Four members of the “gang GTA” received life sentences

Four members of the “gang GTA” received life sentences MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Moscow regional court on Thursday sentenced four members of the infamous “gang of GTA” to life imprisonment, fifth got 20 years in a strict regime colony, RIA news from the courtroom. What is known about the “gang GTA” “Gang GTA”, the media dubbed the crime group that was operating in Moscow in 2012-2014. The title refers to the popular computer game Grand Theft Auto (GTA). According to investigators, the gang consisted of about 15 people from Central Asia, on account of half a dozen robberies, killing 17 people and an assassination attempt on two. Attack bandits made on suburban highways. At night they forced the drivers to stop, punching the wheels of cars with homemade spikes, kill the victims and took their property. In August 2017 Moscow regional skirmish involving gang members. Five defendants attacked

The FBI arrested several people who call themselves Russians

The FBI arrested several people who call themselves Russians NEW YORK, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Several citizens who claim to be Russian citizens detained in the United States, told RIA Novosti press-Secretary of Russian Consulate in new York Alexey Topol’s’ke. Earlier, the Consulate General of the Russian Federation has received a notice of detention of five Russians. In late July, the U.S. justice Department reported that in the framework of the investigation of major fraud in the amount of $ 4.5 million and money laundering detained 25 people, and later the Ministry informed RIA Novosti that among them are five Russians: Maxim Severin, he is in prison in new York, Stanislav Lissitzky, Alexey Livadny, Nikolay Tupikin and Cyril Deduces who are in prisons of other States. “Received official notification from the FBI about the arrest of people who reported that they are citizens of the Russian Federation, this information

In Kabardino-Balkaria killed four of asguardian

In Kabardino-Balkaria killed four of asguardian In the mountain area of Kabardino-Balkaria in the result, an avalanche killed four of asguardian. This is stated in a statement received by “”. Contract servicemen have died during a routine practice. To establish all circumstances of incident on a place, flew a group of officers of the Central apparatus of Regardie. As told the Agency TASS source in the emergency services Severo-the Caucasian district, the climbers were in conjunction at a height of 4.5 thousand meters. Accompanying the instructor survived. Their bodies will begin to descend from the mountain on Thursday morning. High in the mountains Elbrus and Bezengi gorge soldiers are trained in orienteering in the highlands, shooting, climbing on rock and ice massifs to climb, landing, hone skills assistance to victims in the mountains.

The Israeli air force attacked 12 targets Palestinians in the Gaza strip

The Israeli air force attacked 12 targets Palestinians in the Gaza strip TEL AVIV, August 8 — RIA Novosti. Israeli aircraft attacked 12 targets militants in the Gaza strip in response to rocket fire, which continues from the Palestinian enclave, the army said the press service. Among the destroyed military purposes is called a “logistics centre”, workshops where rockets were produced, and the cement plant, maintenance and construction of underground tunnels militants. “The strikes were conducted in response to the shooting of civil construction equipment (on the border) and multiple missile launches from the Gaza strip at Israeli territory,” — said in a press release. According to military estimates, the Palestinians fired at least 36 missiles, four of which were intercepted by the system “Iron dome.” Several rockets fell in the city of Sderot, injuring two Israelis.

The inhabitant of Belgorod has received 2,5 years of a colony for illegal cashing of 8 billion rubles

The inhabitant of Belgorod has received 2,5 years of a colony for illegal cashing of 8 billion rubles As explained in court, for three years a resident of Belgorod provided for the collection of money, cash services and transit transfer non-cash funds. TASS, 8 Aug. Oktyabrsky district court of Belgorod has sentenced a local resident to 2.5 years in a General regime colony and a fine for illegal banking operations, during which he cashed and transferred to the various accounts of more than 8 billion rubles. On Wednesday reported the press service of the court. “The court found the defendant guilty of a crime under paragraph “b” of part 2 of article 172 of the criminal code (“Illegal banking activities, i.e. the implementation of banking activities (banking operations) without registration”). During his illegal activities from January 2013 to April 2016 the total amount of attracted non-cash assets amounted to more

Protection Zakharchenko, head of the armed forces on the confiscation of money and apartments

Protection Zakharchenko, head of the armed forces on the confiscation of money and apartments MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. Protection of the notorious Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko complained to the Supreme court for a confiscation he discovered his family billion rubles, and apartments. According to the defense, the decision to appeal the property in favor of the state, adopted before the verdict in a criminal case of corruption, illegally. “Today we filed an appeal in the Supreme court demanding the decision (about the treatment of the property income of the state) to cancel the claim (the Prosecutor General) leave without satisfaction”, — told RIA Novosti lawyer Colonel Alexander Gorbatenko.

Naseri told about the fight in Moscow karaoke club

Naseri told about the fight in Moscow karaoke club MOSCOW, 8 Aug — RIA Novosti. French actor Sami Naseri said in an interview with Sputnik France his version of the events that occurred in the karaoke club “voice” on Tverskaya street in Moscow. According to him, the conflict arose because of a group of drunken visitors, who paid the administration to sing the queue. In the end, they performed more than twenty songs in a row. I know the rules, I know Russian culture karaoke, I was at 20 bars for the year of his stay in Russia, and never were forced to pay for the songs. And here they must be paid, that is, they had more rights because they paid.Naseri He noted that young people were familiar with the administration of the institution. “At some point I said, “Stop, we’re leaving” came out and waited for brother. When

The FSIN said the number released by the law “day and a half in prison”

The FSIN said the number released by the law “day and a half in prison” Moscow. 8 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Russian courts after the entry into force of the law, sexcityasia one day of detention before sentencing for a day and a half in prison, released so far only about 170 prisoners out of a possible 100 thousand. This was reported in the press office of the Federal service of execution of punishments (FSIN). “As of August 3 at court for sentence in accordance with the above law sent the materials in respect of 30.5 thousand prisoners, of whom the courts considered 253 materials”, — stated in the message the press office, arrived on Wednesday to “Interfax”. It is noted that by results of consideration of 167 convicts released from places of imprisonment, 86 convicts reduced sentence. “According to data of territorial bodies of the FSIN of the provisions of

Media reported new detentions of journalists in Belarus

Media reported new detentions of journalists in Belarus In Belarus, on Wednesday morning, investigators came to search home for journalists and Pavlyuk Olga Bykovskaya, and also to Alexei Zhukov and his wife Arina the seafront Camuccini, according to Reformation. The correspondent of the edition became the witness of detention of Zhukov and his wife. According to the Belarusian office of “Radio liberty”, the investigators also came to the editorial office of the portal about real estate and took editor-in-chief Vladislav Maleckova and three journalists. On Tuesday, the Investigative Committee (IC) have raided the offices of independent Newspapers —, BelaPAN, the newspaper “Science” in the case of unauthorized access to computer information. For 72 hours, was detained the chief editor Marina Zolotova, editor of publications Anna Kaltygina, BelaPAN journalist Tatiana Korovenkova. For questioning in the UK was delivered to staff Juliana Babied, Dmitry Bobrik, Anna Ermachenok, Galina

Biologist almost got into the throat of a shark

Biologist almost got into the throat of a shark The biologist was about to get caught in the jaws of a shark while out to sea. About it reports Fox News. The video, which is visible to the fish, published in a Facebook-group of the Committee for the protection of white sharks in the Atlantic. An expert in marine fisheries Skomal Greg (Greg Skomal) went on the bridge of the research vessel when a shark suddenly jumped out of the water and opened its mouth widely. Surprise White shark breach off Wellfleet, MA While out on research trips, we’ve seen white sharks breach and we’ve received multiple reports of breaching white sharks this year from fishermen and boaters. While encounters like this one are rare, this video shows that they’re certainly possible. White sharks are wild and unpredictable animals. This is a good reminder of the importance of not becoming