The number of victims of fires in Greece has risen to 91 persons

The number of victims of fires in Greece has risen to 91 persons MOSCOW, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. The number of victims of large-scale forest fires in East Attica in Greece has increased to 91 people, 25 missing, according to local emergency services. According to the National center of health, four people died in hospitals of Attica, thus the number of victims has risen to 91. According to the fire service, currently listed as missing 25 people. This is the first official information about the missing in a fire on July 23. Forensic experts have identified 59 bodies, while the identity of another 28 dead remain unknown. The health Ministry of Greece announced that ten of the fire victims in Mati are still in the ICU and that a total of 43 adults and one child are still in hospital. Earlier it was reported that injured about 190 people.

In Irkutsk, five people remain in hospital after a major accident

In Irkutsk, five people remain in hospital after a major accident One taken to hospital police after the medical examination was sent to outpatient treatment at the hospital are five people, reported RIA Novosti on Sunday morning, the representative of the Ministry of health of the Irkutsk region. IRKUTSK, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the night of Sunday, several crews of traffic police pursued on the roads of Irkutsk traffic violator. After the car of the offender has been blocked, and began the process of committing the offense, the group of policemen crashed into a Ford. In result of the accident injured ten people, including nine police officers. Six of the victims were hospitalized, four sent to outpatient treatment. “After a more detailed examination of one of the victims was sent to outpatient treatment. In the hospital stay of five people,” — said RIA Novosti representative of the Ministry

40 people killed in Mexican state in two days

40 people killed in Mexican state in two days In the Mexican state Guanajuato for 27 and 28 July killed 40 people, according to Aristegui Noticias. According to him, July 27, was killed 19 people and 28 Jul — 21. Most of the dead died from gunshot wounds. The authors note that they could become victims of war narkokartelei for spheres of influence. Meanwhile, in another Mexican state of Puebla at a time were killed six police officers. According to Excelsior, early in the morning in a police car crashed into another car, the passengers shot the policemen who came to find out what happened, and then disappeared. Since the beginning of the year in Mexico killed 16 thousand people — 18% higher than in 2017.

Eyewitnesses filmed a failed attempt of the shark attack on tourists

Eyewitnesses filmed a failed attempt of the shark attack on tourists In China resort of Sanya on Hainan island, a huge shark swam in shallow water and tried to attack tourists on the beach. The corresponding video is published on Youtube. MOSCOW, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. The footage shows how a shark with a length of about two meters rushing in the water, trying to bite at least one of the people who surrounded her. During the download an error has occurred. Thus tourists do not think about precautionary measures and continue to shoot taking place just a few meters from the predator. Earlier in Australia took video of a shark trying to drag under the water woman. The victim tried to feed from a boat by medium-sized members of the species rusty sharks, but the animal grabbed the food with his fingers and dropped the woman into the

Defending Milosevic before the Hague Tribunal lawyer shot dead in Belgrade

Defending Milosevic before the Hague Tribunal lawyer shot dead in Belgrade The Belgrade lawyer, Dragoslav Misha Ognjanovic, speaking on a number of high-profile cases, was shot dead on Saturday evening in the Serbian capital, his son injured, according to the national television RTS. BELGRADE, 29 Jul — RIA Novosti. Unknown, according to police, shot 56-year-old Ognjanovica on the street anti-fascist Struggle in the area of New Belgrade around 19.30 (20.30 GMT). The lawyer from the received wounds has died, his 26-year-old son with a wound of the hand was brought to the city emergency center. At the scene working police inspectors and criminologists. “Employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs together with the Prosecutor’s office take all necessary steps to ensure that it was as soon as possible solved and the culprit was found,” the channel quoted the head of the criminal police Dejan Kovacevic. In recent years, the victim

Eight police officers injured in chase near Irkutsk

Eight police officers injured in chase near Irkutsk In the Irkutsk region nine people, including eight policemen, were injured during the pursuit violated traffic rules by the car. About it reported in a press-service GU MVD in the region. The incident occurred at about 01:00 local time on 29 July (20:00 GMT July 28). “The driver did not obey demands to stop, repeatedly created a dangerous emergency. During the pursuit the vehicle was detained in the district Irkutnogo bridge. But when placing materials on offense another motorist crashed into a traffic police”, — quotes the representative of the police Agency TASS. Eight victims were sent to the hospital, another victim hospitalization is not required. According to the website of the TV channel REN-TV, citing witnesses, the offender is 23-year-old Nicholas D. — received gunshot wounds. The young man broke the rules and tried to escape from traffic police, which the

Trump has declared a state of emergency in California

Trump has declared a state of emergency in California US President, Donald trump declared a state of emergency in California due to raging in the region of forest fires. US President, Donald trump declared a state of emergency in California due to raging in the region of forest fires. This was reported on the White house website. “Today President Donald trump announced the state of emergency in California and ordered to provide Federal support to state, tribes, and on the ground in emergency conditions due to forest fires,” the document says. Earlier it was reported that about 37 million California residents evacuated from forest fire. According to the Agency, the fire intensified, its area is about 328 sq. km. In addition, fire can destroy almost 5,000 homes.

VC destroyed moving to the base Hamim drone

VC destroyed moving to the base Hamim drone MOSCOW, 28 Aug — RIA Novosti. Videoconferencing in Syria on July 27, found and destroyed the territory of the militants the drone approaching the base Hamim, according to the Russian Center for conciliation of the warring parties in Syria. “The twenty-seventh of July with the onset of night time means of control of the airspace of the Russian space forces were detected approaching the Russian air base Hamim from the North-West direction of the UAV, controlled by the illegal armed groups of the territory to the North of Latakia province”, — stated in the message. Added that the standard anti-aircraft firepower “air target was destroyed at a distance from the air base”. “Victims or material damage. Russian airbase Hamim operates in a planned mode”, — stated in the message. Russian centre for reconciliation encourages commanders of illegal armed groups to refrain from

In the aircraft flight Chisinau — Saint Petersburg was struck by lightning

In the aircraft flight Chisinau — Saint Petersburg was struck by lightning Moscow. July 28. INTERFAX.RU — the plane departed in the second half of the day on Saturday on the route Chisinau — St. Petersburg, was struck by lightning. As reported “Interfax” the press service of the airport, the incident occurred 10 minutes after departure from Chisinau airport when the plane gained altitude. “The plane belongs to the Russian company S7. By lightning no one was hurt, the equipment worked properly. However, for reasons of safety, the crew decided to return to Chisinau airport. The landing took place successfully,” — said the press service. Onboard the liner there were 113 passengers, nobody has suffered. All passengers returned to the airport. The flight was postponed indefinitely, and the aircraft has a thorough technical check. As reported, on July 13, lightning hit a Boeing-737 of airline “Victory” returning from Berlin to

In Australia, the Dingo woman lured into an ambush and nearly killed

In Australia, the Dingo woman lured into an ambush and nearly killed On mine in the Pilbara on the Western Australia Dingo dog almost killed a woman by luring her into a trap using the phone, according to 7News. MOSCOW. 28 Jul — RIA Novosti. It is noted that a Dingo attacked a 54-year-old deb Rundle, who works at the mine security guard, at a time when she had dinner in the dining room. Dingo walked over to her table, grabbed the phone and ran away. The woman chased after the animal, but I came across another two dogs, who immediately attacked her and started biting his arms and legs. The woman tried to escape, but the dog wouldn’t let go. Only ten minutes later Rundle’s colleagues heard screams and came to her aid, expelling animals. The woman was taken to the hospital where she is recovering from surgery. According