The court in Moscow arrested the anti-corruption in the case of a large bribe

The court in Moscow arrested the anti-corruption in the case of a large bribe MOSCOW, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. Presnensky court of Moscow detained the Colonel of the capital’s anti-corruption Department of the MIA of Russia Yevgeny Kalmatova on charges of receiving a bribe of 15 million rubles, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The petition of the investigation to meet, to elect against the accused Kalmatova a measure of restraint in form of detention for a period up to 7 February,” the judge said Artemov. According to investigators, the head of the 12th division of the 4th operational-investigative part of the Department of economic security and combating corruption (Webirc) Eugene Kalmatov, head of Department of management “C” Goosby Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Dmitry Atayev and their friend Timur Jusov received from the owner of the OJSC “Company EMK-Engineering” of 15 million rubles for

“I absolutely have to be there”

“I absolutely have to be there” Daughter of the arrested activist of the “Open Russia” Anastasia Shevchenko died in the hospital. Today, the city of Zverevo of the Rostov region from cardiac arrest died 17-year-old daughter of a member of the Federal Council of the “Open Russia” Anastasia Shevchenko, of the accused under article 284.1 of the criminal code (organization, recognized in Russia undesirable). A girl of five years was in Zverev’s house-boarding school for profoundly mentally retarded children. Earlier, the court placed Ms. Shevchenko under house arrest. The defendant at the trial stated to the court that this measure threatens the life of her daughter, who is in constant need of care and medications. The daughter of a member of the Federal Council of the “Open Russia”, Rostov human rights activist Anastasia Shevchenko, who is now under house arrest on charges of article 284.1 of the criminal code, on

The driver of the FSO has caused seven police squads due to a punctured wheel

The driver of the FSO has caused seven police squads due to a punctured wheel In Moscow criminal case on hooliganism against a citizen lanced through the wheel of the official car of the Federal security service (FSS), the driver who blocked the exit from the yard. This is with reference to sources reported by “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. The defendant is under recognizance not to leave despite the fact that the damage was compensated. The size of the damage was assessed chauffeur FSO 20 thousand rubles. NewsFSO develops a new way to travel The incident occurred on January 26 in front of a building on Leninsky Prospekt. It is reported that after the call the driver of the FSO to the police Department arrived at the scene seven police, investigators and rescue workers. Damaged the wheel the man was detained in the house at the Yaroslavl highway, his ex-wife was asked

Investigators revealed the luxurious interiors of housing Senator Arashukova

Investigators revealed the luxurious interiors of housing Senator Arashukova Searches in the case arrested yesterday, Senator Rauf Arashukov was on video. Video Thursday, January 31, “the” provided by the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). During the download an error has occurred. The Ministry said that the investigators jointly with the investigators of the Federal security service (FSB) and the Ministry of internal Affairs (MIA) of Russia conducted more than 40 searches in 11 cities of the country. Investigations connected with the theft of natural gas “Gazprom” for the sum more than 30 billion rubles. See also: Arashukova have seized swords and gold bars What is known Rauf Arashukov The helpof a Senator from the Caucasus were detained at a meeting He is accused of murder and incitement to overthrow the government. Read more

In St. Petersburg oncologists checked for involvement in black market drugs

In St. Petersburg oncologists checked for involvement in black market drugs We are talking about the drugs purchased by the state. The police are checking more than 40 physicians in St. Petersburg in the case of the emergence of the black market of drugs purchased by the state for the treatment of cancer. Doctors suspected of taking bribes from former employees of Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, RBC, citing a source. As believes a consequence, employees of Roche gave the doctors money under the guise of payment for participation in conferences, lectures and seminars, and in return they wrote out prescriptions for medications that supplies this pharmaceutical company. Roche employees received these prescription medications at the pharmacy, which gives preferential medicines, and then resold them on the black market.

Abnormal frosts have paralyzed the Midwest USA: photos

Abnormal frosts have paralyzed the Midwest USA: photos The strongest frost struck much of the territory of the United States. The lowest temperature observed in the Midwest of the country, where the thermometer dropped to -30 degrees Celsius. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +3° 70% 745 mm Hg. article 3 m/s GETTY IMAGES1/10 Frost was hardest hit States of North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Michigan and Illinois. In Chicago, the temperature reached a record low of -33 degrees in North Dakota recorded a frost in -37 degrees. REUTERS2/10 In many U.S. cities closed schools, government offices and museums. Public transport is intermittent. According to the latest data, from-for frosts has killed at least eight people. AFP3/10 The state of Iowa suggest those who are out in the cold, to avoid deep breaths and less talk. Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel urged residents not to go outside unless absolutely necessary. REUTERS4/10

In the cities of Russia continues evacuation due to reports of mining

In the cities of Russia continues evacuation due to reports of mining In Rostov-on-don, Azov and Rostov region, Mines, specialists of emergency services examine the reports of the mining of dozens of buildings. In particular, people were evacuated from the building of the regional government, several schools, several shopping centers and medical facilities, informs management of information policy of the regional government. Posts about mining sent via e-mail. In a press-service GU MVD of Russia in the Rostov region to comment on the situation refused, citing the fact that checking the information received. In the EMERCOM of Russia in the region are advised to apply for review to the government of the region. According to eyewitnesses, in Saint-Petersburg evacuated nine shopping malls, Gostiny Dvor and the polyustrovskiy market. The message on a mining has received several schools, Krasnoselsky district, and the school in Murino in Vsevolozhskaya CRH (Leningrad region). Urban

The Prosecutor’s office reported about searches at hundreds of enterprises of Dagestan

The Prosecutor’s office reported about searches at hundreds of enterprises of Dagestan Mass searches took place in Dagestan, the investigative actions had affected the enterprises of the gas sector. As reported on Thursday, January 31, the Prosecutor’s office of the Republic, the searches have affected almost 1000 objects, writes “RIA Novosti”. On the Board on the results for 2018, said the Prosecutor of the Republic Denis Popov, the Agency has previously identified numerous instances of unreasonable charges to residents of debts for gas. Only residents of Karabudakhkent district were more than 422 million rubles. After that, the Prosecutor’s office, interior Ministry and Federal security service conducted an audit in the Kayakentsky district. It became clear how much you consume of gas by local greenhouse complexes, following the results of check criminal case. As it turned out, acted in a “criminal scheme of massive theft of gas and money” paid by

Peskov: Putin was aware of the planned operation on detention of Senator Arashukova

Peskov: Putin was aware of the planned operation on detention of Senator Arashukova Russian President Vladimir Putin knew about the arrest beforehand, the Senator from Karachay-Cherkessia Rauf Arashukov. “Yes, the President was aware of this event before it happened,” — said the press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov. According to him, the Senator is “facing charges of sufficient gravity”. “Will be the consequence, followed by the court. While nothing more to say” — quoted by TASS representative of the Kremlin. Senator Arashukova detained January 30 directly at the plenary session of the Federation Council. He is suspected of involvement in the murder of Deputy Chairman of the public youth movement “Adyghe Khasa” Aslan Zhukov and presidential adviser Karachay-Cherkessia of Frala Shebzukhova. Basmanny court ruled to arrest Arashukova for two months. The helpof a Senator from the Caucasus were detained at a meeting He is accused of murder

After searches on the case of Senator Arashukova seized 50 kilograms of jewelry

After searches on the case of Senator Arashukova seized 50 kilograms of jewelry “Kommersant” it became known about the first results of searches conducted on the eve in the case of organized criminal community (OPS) Advisor to the General Director “Gazprom Mezhregiongaz” Raul Arashukov and his son Senator from the Karachay-Cherkess Republic Rauf Arashukov. During the download an error has occurred. After the arrest of the suspects, but they in addition Arshakovich were at least four managers of gas companies in the North Caucasian Federal district (skfo), were searched “for the purpose of finding and confiscating weapons, equipment, or other instrumentalities of crime, items, documents on gas supplies and values, which may be of importance for the criminal case”. As a result, only one of the addresses failed to detect and seize over 50 kg of jewellery, which logging is still going on. Also found were gold bars, large amount