The fish decided not to transfer U.S. “blackmail”, a media report said

The fish decided not to transfer U.S. “blackmail”, a media report said MOSCOW, 19 Jul — RIA Novosti. Anastasia Vashkevich (Nasty Fish), the trial which opens on Thursday in Thailand, said that will not pass USA supposedly available information on Russia’s intervention in the American elections, reports Vice News. The citizen of Belarus Fish and her “mentor” Alexander Kirilov (Leslie) was arrested in Pattaya in Thailand in late February on charges of organizing sexual services. Previously, the Fish said that they were ready to provide the American press record conversations of Russian businessman Oleg Deripaska, which supposedly discussed Russia’s participation in American elections. In exchange, the girl had asked to be released from prison in Thailand. “I will give these records only Oleg Deripaska. I’m not one to blackmail, and I didn’t plan it”, — quotes the channel of a Fish. This review channel managed to get through a spouse

Defense Ministry official arrested Kuksin for the case of a bribe in 11 million rubles

Defense Ministry official arrested Kuksin for the case of a bribe in 11 million rubles Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU — the Director of Department of audit of public contracts of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation Maksim Kuksin is suspected of receiving bribes, he was arrested by the decision of Savelovsky court of Moscow until September 17. “The consequence suspects kuksina in getting at least 11 million rubles as a bribe”, — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the court Maria Mikhailova. Caxino is charged with receiving a bribe in especially large amount (part 6, item 290 of the criminal code). If he is found guilty, the official is threatened by punishment in the form of imprisonment for the term from 8 till 15 years. According to information posted on the website of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation, from 2005 to 2014 Kuksin replaced senior

Varchuk, sentenced to 6 years in prison and a fine of 20 million rubles for bribery

Varchuk, sentenced to 6 years in prison and a fine of 20 million rubles for bribery Ex-zamglavnogo Internal troops of the Russian Federation also stripped of his rank of Lieutenant General. Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU the Moscow garrison military court sentenced to six years in strict regime colony and a fine of 20 million rubles for bribery former zamglavy Internal troops (it) Russian Ministry of internal Affairs Vyacheslav Marchuka, the correspondent of “Interfax”. “The court sentenced: to recognize Varuka guilty of committing a crime under part 6 of article 290 of the RF criminal code (receiving a bribe in especially large size), and to appoint to it punishment in the form of 6 years of imprisonment with punishment serving in a corrective colony with a fine in the amount of 20 million rubles”, — stated in the verdict. In addition, Varchuk, the sentence is stripped of his rank of Lieutenant

The defense Ministry has filed a lawsuit against Tupolev to 923 million rubles

The defense Ministry has filed a lawsuit against Tupolev to 923 million rubles Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation has submitted to Arbitration court of Moscow the claim to the aircraft manufacturer PJSC “Tupolev” (part of JSC “UAC”) to 923 million rubles, according to a court filing. The application was registered on 17 July, however, the court left him without movement until 20 August. The essence of the claim in materials not provided. Previously, the defense Ministry has repeatedly sued “Tupolev” with a demand to recover a penalty under state contracts for service aircraft. At the hearings, representatives of the Department pointed out that the company worked with material violation of the deadline. So, for the failure of the contract from 2014, the Ministry of defense demanded a penalty in the amount of 21 billion rubles, but in March of this year withdrew the

Ministry of health: the number of poisoned Shawarma in Tuva has reached 160

Ministry of health: the number of poisoned Shawarma in Tuva has reached 160 80 people hospitalized. KRASNOYARSK, July 19. /TASS/. The number of poisoned Shawarma in the city of Kyzyl in Tuva has reached 160, said on Thursday TASS in the press service of the Ministry of health of the Republic. Outbreak of intestinal infection in Tuva were among the visitors of catering establishments “Shawarma”. As of Wednesday, the number of victims has reached 155, 80 of them were hospitalized (including 16 in serious but stable condition). “The number of hospitalizations has remained the same, however the condition has improved, and heavy now, no. The number of applicants has reached 160 people. Today asked five people, all of them are treated inpatient,” said the Ministry of health. Presumably, the cause of the poisoning was chicken meat imported from other regions. The school closed audits of suppliers. The interior Ministry of

Arrested in the case of the “Winter cherry”, the former head of the Ministry of Kuzbass tried to destroy evidence

Arrested in the case of the “Winter cherry”, the former head of the Ministry of Kuzbass tried to destroy evidence Moscow. July 19. INTERFAX.RU — the Former head of the main Department of EMERCOM in Kemerovo oblast Alexander Mamontov, accused of negligence and embezzlement in the case of the fire in TRTS “the Winter cherry”, tried to prevent the investigation, said in court Thursday the representative of the RCDS. 8фотографий8фотографий8фотографий “Set attempts to hide and destroy information. In particular, the defendant gave orders for the destruction of the accounting database. In addition, the identified compliance false information about the description of fire,” — said the representative of the investigation at the court hearing on the question of the extension of the arrest of mammoth. He asked the court to extend the arrest of the former head of the Kemerovo MOE until September 25. In total, the investigation of the case

Police have identified the poisoners Skripal

Police have identified the poisoners Skripal The police believes that it has identified poisoners of Yulia and Sergei Skripal, British Salisbury. This reports the Press Association, reports ITv. Familiar with the investigation, the source said that the police are using surveillance cameras identified the suspects, and then compared the face with a list of arriving in the country in that period. “They believe that the suspects are Russians,” he concluded. The police have refused to comment on the allegation. Sergei Skripal and his daughter was found unconscious in the British Salisbury in March of this year. According to London, was poisoned with nerve substance of the Novice class, developed in the Soviet Union for military purposes. Later, another two local residents were found with the same symptoms, one of them, don Sturgess, died July 9. The British defense Ministry has accused Russia of death of women from a “Newbie”. According

In Kemerovo residents stole the withdrawn slot machines and opened their own casino

In Kemerovo residents stole the withdrawn slot machines and opened their own casino In Kemerovo six locals stole the withdrawn slot machines and opened an illegal casino. This was reported on the website of the regional SK. According to investigators, in July 2017, the suspects staged gambling hall in the basement in the Central district of Kemerovo, the “disguise” it under the enterprise engaged in trade bills. After the Scam was uncovered, investigators seized at least 30 arcade machines and computer equipment. Also, the investigation revealed that persons from among suspects stole 15 gaming machines, previously seized by the police in another criminal case. Thereby they caused damage in the amount of 225 thousand rubles. The criminal investigation continues. 8 Feb source “” in law enforcement agencies reported that the police unearthed a large underground casino in Moscow, which was located in the apartment belonging to Victor bout, who is

The dead Briton has taken a “Newbie” perfume, and I wore them

The dead Briton has taken a “Newbie” perfume, and I wore them Don Sturgess, who died in British Amesbury from nerve agents “Beginner”, I could mix it with the spirits of itself to inflict poison on the skin. It is reported by Sky News, citing the investigation. The TV channel notes that the deceased was spray poison on the face and hands from the bottle she found in a local Park with his friend Charles Rowley. This confirms the assertion of the police that “Novice” was found in a small bottle in the apartment Rowley. July 17 began the autopsy of the deceased, experts will try to determine the exact cause of her death, and will attempt to make a final conclusion, whether it died Sturgess from “Newbie” from the same batch that had poisoned Skripal. A pair of Britons were poisoned in Amesbury on June 30. It was found

The former head of Moore received a suspended sentence on charges of corruption

The former head of Moore received a suspended sentence on charges of corruption MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The Moscow garrison military court reduced the charge ex-the chief of Moscow criminal investigation Department General Viktor Trutnev on charges of corruption and sentenced him to five years probation, reports the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. Retired police officer charged with part 4 of article 291.1 of the Criminal code “Mediation in bribery in especially large size”. The amount of bribes, mediation in which the consequence calls Trutnev, amounted to 70 thousand dollars. Guilty in the case, the court also found the former employee of FSB of Arthur Yusufov, Denis Semenov and Alexei Vinokourov. The prosecution, however, Trutnev was mitigated. The court reclassified the actions of the General article 30 part 4 of article 159 of the criminal code “Attempted fraud”. The other three defendants also received suspended