In Greece raging wildfires. Authorities say more than 50 dead

In Greece raging wildfires. Authorities say more than 50 dead At least 50 people, as it fears the Greek authorities, was killed in forest fires raging near Athens. It is the largest of the fires in Greece for more than ten years. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The red Cross reports that 26 bodies found in the yard of the Villa in the seaside village of Mati, located at the epicenter of this natural disaster. Prior to that, according to official figures, the death toll was 24 people. Rescuers on boats and helicopters to evacuate residents from the affected fire areas. The Greek authorities have requested international help. Hundreds of firefighters are fighting the fire. Some residents of the suburbs of Athens, just in case, have fled their homes. A separate operation is performed at the search and rescue of 10 tourists who were saved from the fire, floating away on a boat at

The Prosecutor’s office began checking video killing a kitten with an axe

The Prosecutor’s office began checking video killing a kitten with an axe Moscow. July 24. INTERFAX.RU — Two Schoolgirls in a village in the Altai region hacked to death a kitten and filmed it to post on the Internet, said on Tuesday the press center of the regional Prosecutor’s office. “On July 23 in social networks was posted a video that captured the killing of a kitten with two underage girls. This incident happened in one of the settlements of Burlin district. Girl hacked to death a kitten with an axe. They filmed the incident on video which was subsequently posted on social networks”, — stated in the message. The Prosecutor’s office organized a check on the fact of cruel treatment of animals. “Will assess culprits of the death of the animal, as well as the work of bodies of system of prevention of juvenile delinquency, including the school in

The number of victims of forest fires in Greece close to 50

The number of victims of forest fires in Greece close to 50 Rescuers still unable to penetrate in fire areas where the dead and injured. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий Moscow. July 24. INTERFAX.RU — the bodies of 24 people who died as a result of a forest fire, found in a Villa 30 km from Athens, said Tuesday the local media, citing data from the red cross. The resort village of Mati, where is Villa, according to estimates of the authorities, is the most affected from the fire settlement. According to the representative of the government, after the fire, Mother “practically ceased to exist”. Previously, the government officially reported about 24 victims of the fire. More than 100 people suffered burns and injuries. Rescuers involved in extinguishing the fire and evacuating people, do not rule out that the number of victims can increase. While firefighters could not enter the areas affected by the

The investigator after being tortured went to the army

The investigator after being tortured went to the army SK explains how the audit was conducted on the complaint of the beating in the Yaroslavl prison. SU TFR in the Yaroslavl region checks the work of a former employee of the Department, which last year refused to initiate a criminal case on allegations of torture in IK-1 convicted of Evgeny Makarov. The beating was on video. It turned out that the ex-investigator is in the army. Monday was detained six employees of a colony, are expected to further detentions. IR-1 called for the head of the HRC Mikhail Fedotov and the first Deputy Director of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia Anatoly Rudy. According to the service representative, beaten convict himself provoked the conflict. Against the former investigator of the investigation Department of the Zavolzhskiy district of Yaroslavl SU TFR in the region, Lieutenant of justice Rodion Svirsky launched a

WSJ: Russian hackers gained access to the US power grid

WSJ: Russian hackers gained access to the US power grid The hackers allegedly involved with Russia in 2017 was able to access the computers of the energy infrastructure of the United States. At their disposal could be tools for mass power outages in the country, reports The Wall Street Journal, citing Federal authorities. We are talking about hackers from the organization Dragonfly or Energetic Bear. They were able to penetrate into considered secure isolated computer networks of American companies. To do this, the hackers broke into the computers of companies associated with the utilities contracts for the maintenance of their network infrastructure. After that, the cybercriminals used the stolen personal data of employees of these firms to penetrate the networks of energy companies. The hackers managed to gather information about the working principles of the equipment and networks of producers and suppliers of electricity. The Ministry of internal security of

The oil hole will find

The oil hole will find Rosneft discovered a leak 89 billion. The largest judicial claims 89 billion rubles, which “Rosneft” has put forward to their partners-participants of the agreement on production section (SRP) under the project “Sakhalin-1” can be a means of pressure on foreigners in the negotiations on the possible loss of oil, according to lawyers. Disputes between oil companies about the flow of hydrocarbons from one area to another due to the complex Geology of the reservoirs are not uncommon in the world practice most often are settled without trial — as part of the negotiations on the basis of the revised calculations. The arbitration court of Sakhalin region revealed in the record of judgments details of a lawsuit filed July 13 by Rosneft to the shareholders of the consortium of PSA project “Sakhalin-1”. The amount of the claim is 89 billion roubles, the defendants are the PSA

An accomplice of the country. escaped from a Mexican prison through the gate

An accomplice of the country. escaped from a Mexican prison through the gate A daring escape through the main gate made assistant Mexican drug Lord Shorty Julian Grimaldi, reports “RIA Novosti” on Tuesday, July 24. Julian Grimaldi, his cellmate and two guards went through all the posts of the prison. The criminals were dressed in police uniforms. The guards involved in the crime also disappeared. In January of last year the leader of the cartel “Sinaloa” Joaquin Guzman, nicknamed Shorty, was issued to the American authorities. In the USA he is accused of smuggling and selling drugs, laundering of billions of dollars, the killings and abductions. The trial of Shorty was moved to September 2018.

Media revealed new details of the case Karina Tsurkan

Media revealed new details of the case Karina Tsurkan A former member of the Board of “inter RAO”, accused of espionage, tried to “stifle” Moldavskaya GRES to sell it for parts of Romania, the sources said “MK”. Accused of espionage Karina Tsurkan tried to sell Romania a power plant in Transnistria, according to sources of “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. According to interlocutors of the edition, a former member of the Board of “inter RAO” was trying to sell the Moldovan power plant parts and plant specially taken out for a small fraction of the performance. In 2005, the Moldovan power station, located in Transnistria are privatized, and she joined the “inter RAO”. It has four turbines, however, in the last few years was only one of them, and the object was used primarily as a repeater, transmitting electricity from Russia and Ukraine for exports, says “MK”.

Media: in case of treason in the Institute there is another suspect

Media: in case of treason in the Institute there is another suspect In the case of treason, in addition to the employee TsNIIMash Victor Kudryavtsev, is another man. This is reported by TASS and “Interfax” with reference to own sources. “In the criminal case of treason two suspects — said the source TASS.— According to investigators, the defendants passed information to one of the Western countries”. The Agency source did not disclose the name of the second suspect. According to the interlocutor of “Interfax”, the second suspect arrested in the treason. On the website of the Lefortovo court really had information about the detention of a citizen, a suspect under article 275 (high treason), but his name is hidden. The press service of Roskosmos, which oversees the Institute, said that it has no information about the second suspect. Earlier, “Kommersant” told about the searches in the structures of “Roskosmos”, and

The Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary inmate accused Makarov of provocation

The Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary inmate accused Makarov of provocation Deputy head of the Federal penitentiary service Anatoly Rudy today said that the beaten prisoner Evgeny Makarov deliberately provoked the employees of the Yaroslavl colony IK-1. Makarov “made 136 violations in the colony, been trying to provoke the staff,” Rudy told reporters. However, “in the end, the employees were not supposed to prevent what happened,” admitted Rudy. “We have to acknowledge that our staff did not fulfill their duties completely. Our employees are not held documentation and was not given a legal assessment”, — he said. The Commissioner for human rights in the Yaroslavl region Sergey Baburkin said that a year ago after the first treatment Makarov saw only a small section of the scandalous video. The President of the Council under the President of Russia on human rights Mikhail Fedotov, Rudy and Baburkin left in the Yaroslavl