In India, one house collapsed on another

In India, one house collapsed on another Moscow. July 18. INTERFAX.RU — At least four people were victims of the collapse of two buildings in the village in and around Delhi in the state of Uttar Pradesh in Northern India, said on Wednesday the TV channel NDTV. At least 10 people, including children, can be under blockages. In particular, we are talking about a girl at the age of one year, her parents and grandmother. According to the channel, six-story building located on the stage of construction, collapsed in the second four-story building that stood nearby. The reasons for the collapse aren’t established yet. According to eyewitnesses, only lived in the house 18 families. At the scene, conducted search and rescue operations, they involve about 400 employees specialized service for combating emergencies as well as local police and fire. In connection with the collapse of the police detained three people,

A plane crash filmed from inside

A plane crash filmed from inside The passengers of the airliner that crashed in the Republic of South Africa on 10 July, the video was removed from the window during the fall. Reported by the Footage of a burning engine was removed traveler who sat in front of the left wing of the aircraft. “It’s getting worse. It’s very bad,” said a passenger behind the scenes. During the download an error has occurred. After a few minutes of shooting, the screen becomes black, then in the frame appears the smoky interior of the liner, which by that time had already fallen. On 10 July it was reported that near the city of Pretoria in South Africa crashed passenger plane. The police said that the plane likely headed to the Wonderboom aerodrome are both and fell eight miles from it. The crash injured 20 people, two of them died.

Media: dead woman in Amesbury itself is sprinkled with poison gas

Media: dead woman in Amesbury itself is sprinkled with poison gas MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. Poisoned in Amesbury woman before the incident was adorning the wrist of the liquid from the perfume bottle, which was a toxic substance, reports the Daily Mail newspaper, citing a family member of the injured men. According to him, Charlie mentioned the “strange smell” ammonia from the bottle. According to the brother of the victim, due to the loss of memory, Charlie couldn’t tell exactly where they don Sturges found a bottle of perfume. In this case, before he told the Daily Mail that the couple picked up the bottle in the Park. Earlier, the British police announced that he had found in the house Charlie Rowley bottle from under the nerve agents. According to media reports, it was a perfume bottle. The incident in Salisbury and Amesbury On the morning of 4

The court extended the house arrest of the Director Serebrennikov a total of up to a year

The court extended the house arrest of the Director Serebrennikov a total of up to a year Moscow. July 18. INTERFAX.RU — Basmanny court of Moscow until August 22, left under house arrest the artistic Director of “Gogol-center”, directed by Kirill Serebrennikov, who is accused of embezzlement of budget funds. By the same order, for a term until 19 September extended the house arrest of former head of the Department of state support of art and folk creativity Ministry of culture of Russia, Director of the Russian academic youth theatre (RAMT) Sofia Apfelbaum.

In Russia extradited a member of Basayev’s gang involved in a series of attacks

In Russia extradited a member of Basayev’s gang involved in a series of attacks MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. From Slovakia to Russia extradited a member of the gang Shamil Basayev, Aslan Yandiev, were involved in a series of resonant terror acts in Vladikavkaz in 2006, reported to the FSB. The citizen of Russia Aslan Akhmetovich Yandiev, born in 1978, was in the international wanted list. In the organization of transmission, moreover, the FSB, was attended by the Prosecutor General’s office, NCB Interpol of the MIA of Russia and the Federal penitentiary service. The wanted accused of involvement in the organization and Commission in 2006 a series of attacks involving improvised explosive devices of the big capacity in the city Park and entertainment center of Vladikavkaz, which caused victims among the civilian population. Hiding from criminal prosecution in 2010 Yandiev went abroad with fake documents and attempted legalization in

The defendants in the case about beating DJ Smash was sentenced to two years in prison

The defendants in the case about beating DJ Smash was sentenced to two years in prison PERM, July 18. /TASS/. The Lenin district court of Perm has sentenced defendants in a criminal case on beating of musician Andrey Shirman (DJ Smash) to two years imprisonment each, the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. “Recognize telepneva and Vankevich guilty under paragraphs “g”, “d”, part 2 of article 112 of the criminal code and assign the penalty of imprisonment for two years each with punishment serving in a colony-settlement,” announced the decision of the judge Simonov. A fight in a bar in Perm, which affected the musician, happened on February 10. Schirman stated that he was attacked by the former Deputy of regional Parliament Alexander Telepnev, who is a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat, and his friend Sergey Vankevich. Hearings on the case started in the district court of Perm on

The number of poisoned Shawarma in Tuva almost reached 140

The number of poisoned Shawarma in Tuva almost reached 140 Moscow. July 18. INTERFAX.RU — Physicians registered 137 cases of acute intestinal infection after eating Shawarma in Kyzyl (Tuva), said the head of the region Sholban Kara-Ool on his page in “Vkontakte”. “At this time was 137 cases of acute intestinal infection, among them 37 children. Hospitalized and 61 people, including 18 children. The stable condition with positive dynamics”, — stated in the message. The head of the region instructed the Minister of health of the Republic of Tuva does not relinquish personal control of the status of cases, and before the head of the office has set the task to clarify the circumstances of mass poisoning of people, find the perpetrators, including government officials. From July 12 to Kyzyl residents began to complain of feeling after eating Shawarma. The CPS found in the diner numerous sanitary violations. The police

The finalist of the international beauty contest was killed with a hammer in the Urals

The finalist of the international beauty contest was killed with a hammer in the Urals Model Xenia Metzger, who are in the final of the international beauty pageant Missis World Russia, was found dead in Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. She was hit with a hammer on the head, and the body hid in the woods, announced on Tuesday, July 17, the local office of “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. The regional investigation Department of the TFR said that the suspect in the crime arrested. They found 24-year-old Magnitogorsk resident. It is noted that the 29-year-old Metzger, three years ago, married and moved with her husband and son in the United States. The woman arrived in Chelyabinsk to parents, decided to sell my car Scoda Octavia was gone. Found her through the day. According to the publication, the suspect liked the car Metzger, and he invited her into his car, ostensibly to look it up

The court arrested the former head of a capital Central Board of the RF IC Alexander Drymanov

The court arrested the former head of a capital Central Board of the RF IC Alexander Drymanov MOSCOW, July 17. /TASS/ — Timanov will be under arrest until September 12. Lefortovo court of Moscow arrested the former head of GSK SK the Russian Federation across Moscow Alexander Drymanov, suspected of taking bribes, reports the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. The court decided the petition of the investigation to meet and elect against Drymanov a measure of restraint in form of detention for a period of 1 month and 27 days, i.e. until 12 September.Elena Kanevska Lefortovo court of Moscow in the closed mode has considered today the question on election of a preventive measure. Drymanov said in court that the not guilty and “ready for the legal battle.” 23 January in Moscow city court at the session on criminal case of the head of management of own safety of

The court closed the trial in the remand Dryanovo

The court closed the trial in the remand Dryanovo MOSCOW, 17 Jul — RIA Novosti. Lefortovo court of Moscow satisfied the petition of the investigation about the conduct of the meeting on election of a preventive measure former head of GSU SK of Moscow General Alexander Drymanov in the case of bribery in the closed mode, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. “The court held: the petition of the investigation to satisfy, to hold the hearing behind closed doors,” said judge Elena Caneva, correc listeners and journalists to leave the hall.