Saudi Arabia has resumed the transit of oil via the Red sea

Saudi Arabia has resumed the transit of oil via the Red sea Saudi Arabia resumed the transportation of oil through Bab-El-Mandeb, suspended after the attack, Yemeni Huthis on two tankers, according to Reuters. “The decision to resume the supply of oil through the Strait of Bab al-Mandeb was taken after the leadership coalition (leading the fight against rebels in Yemen. — “”) Has taken the necessary measures to protect vessels,” said Minister of energy, industry and mineral resources of Saudi Arabia, Khaled al-Faleh. Yemeni rebels from the movement “Ansar Allah” has attacked Saudi oil tankers in the Red sea on July 25. The tanker received minor injuries, none of the crew was not injured. On 26 July, the transportation of oil through the Strait were suspended. Bab-El-Mandeb Strait (connects the Red sea and Gulf of Aden Arabian sea) is a strategically important route of transportation. According to the U.S. energy

Became known version of crash of Mi-8 in Krasnoyarsk region

Became known version of crash of Mi-8 in Krasnoyarsk region Moscow. 4 Aug. INTERFAX.RU Accident of helicopter Mi-8 in Krasnoyarsk region caused a collision with another helicopter taking off from the same site, reported “Interfax” a source in the operational headquarters on the spot. “Previously, the helicopter passengers flew behind the helicopter carrying the hoist metal structure and the blades touched the external load of the first helicopter,” the source said. The crew of the second helicopter was forced to dump the cargo on the earth in order to crash. People on Board were not injured. Earlier, citing a source in the emergency services has reported that, according to preliminary data, the helicopter crash in the Krasnoyarsk region killed 17 people. Meanwhile, according to EMERCOM in the Krasnoyarsk territory, the helicopter made a hard landing, on Board were 15 passengers and three crew members. In the Krasnoyarsk region, 18 people

Dead bodies in CAR of Russian journalists arrived in Paris

Dead bodies in CAR of Russian journalists arrived in Paris The bodies of the dead in the Central African Republic (CAR) journalist Orhan Jemal, Director Alexander Rastorguev and operator Kirill Radchenko delivered to Paris. About it reports TV channel “Russia-24”. From Paris the bodies of the Russians will take another plane to Moscow. It is reported that in Moscow the plane will arrive on Saturday night, August 5. Dead bodies in CAR of Russian journalists was sent from Bangui on 3 August. The Russian foreign Ministry said that unidentified assailants attacked the Russian journalists in the Central African Republic for the purpose of robbery. Earlier it was reported that the dead man in the CAR of the journalist Orhan Jemal will bury on Khovansky a cemetery in Moscow.

In Sochi found the body of one of two children who were carried away by the current of the river

In Sochi found the body of one of two children who were carried away by the current of the river SOCHI, Aug 4 — RIA Novosti. Rescuers Sochi was found in the river the body of one of the children, who on Friday took over the river, told RIA Novosti press-service of the southern regional search and rescue team (UCSO) of EMERCOM of Russia. Earlier it was reported that four tourists — a man, a woman and two children 4 and 15 years old, fell into the river Plastunka. Adults were rescued, the children drifted out. SU IC RF for the Krasnodar region organized a pre-investigation inspection on the fact of disappearance of the two minor children. According to the city hall, in search of the children involved more than 400 people. “Rescuers found the body of a teenager in the river Sochi,” — said the press service of UCSO.

In the Krasnoyarsk region, 18 people were killed in the crash of Mi-8 helicopter

In the Krasnoyarsk region, 18 people were killed in the crash of Mi-8 helicopter MOSCOW, 4 Aug — RIA Novosti. In Krasnoyarsk region in the area of the Vankor field was wrecked helicopter Mi-8, 18 people were killed, told RIA Novosti in emergency services of the region. According to the MOE, the accident occurred two kilometers from the settlement of Igarka at 10:20 local time (6:20 Moscow). The investigative Committee reported that on Board the helicopter were three crew members and 15 shift workers. A criminal case under article about infringement of safety rules. The helicopter crashed in a deserted place. Found two “black boxes” — the instrument check flight parameters and on-Board voice recorder. Their condition is being specified. The interlocutor of the Agency said that the Mi-8 crashed during flight, before the fall, he flew two kilometers. The aircraft was destroyed and burned. Upon impact with the ground

More than 400 people looking for gone with the river in Sochi

More than 400 people looking for gone with the river in Sochi SOCHI, August 3. /TASS/ — the Search will continue all night. More than 400 people — rescue workers, police, military Regardie, Cossacks and volunteers are looking for two gone with the river in the Sochi children, the search will continue all night. About it reported in a press-service of city hall. “Kids are looking for more than 400 people, of which 30 rescuers, 250 police officers, about 40 of asguardian. Administration of the city to search for the missing brought about 40 Cossacks and 50 volunteers. On the place where the river meets the sea, four boats on duty and the staff of the southern regional search and rescue squad, police transport and Seaport. The search for the missing will be all night, on the morning of the appointed over the area by helicopter,” — said the press

The foreign Ministry called the possible cause of attacks on journalists in the Central African Republic

The foreign Ministry called the possible cause of attacks on journalists in the Central African Republic MOSCOW, Aug 3 — RIA Novosti. Russian journalists in the Central African Republic was killed in an attempt to resist. This was stated at a briefing the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “According to preliminary data law enforcement bodies, the Russians were attacked by unknown persons with the purpose of robbery, and while trying to resist was killed,” — quoted Zakharova on the page of the foreign Ministry on Twitter. At a briefing the official representative of the foreign Ministry said that the investigation into the murder of Russian journalists joined the UN mission to stabilize the situation in the Central African Republic. She highlighted four experts who supported the Central African law enforcement authorities inspected the scene, interviewed witnesses in sibut and in the villages near where the attack occurred.

The Chinese government criticized the Professor disappeared during an interview

The Chinese government criticized the Professor disappeared during an interview Chinese Professor sun Wenguan, known for his criticism of the government, went missing after police raided his home during an interview with local radio station (Voice of America, “Voice of America”). Reported by the Associated Press. According to the Agency, 84-year-old man can stay in a military hotel in Jinan (Shandong province), but this is not confirmed. At the same time, VoA reports that the Professor probably held under house arrest. Sun Wenguan was interviewed by phone on August 1. The discussion covered China’s policy in Africa. It was noted that Beijing aims at helping countries of the region a huge amount of funds, while the standard of living of the Chinese population leaves much to be desired. In the middle of the conversation the Professor said that it broke the local police and asked to stop the interview. “I

Media: Attack on journalists in the Central African Republic were looking for something other than money

Media: Attack on journalists in the Central African Republic were looking for something other than money The killing of the Russians could be planned in advance, says a source Corbeau News. The murder of Russian journalist Orhan Jemal, Cyril Radchenko and Alexander Rastorguev in the Central African Republic “is unlike crimes, which make fighters, probably because the killer was looking for something else but money,” writes local portal Corbeau News. The publication suggests that the crime planned, and the main purpose was one of the Russians, “big and muscular”. “[One of the attackers] wanted to search his pockets, but the journalist refused and resisted. As a result, he was the first killed in front of his fellow journalists,” the site says, but without naming the source of this information. Earlier, the driver who fled the scene of the attack on three Russian journalists in the Central African Republic, said that

In the foreign Ministry told about the attempt of the resistance killed in the CAR of Russian journalists

In the foreign Ministry told about the attempt of the resistance killed in the CAR of Russian journalists Citizens of Russian journalist Orkhan Jemal, Director Alexander Rastorguev and operator Kirill Radchenko — were killed in the Central African Republic after trying to resist the attack, said the official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. “As evidenced by the first results of investigative actions, the Russians were attacked by unknown persons and trying to resist was killed,” Zakharova said at a briefing in Moscow. According to her, the purpose of attacking Russian citizens was a robbery, including car hijacking. Zakharov added that the Russian diabetici doing everything possible to send the bodies home today, 3 August. “The Russian Embassy is taking all measures to send them home was made today. For ethical reasons we will not announce the date of arrival of the flight. At the same time, I