General Drymanov not pleaded guilty to accepting bribes

General Drymanov not pleaded guilty to accepting bribes MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. The former head of the Investigative Committee in Moscow Alexander Drymanov not pleaded guilty to accepting bribes. This was reported by RIA news from the hall of the Lefortovo court of Moscow where the question on arrest of the General. To the question about why he not left Russia, the General said: “Where to go? This is our homeland”. The investigative Department of the FSB suspects Drymanov of receiving two bribes — in large and especially large size. During the download an error has occurred.How increased criminal case Name Drymanov repeatedly mentioned in the trial of his former colleagues in the Investigative Committee, the now-accused or already convicted of taking bribes from people criminal authority Shakro Young. Thus, during the trial of the former head of management of own safety of SK Michael Maksimenko, the Prosecutor

The volcanic bombs hit the ship with tourists took video

The volcanic bombs hit the ship with tourists took video MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. In a Network there was video of lava from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii, injuring 23 people. Video posted on YouTube. The footage, shot one of the passengers on the boat, you can see how close the vessel near the site of the eruption, is a powerful release of black smoke and pieces of the lava, heard the screams of people. During the download an error has occurred. Lava burst has occurred on Monday morning, lava bomb the size of a basketball, thrown from the crater during the eruption, fell on the ship on which there were 49 passengers and 3 crew members. It has affected 23 people. In early may, after activation of the Kilauea volcano on Hawaii island, the local authorities announced the evacuation of the population, affecting about 10 thousand people, more

The Prosecutor General’s office wants to interrogate in the case of Browder employees of the NSA and the CIA

The Prosecutor General’s office wants to interrogate in the case of Browder employees of the NSA and the CIA MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Russia would like to interrogate on the case of the head of Fund Hermitage Capital of William Browder employees of the NSA, CIA, state Department, and representatives of special services of other countries, such as MI-6, said chief of Department of the Prosecutor General Aleksandr Kurennoy. He called the names of some of these people. They are employees of the national security Agency USA Todd Hyman, who had signed sworn affidavits to the lawsuit in the American court according to Browder, Svetlana Engert, who took the stolen materials of the criminal case of Russia, Alexander Schwarzman, who took care of Browder during his stay in the United States, Jim Routh, a CIA agent, financial Manager Browder. In addition, prosecutors would like to question Robert Otto

The woman called the probable poisoner Skripal

The woman called the probable poisoner Skripal The assassination of former GRU officer Sergei Skripal could organize a group of six people, in which the main performer was a woman. This writes the tabloid the Daily Mail. “It is logical to believe that a woman could be in the team and played a key role,” said a source in the intelligence services. As noted, this theory is confirmed by evidence that the paralytic agent was in the perfume bottle. About it previously stated the brother of the victim from the toxin of the British. According to him, poisoned Charlie Rowley and don Sturgess found in the Park a bottle or perfume or aftershave, says the Daily Mail. After they tested the contents for yourself. Earlier, police reported that the poison was found in a small bottle in the apartment Rowley. Under the version of law enforcement bodies, “Novice” was applied

The former head of GSM TFR in Moscow Dryanovo charged with corruption

The former head of GSM TFR in Moscow Dryanovo charged with corruption Moscow. July 17. INTERFAX.RU — General denies guilt in receiving bribes. The former head of the Main investigation Department of the TFR in Moscow Alexander Drymanov officially accused of accepting bribes. “Currently, there is a procedure of indictment under part 6 St. 290 criminal code (bribery in especially large size)”, — informed “Interfax” on Tuesday informed source. Drymanov if the fault is proved, to it threatens imprisonment for the term from 8 till 15 years. Earlier an informed source told the Agency that Drymanov was arrested on suspicion of receiving a bribe by the senior officials of the TFR for the release from prison and reduced charges associate of crime boss Zakhary Kalashov (Shakro young) — Andrew Kochanova (Italian). The source also said that Drymanov not plead guilty and considers criminal case by a consequence of the slander.

Chase shootout filmed in the first person

Chase shootout filmed in the first person Police in Las Vegas released a video from the body camera of a COP who took a regular car chase, turned into a pursuit with shooting. The full video is available on YouTube. 11 Jul 43-year-old guardsman William Umana during a patrol of the streets noticed a black Ford Expedition matching the description of the car suspected of the murder. The car didn’t stop on demand, and police began pursuit. Were in the SUV, 22-year-old Fidel Miranda-and 30-year-old Rene Nunez tried to escape went into the oncoming lane and shot back. During the chase, the guard was repeatedly broadcast colleagues about the shots. As was calculated, the attackers in total shot 34 times. Due to the damage of the second police car joined the pursuit, was unable to continue. In the end, Umana became friendly with Ford suspects and fired in his direction

A source revealed the details of the case ex-the head of the Moscow dome RCDS

A source revealed the details of the case ex-the head of the Moscow dome RCDS MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the case of former head of GSU SK of Russia across Moscow Alexander Drymanov of receiving a bribe may be at least two episodes, told RIA Novosti source in law enforcement bodies. “It is likely that evidence will be enough and additional. Now the investigating authorities are working on a variety of evidence, and in the near future may appear three or four episodes, if you have enough evidence,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He noted that without “concrete” evidence, the investigators would not go to detention. Will also be studied his immediate surroundings, which, most likely, suspected of complicity. Just for the “development” General of the investigation took six months, the source added. Earlier it became known that General Alexander Drymanov, who until recently headed the Metropolitan

The ECHR ordered Russia of 20 thousand euros in favor of native Politkovskaya

The ECHR ordered Russia of 20 thousand euros in favor of native Politkovskaya MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. The European court of human rights (ECHR) on Tuesday ruled that Russian authorities should pay to the relatives of the browser “Novaya Gazeta” Anna Politkovskaya compensation for moral damages in the amount of 20 thousand euros, said the court’s decision. Known as an investigative journalist Politkovskaya, who in 2003 received the OSCE award “For journalism and democracy” for professional work in support of “human rights and freedom of the media”, was shot in Moscow in the stairwell of her apartment block in October 2006. The motive of a crime the consequence considers dissatisfaction with her journalistic work, however, customers of murder are not found. Life sentences for the execution and organization of the crime were Rustam Makhmudov and Lom-Ali gaitukayev. Their accomplices Ibragim Makhmudov, Dzhabrail Makhmudov (the brothers of Rustam) and

The ECHR has justified Russia in the case of the death of Anna Politkovskaya

The ECHR has justified Russia in the case of the death of Anna Politkovskaya MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. The European court of human rights (ECHR) refused to the relatives of Anna Politkovskaya in the imposition on Russia of responsibility for the death of the journalist “the New newspaper”, reported the press service of the Ministry of justice. “The ECHR did not agree with the argument of the applicants and declared the complaint in this part is unacceptable,” — said in the message. The Ordinance has not yet entered into force and may be appealed within three months. The court ruled that the Russian authorities should pay to the victim’s family compensation for moral damages in the amount of 20 thousand euros. The European court stated that in Russia the investigation has produced tangible results that allowed a conviction. However, the ECHR were not satisfied that the investigation is

RBC announced the arrest of former chief investigator of Moscow Drymanov

RBC announced the arrest of former chief investigator of Moscow Drymanov Last year he was in the center of a corruption scandal. The former chief of investigatory management (GSU) Investigatory Committee of Russia (SKR) across Moscow Alexander Drymanov, recently resigned, detained by the FSB, according to RBC, citing a source in the Investigative Committee and three interlocutors close to the UK. According to one of them, Timanov is arrested as a suspect in a criminal case. Timanov in the last year was in the center of a corruption scandal. His name was mentioned in a criminal case of bribe high-ranking employees of the TFR (part 6, item 290 of the criminal code) for the release from prison and reduced charges Andrew Kochanova (Italian), one of the closest associates of the thief in law Zachariah kalashova (Shakro Young). The defendants in the case — the first Deputy Drymanov Denis Nikandrov, chief