In Poland, the plane crashed MiG-29

In Poland, the plane crashed MiG-29 Moscow. July 6. INTERFAX.RU — Near the Polish town of Pasłęk, warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship crashed MiG-29 air force of Poland, reported on Friday in Warsaw, media reports, citing government center security of the country. The plane was based at a military air base in Malbork. The pilot managed to eject when the aircraft was at 18 km from Malbork, but in the end still died, his body was found near the scene of the crash. The accident occurred at night on Friday. The cause of the crash is not yet known, investigation is made.

In Nantes again riots broke out after the murder the police of a local resident

In Nantes again riots broke out after the murder the police of a local resident Disgruntled residents of the city burned more than 50 cars, set fire to the Lyceum Leonardo da Vinci, the service station and gas station. PARIS, July 6. /TASS/. The unrest has resumed in the night of Friday in Nantes, where on 3 July, a police officer fatally shot 22-year-old local resident at the time of verification of documents. This was reported by the Agency France Presse. Damage to the city The police arrested last night three people, including a 14-year-old, in which were found a tank with gasoline and a wick. According to the fire services in different parts of the city were burned about 50 cars. In addition, unknown persons set fire to the Lyceum Leonardo da Vinci in the North-East of Nantes, as well as station maintenance of fishing vehicles and filling stations.

A feast for hackers

A feast for hackers For the first time since the beginning of year it became known about the withdrawal from the Bank. After a lull of more than six months made a successful hacker attack on a Bank — PIR-Bank lost more than 58 million RUB from correspondent accounts in Bank of Russia. The stolen funds were transferred to accounts in the 22 largest banks and were cashed in various regions of the country. Earlier, the Central Bank assured that such attacks will be no more. New theft face not only serious challenges attacked the Bank, but poses a threat to the entire banking market. Representatives of several credit institutions reported “Kommersant” that this week was made the first hacker attack on a Bank in 2018. According to one of interlocutors of “Kommersant” attacked PIR Bank (329-nd place by assets). Other source “” has specified that with its correspondent accounts

Greece has decided to issue France caught the thief-oligarch

Greece has decided to issue France caught the thief-oligarch The Greek government decided to approve the extradition to France of Georgian thief-in-law, Lasha Shushanashvili, known in criminal circles as Lasha Rustavi. On Friday, July 6, the Associated Press reports. As noted, after the extradition of the 57-year-old leader of the Georgian mafia will join other arrested criminals in the area who are already in France under investigation. May 30, it became known that Lasha Shushanashvili announced the intention to “clear his name” for my daughter, a student, who is studying at a University in Moscow. The first court session on the extradition of “thieves in law” Lasha rustavsky, Merab, Asanidze (Chikora) and Nodar, Shukakidze (Nodo Gldani) in France was to take place on 24 April and 2 may. However, both were canceled due to the hospitalization of Shushanashvili, complained about a sudden deterioration of health. All three of the Georgian

Media: Sergei Skripal and Julia survived due to the strong rain

Media: Sergei Skripal and Julia survived due to the strong rain TASS, 6 July. The heads of the British security forces believe the former GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia saved from destruction the heavy rain, held in Salisbury just before their arrival home. Reports about it on Friday newspaper the Sun with reference to the heads of the British security forces. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The shower, according to the newspaper, have reduced the concentration applied to the handle of the front door of their house nerve agents, are vulnerable to moisture. “The truth is that we are very lucky, — said the newspaper officer in the British security forces high rank. — If not for the rain, Sergei Skripal and maybe Julia would have died”. Since the poisoning Skrobala in Salisbury was carried out hundreds of searches have taken about a thousand witnesses. Collected nearly 2.5 thousand items that

During the operation to rescue the children from the cave in Thailand was killed diver

During the operation to rescue the children from the cave in Thailand was killed diver BANGKOK, 6 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Thailand, in the cave Tham Luang, which serves to output to the surface is locked in there Teens and their coach, killed the diver, said captain Apakan, Ongkeo, the commander of the unit of combat swimmers. The press briefing was broadcasted by the TV channel Thai PBS. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий “The dead diver, a retired soldier, a former Navy seal, participated in the operation as a volunteer. He died from lack of air in his scuba gear at the time of job delivery in the far chambers of the cave of the oxygen tanks,” — said the officer. He said that a diver died on the way back to the exit of the cave after the assignment. Despite the death of our comrade, we will continue to make every effort

In Japan hung the founder of the “AUM Shinrikyo”* Shoko, Asahara

In Japan hung the founder of the “AUM Shinrikyo”* Shoko, Asahara TOKYO, 6 Aug — RIA Novosti, Xenia Naka. In Japan on Friday hanged former head of religious sect “AUM Shinrikyo”* Shoko, Asahara, said broadcaster NHK. Also executed a former “war Minister” of the sect, Cahide Hayakawa, who in 1993 led the construction of a plant for the production of sarin in one of the Japanese units. In the early 1990s, Hayakawa was a frequent visitor in the offices of the organization in Russia, he was engaged in buying and shipping to Japan, Kalashnikov assault rifles and Mi-8. In addition to Asahara and Hayakawa, hanged a number of the leaders of the organization, including Tomomasa Nakagawa and Yoshihiro Inoue. Just on Friday the scheduled seven executions. Criminal sect The sect “AUM Shinrikyo”* (“Doctrine of AUM truth”*) organized Shoko Asahara (Chizuo Matsumoto) in 1987. Its population has reached, according to various

Players will save the dive. Russia is ready to help Thailand to pull the children out of the flooded caves

Players will save the dive. Russia is ready to help Thailand to pull the children out of the flooded caves EMERCOM of Russia reported Thai colleagues about their willingness to help in the rescue of 12 children, stuck in the cave. This was stated today by the Deputy Director of the readiness of forces and special fire protection of the Department Konstantin Kondakov, reports “Interfax”. While the query on the Thailand side have been reported. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий In Thailand, June 23 football team “Wild boars” from 12 children aged 11 to 16 years and their 25-year-old coach was walking in a mountain Park in Northern Thailand, and went into the cave complex of Tham Luang Nang Non, the length of which is about 10 km due to the strong downpour part of the cave was flooded and children could not go. Ten days the Thai military led a search involving divers

In the Netherlands from a Museum have stolen a deadly poison

In the Netherlands from a Museum have stolen a deadly poison MOSCOW, 5 Jul — RIA Novosti. A bottle with a deadly poison curare was stolen on Wednesday from the Museum of science and medicine Herman Boerhave in Leiden in the Netherlands, newspaper reports NL Times. The poison in the compressed state is slightly smaller in size cube of sugar, was kept in glass vial with red cap and antique inscription “Curare”. According to the broadcaster Omroep West, the vial, in turn, was in the safe, which was stolen by criminals. Indians of South America used curare for hunting, spreading them arrowheads. In the Netherlands it is used as a muscle relaxant in euthanasia. The police is searching for a deadly relics and recommends discovered a toxic substance not to touch him.

Protection speaker appealed the court’s decision to return $2 million to ex-FSB General Feoktistov

Protection speaker appealed the court’s decision to return $2 million to ex-FSB General Feoktistov The lawyers of the convicted on the case about the bribe reception eks-the Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev has filed an appeal against the decision Zamoskvoreckogo court of Moscow on the return of $2 million, which was material evidence in the case, ex-General FSB Feoktistov, told RNS press Secretary of the court Zamoskvoreckogo Emilia Gil. “Today in Zamoskvoretsky district court received the appeal of lawyer A. V. Ulyukayev Chestnut L. V. the decision of the Zamoskvoretsky district court of 29.06.2018” she said. June 29, the Zamoskvoretsky court of Moscow has decided to transfer $2 million, which were material evidence in the case about the bribe to the former Minister of economic development Alexei Ulyukayev, a former FSB General, Oleg Feoktistov. The meeting was attended by himself Feoktistov, who in the course of the proceedings the