In Africa killed Russian journalists

In Africa killed Russian journalists Orkhan Jemal, Alexander Rastorguev and Kirill Radchenko became victims of attacks by unknown. On Tuesday, July 31, it became known about the murder in Central African Republic (CAR) three Russian journalist Orhan Cemal, cameraman Kirill Radchenko and documentary filmmaker Alexander Rastorguev. They went in the CAR to make a film about the activities there of Russian private military companies for online project control Center “investigation”. The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case on the fact of murder of Russians, and the Russian foreign Ministry deals with the return of their bodies home. First about the death of Russians in the Central African Republic reported Tuesday by the French news Agency AFP. Citing its sources, the Agency reported that three Russians were stopped at the checkpoint, and later killed by “unknown armed men”. Their bodies were found North of Bangui, capital of CAR, on

In Mexico, when the crash injured 85 people

In Mexico, when the crash injured 85 people In the Mexican state of Durango crashed passenger plane Embraer 190 of Aeromexico airline. The Ministry of transport informs that onboard there were 97 passengers and 4 crew members. The Governor of the state wrote in Twitter, that were killed there. However, there are victims. First local mistawasis that injured 18 people. Later, officials said injured at least 85 people. Lo que sabemos del accidente de @Aeromexico: ?Despegó del Aeropuerto Guadalupe Victoria de Durango. ?Iban más de 100 pasajeros?El avión tenía como destino el @AICM_mx ?Oficialmente no hay muertos ni heridos — El Heraldo de México (@elheraldo_mx) July 31, 2018. Flight 2431 heading from Durango to Mexico city. Authorities report that the plane crashed during takeoff. Eyewitnesses said that they heard cotton. The Russian Embassy in Mexico said that no information was on Board the Russians.

The test of the us Intercontinental ballistic missile ended in failure

The test of the us Intercontinental ballistic missile ended in failure As reported in the press service of the global strike Command of the air force, the product destroyed the security reasons during a flight over the Pacific ocean. WASHINGTON. /TASS/. Ended in failure on Tuesday test-fired an Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Minuteman III. As reported the press service of the global strike Command of the air force, the missile was destroyed for safety reasons during a flight over the Pacific ocean. It started early in the morning on July 31 from a silo at Vandenberg air force base (California) and at 04:42 (14:42 MSK) at the time the Pacific coast of the U.S. it was sent a signal of self-destruction. Representatives of the U.S. air force said that during the flight the missiles were detected anomalies. However, no other details, they failed. “Anomaly — any unexpected event during the

Mexican authorities told about the victims of the plane crash

Mexican authorities told about the victims of the plane crash The Governor of the state of Durango wrote in his Twitter that the crash of the Embraer-190 airlines Aeromexico injured 80 people. The message of the official reports Reuters. He also noted that as a result of the crash no one was killed. The causes of the crash is currently unknown. At the scene working emergency services. The condition of the victims is not specified. Earlier it was reported that in Mexico crashed a plane with 101 persons aboard. The incident was confirmed by the airline. Later it became known that on Board were 101 people — 97 passengers and four crew members. Se habla se 80 lesionados tras desplome de avión #Aeromexico en #Durango el equipo es un Embraer 190 en ruta México-Durango — Azucena Darnley (@azucenau) July 31, 2018.

In Africa killed three Russian journalist

In Africa killed three Russian journalist MOSCOW — RIA Novosti. Three citizens of the Russian Federation, presumably, journalists Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orkhan Jemal was killed in the Central African Republic under mysterious circumstances. According to preliminary data, they could be killed in the attack and robbery. In the “control Center investigations” Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who sent a group of three Russians in the Central African Republic, said that those made documentary films about local life. At the moment the bodies taken to the Republic’s capital, Bangui. Russia’s investigative Committee opened a case into the killing of Russian citizens. Contacted yesterday The first data about the detection in CAR bodies three people with press cards, presumably immigrants from Russia began to arrive in the area 17.30 GMT. Agence France-Presse, citing sources said that they “were killed by unidentified armed men.” Some media reported that two of the three killed were

FAS has found cartels in the Dagestani mountains

FAS has found cartels in the Dagestani mountains Service reported on pharmaceutical and road collusion in the Republic. At the meeting with acting head of Dagestan Vladimir Vasiliev, Deputy head of the Federal Antimonopoly service (FAS) Andrey tsarikovskiy informed about the detection of the Republic of the two major cartels, have earned the drugs and road construction 25 billion. the investigation was conducted by the “cartel” working group of the Central apparatus of the FAS together with the Prosecutor of the Republic and the local Department of the FSB. More than 30 employees of the FAS together with the security forces conducted in Dagestan, three major review, the results of which filed two antitrust cases in the pharmaceutical sector and in road construction. Illegally obtained income as a result of these cartels was 8 billion and 17 billion rubles. respectively. Commission for consideration of prosecutions of anticompetitive agreements was headed

Fighters against corruption is poorly integrated into the market

Fighters against corruption is poorly integrated into the market Arrested employees of the Department “M” FSB, the Federal penitentiary service develops. As it became known “Kommersant”, in Moscow, arrested two officers of management “M” of the FSB, on the basis of the reports which are now carried out an extensive investigation in the Federal penitentiary service, in which he was arrested, the Deputy Director of the prison service Oleg Korshunov. According to investigators, fighters with corruption in law enforcement agencies are themselves involved in the illegal transaction on alienation of half of the assets of the company, who owned the construction market in the South-East of the capital. Counterintelligence caught in the cells of the remand prison “Lefortovo” next to the officials, which they developed, their guilt in a large fraud in denial. The decision on detention of the mayor Sergey Nikitiuk and captain Konstantin Strukov took the Moscow garrison

SK filed a case into the killing of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic

SK filed a case into the killing of Russian journalists in the Central African Republic The investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case into the killing of three Russian journalists in the Central African Republic. This was reported on the website of the Department. As noted, SK is ready to provide police CAR to help in the investigation of murders of journalists. Earlier the Russian foreign Ministry confirmed that the CARS were killed by Russian journalists Kirill Radchenko, Orkhan Jemal and Alexander Rastorguev. As noted, the victims were only journalistic documents. The UN said the bodies of three men were found in the car 33 miles to the North of Sibutu.

The foreign Ministry commented on the situation with the death of Russians in the Central African Republic

The foreign Ministry commented on the situation with the death of Russians in the Central African Republic The Russian foreign Ministry confirmed that the CARS were killed by Russian journalists Kirill Radchenko, Orkhan Jemal and Alexander Rastorguev. This was reported on the website of the foreign Ministry. It is noted that they had only journalistic documents. The bodies were taken to the capital of the CARS Bangui. It is also reported that the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic has not been informed about the arrival of journalists. Now the Embassy staff are working with local law enforcement and the government to clarify the circumstances of the incident and sending the bodies of Russians to their homeland. “We Express our condolences to the family and friends of the victims and are ready to provide their families with the necessary support”, — stated in the message. Earlier, the UN said

In Nizhny Novgorod found the body of missing journalist

In Nizhny Novgorod found the body of missing journalist Missing in Nizhny Novgorod journalist “Arguments and facts” Sergei Grachev found dead. This was reported in Twitter Nizhny Novgorod search and rescue team “Volunteer”. According to the squad, Grachev was found dead. As noted in the PSO expressed its condolences to the family of the journalist. This detachment does not provide any details about the reasons of destruction of Grachev. Earlier it was reported that in Nizhny Novgorod disappeared journalist “Arguments and facts” Sergei Grachev. As noted, Grachev last seen leaving the Sheraton hotel on July 21.