching for almost five kilometres. Visitors are usually permitted to go deep into not more than 800 meters, because in caves it is difficult

Egyptian Prime Minister does not pay for the attack

Egyptian Prime Minister does not pay for the attack Rejected the claim of the victims from the explosion of the plane over the Sinai. 15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий As it became known””, a Cairo court rejected the first claim of relatives of Russians killed in the plane crash A321 “Kogalymavia” in the fall of 2015. Defendants it was the authorities in the person of Prime Minister of Egypt and a few members of the government. According to the plaintiffs, the officials and their subordinates was criminal negligence in providing security training to flight, which allowed the terrorists to carry on Board a Russian airliner bomb and blow it up over the Sinai. However, the court considered that safety standards were met, and officials have committed “errors” that are worth compensation. However, the fact that “unlawful interference” in flight A321, the Egyptian authorities do not deny, but actually shy away from cooperation with the

Worked with the accused in the treason, the lawyer became the protector of Turcan

Worked with the accused in the treason, the lawyer became the protector of Turcan MOSCOW, 3 Jul — RIA Novosti. Lawyer Ivan Pavlov, who previously worked with the accused in the treason, became the defender of the suspect in the espionage Karina Tsurkan who previously headed the trading block, JSC “inter RAO”, about the same time Pavlov wrote in his page in Facebook. Lefortovo court of Moscow on June 19 announced the arrest of Turcan. According to some Russian media reports, she is accused of spying for Romania. June 28, the Moscow city court upheld the arrest Turcan. “Mother Karina Tsurkan, the FSB accused of espionage, at the request of his daughter appealed for protection of the “Team 29″. On Monday morning, all needed to confirm our credentials documents were transmitted to the Investigative Department of the FSB. On Tuesday morning we registered for a visit to Lefortovo prison,” wrote

Cancelled the sentence of those convicted of election fraud the ex-Deputy of the Duma of Vladivostok and the member of the electoral Commission

Cancelled the sentence of those convicted of election fraud the ex-Deputy of the Duma of Vladivostok and the member of the electoral Commission Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU seaside regional court has sent on new consideration of criminal case concerning the former Deputy of the Duma of Vladivostok Natalia Kim and one of the members of the election Commission, sentenced for forgery of documents on elections of deputies of Legislative Assembly of Primorye. “The appellate court due to procedural violations cancelled a sentence of Lenin district court of Vladivostok. Criminal case is directed to the same court on new consideration” — has informed on Tuesday “Interfax” the representative of Prosecutor’s office of Primorye. As reported, in April the court found both figurants guilty of organizing the falsification of election documents (paragraph 1 of article 142 of the criminal code). Kim was sentenced to two years of probation, the member of the

Ballerina legs were amputated after the explosion of a boat on vacation

Ballerina legs were amputated after the explosion of a boat on vacation American ballet dancer Stephanie Shaffer (Stefanie Schaffer) lost both legs after an explosion on a boat during a vacation in the Bahamas. 22-year-old girl remains in hospital in critical condition, according to NBC Chicago. The incident occurred on Saturday, June 30. According to the channel, on Board were 12 people — ten Americans and two Bahamians member of the crew. Suddenly the boat explosion he one U.S. citizen was killed and nine people were injured, and Shaffer was diagnosed with internal injuries and multiple bone fractures. The legs had to be amputated. The girl has not yet regained consciousness, doctors put her in a medically induced coma. Uncle: Ballet Dancer Doesn’t Know She Lost Legs in Bahama Boat Blast – https://t.co/ylmdYEfj74 #LatestComments pic.twitter.com/02shlxuaiR — Latest Commentary (@LatestComments) July 2, 2018. Relatives of the dancers noted that in addition

Azerbaijani President has taken personal control of work on Mengechevir HPP

Azerbaijani President has taken personal control of work on Mengechevir HPP Moscow. July 3. INTERFAX.RU President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has taken personal control of restoration works on Mengechevir hydroelectric power station, have informed in a press-service of the President. “The President was informed of the operational situation and the progress of repair works of Mengechevir HPP. Currently the situation is under control of the President”, — is spoken in the message. It is noted that in the night from 2 to 3 July in connection with the increase in temperature and, as a consequence, the increased use of electricity by the population, went out on one of the transformers on Mengechevir HPP. Was disrupted power supply in some regions of the country. Now restored supply of electricity in most regions of the country, including in Baku. In the normal mode operates the Baku airport named after Heydar Aliyev.