In the result of incident with a catamaran in Khakassia, may, one person died

In the result of incident with a catamaran in Khakassia, may, one person died MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/ — the search is planned to use the helicopter Mi-8 of EMERCOM of Russia. Catamaran with six people capsized during a river rafting It at the Tashtyp district of the Republic of Khakassia, said on Wednesday the press service of the regional EMERCOM. “Received information that at an alloy on the river It is in MO Tashtypskogo district happened to capsize boat (catamaran) with a group of six people. For carrying out search works the scheduled departure of the helicopter Mi-8 of EMERCOM of Russia”, — stated in the message. The South Siberian search and rescue team sent a group of 6 people. As a result of capsizing of a catamaran may have killed one person. About TASS reported in a Single duty and dispatch service of the district. “According to preliminary

Fedotov: the detainee was beaten Makarova in two colonies of the Yaroslavl region

Fedotov: the detainee was beaten Makarova in two colonies of the Yaroslavl region VORONEZH, July 25. /TASS/ — According to the Chairman of the HRC, Evgeny Makarov in urgent need of assistance of a psychologist to stabilize the condition. Detainee Evgeniya Makarova was beaten in two colonies located on the territory of Yaroslavl region. On Wednesday he told reporters the President of the Council under RF President on development of civil society and human rights (HRC) Mikhail Fedotov, who is with working visit in Voronezh region. “Makarov has been beaten not only in colony No. 1. When he was transferred to colony No. 8 in December last year, he was again subjected to beatings in there,” said Fedotov, answering the question TASS correspondent. The Chairman of the HRC noted that Makarov is in urgent need of help of a psychologist to stabilize the condition. A psychological portrait of convicted Makarova

The prisoner died in the colony of Yekaterinburg

The prisoner died in the colony of Yekaterinburg Moscow. July 25. INTERFAX.RU human rights Defenders appealed to the Prosecutor’s office in connection with the death of a prisoner in the IR-10 Ekaterinburg, have informed Agency “Interfax” the human rights activist Alexei Sokolov. 37-year-old inmate, according to the inmates, was planning a hunger strike. “The colony administration has recognized the event of the death of the prisoner. It happened at the end of June. Provided the reference, according to which he died from heart failure,” said Sokolov. The press service of the regional administration of the Russian Agency reported that the convict was serving a sentence under part 1 of article 30 of the criminal code (preparation for a crime and attempted crime) and part 4 of the article 228.1 of the criminal code (illegal manufacture, sale, or shipment of narcotic drugs). He was sentenced to six years imprisonment. “June 30

The participant of Pussy Riot in the world Cup final Verzilov fined for wearing police uniforms

The participant of Pussy Riot in the world Cup final Verzilov fined for wearing police uniforms Moscow. July 25. INTERFAX.RU — the court sentenced him to a fine of fifteen thousand rubles. World court of Hamovnichesky area of Moscow has appointed an administrative fine of 1500 roubles to the participant of the punk band Pussy Riot during the final of the world Cup in Moscow, Peter Verzilova for illegal wearing police uniforms, the correspondent of “Interfax”. “The court decided: to recognize Verzilova guilty of an offence under part 1 of article 17.12 of the administrative code (unlawful wearing of uniform), and to appoint to it punishment in the form of an administrative fine of fifteen thousand rubles”, — announced the decision of the judge of the world plot of 364 Khamovniki district Svetlana Shatrova. Similar administrative proceedings against the three participants of the action Pussy Riot — Veronica Nikulinoj, Olga

Arrested three defendants in the case about tortures in the Yaroslavl colony

Arrested three defendants in the case about tortures in the Yaroslavl colony YAROSLAVL, 25 Jul — RIA Novosti. Zavolzhsky district court of Yaroslavl was taken into custody Junior inspector IK-1 Sergey Drachev, senior inspector of the security Department Maxim Yablokov and Deputy chief of the operations division of a colony Sergey Efremova detained previously convicted for torture. Drachev was placed in jail until September 22, Ephraim till 20 September, according to Yablokov, the timing is not specified. All three pleaded guilty, Yablokov even wrote a confession. While the detainees and the arrested can’t explain why you showed such cruelty. The next meeting for another three suspects. Just are six of the jailers. Whether to recognize the guilt of others is unknown. Torture in IK-1 Footage of the beating of a prisoner in the Yaroslavl colony No. 1 last week, published “Novaya Gazeta”. According to her, the incident occurred in June

The court arrested for two months of an employee of the Yaroslavl colony No. 1

The court arrested for two months of an employee of the Yaroslavl colony No. 1 YAROSLAVL, July 25. /TASS/ Sergey Drachev — the first of six defendants in the case about beating of the prisoner. Zavolzhsky district court of Yaroslavl has arrested for two months of the employee of a corrective colony № 1 Sergey Drachev — the first of six defendants in the case about the beating of a prisoner, the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. “Sergey Drachev detained,” said the judge. About the case Material about beating Evgeniya Makarova in the Yaroslavl colony No. 1 in 2017 appeared on the website of “Novaya Gazeta” last week. The text was accompanied by a ten-minute video, which was provided by the lawyers of Fund “the Public verdict”. The footage shows how people in the form of prison staff beat and insult the man. According to lawyers, is a prisoner

SK has accused the ex-defense Minister Hrytsenko calls to blow up trains in Russia

SK has accused the ex-defense Minister Hrytsenko calls to blow up trains in Russia MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/ — According to the investigation, the statement Gritsenko made during an online conference broadcasting company “Studio 1+1”. Russia’s investigative Committee in absentia brought accusation to the former Minister of defence of Ukraine Anatoly Gritsenko in public appeals to the railway trains in Russia. This was reported TASS the press service of the Ministry. We are talking about his speech in a live broadcast on Ukrainian television on 16 July 2014. It is clarified that the involvement of Gritsenko to commit this crime set, “according to the results of the investigative action, portrait and linguistic expertise”. Against Hrytsenko, a criminal case under part 2 of article 205.2 of the criminal code (“Public appeals to implementation of terrorist activities”). As reported in the UK, the episode was identified during the investigation of the Main

The detainee employee of the Yaroslavl colony wrote a confession

The detainee employee of the Yaroslavl colony wrote a confession YAROSLAVL, July 25. /TASS/ — Protection Maxim Yablokov insists on his house arrest. The detainee employee of the Yaroslavl colony No. 1 Maxim Yablokov wrote a confession. The corresponding petition was transferred by his attorney at the meeting about election of a measure of restraint to detained employees of IK, which is held in Zavolzhsky district court of Yaroslavl, the correspondent of TASS from the courtroom. Yablokov is a senior inspector of Department of security in the colony, where he was beaten by inmate James Monroe. I gave up call to the Investigative Committee a confession, confessed to the investigating authorities. The petition of the investigation does not agree.Maxim Yablokov The court Yablokov gave testimony. It was also announced that there is evidence of a conviction under the criminal code of Russian Federation “Theft”. Yablokova’s lawyer Sergei Sokolov seeks house

Source: ex-head of GSU SK across Moscow Dryanovo was charged with accepting bribes

Source: ex-head of GSU SK across Moscow Dryanovo was charged with accepting bribes MOSCOW, July 25. /TASS/ — the Earlier Lefortovsky court arrested the suspect until 12 September. The FSB was charged with accepting bribes to the former head of the Main investigatory management (GSU) SK the Russian Federation across Moscow Alexander Drymanov. About this TASS said a source in the investigative bodies. “Dryanovo was formally charged with accepting bribes,” — said the Agency interlocutor. July 17, Lefortovo court of Moscow arrested Drymanov. This decision was appealed by the defence, the case will be considered on July 31. 23 January in Moscow city court at the session on criminal case of the head of management of own safety of investigative Committee Mikhail Maksimenko state Prosecutor Boris Loktionov said that in the negotiations about the diversion in relation to the criminal authority of Andrey Kochanova also participated Drymanov. At the time

The European Union has announced mourning for the victims of forest fires in Greece

The European Union has announced mourning for the victims of forest fires in Greece BRUSSELS, July 25. /TASS/ — All working meetings of the European Commission on July 25 will begin with a minute of silence. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The European Union declared mourning in connection with the deaths of dozens of people in Greece during the forest fires. In front of the residences of the European institutions in Evrokvartira flags at half-mast, the correspondent of TASS from the event. During the day on July 25 all sessions at the European Commission will begin with a minute of silence in respect of victims of forest fires in Greece.the press service of the European Commission A similar decision was adopted by the European Parliament. As reported on Tuesday, citing firefighters of Athens-Macedonian news Agency, the number of victims of forest fires in Greece has risen to 74 people, 187 people, including 23 children,