“Kalina oil” poured VAT

“Kalina oil” poured VAT In Voronezh the holding structure of the FSB found tax fraud. Employees of the Voronezh management of Investigatory Committee of Russia (TFR) opened a criminal case for fraud with the VAT refund in the company of the businessman Valery Borisov working in the region under the brand of the holding company “Kalina oil”. Investigators believe that close to Mr. Borisov, the company entered into a chain of fictitious transactions on purchase and sale of six gas stations, and then compensated them from the budget 25 million rubles In a criminal case has no suspects, but law enforcers do not exclude that the owner of the nearly seven dozen gas stations in the CFA Borisov “may soon become a suspect”. Mister Borisov actions of the security forces have not yet commented. According to interlocutors “” in regional power structures, the FSB operatives and investigators raided the morning

In Los Angeles started investigation in the case of Segal harassment

In Los Angeles started investigation in the case of Segal harassment MOSCOW, 10 Aug — RIA Novosti. The office of Los Angeles began testing out new allegations of sexual harassment that were made against actor Steven Seagal, reports Deadline. “Yesterday (Wednesday) police Department Los Angeles gave us a case of sexual harassment relating to Steven Seagal. We continue to check”, — declared in Prosecutor’s office. It is noted that in addition to Seagal in a police dossier featured actor Anthony Anderson and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. In recent months, Seagal was accused of assaulting more than ten women. Career of a number of American actors and show business ended in 2017-2018, the backdrop of allegations of harassment. The largest was the scandal with the producer Harvey Weinstein, who was accused of assaulting dozens of women, including actress Angelina Jolie, Ashley Judd and Gwyneth Paltrow. Sixth of August it became known

Near Tver ambulance drove for two days to call the patient with stroke

Near Tver ambulance drove for two days to call the patient with stroke Russia’s investigative Committee opened a criminal case after reports that the ambulance went on a call of a woman with a stroke in a village in the Tver region for two days. This was reported on the website of the UK. “The results of the verification of the message identified in the media, a criminal case under signs of crime “Rendering services not meeting requirements of safety of life and health of consumers”, — stated in the message. About the incident in social networks, said a resident of the village of Chernogubov Alexander Kolesov, who called an ambulance for his wife. According to him, the woman had observed all the signs of a stroke, however doctors did not appreciate the seriousness of the situation and refused to come, advising her to take the pills. To achieve the

Storm ditch in Sochi, where he drowned the child, was rebuilt about 20 years ago

Storm ditch in Sochi, where he drowned the child, was rebuilt about 20 years ago As reported in Prosecutor’s office, the landlord, who conducted the rebuilding of at the moment is neither a suspect nor a defendant in the case. KRASNODAR, August 9. /TASS/. Storm sewer in the Lazarev district of Sochi, where on August 3 said boy, was rebuilt by the landlord about 20 years ago. About this TASS said Thursday in a press-service of Prosecutor’s office of Krasnodar Krai. As previously reported, on August 3 during a heavy rain in the village of Lazarevskoye the boy fell in the storm ditch, and was taken by the current. The child’s body was discovered in the sea. In the municipality of Sochi stated that the lattice on a manifold is not in the design but a warning about the showers, it was announced in advance. Later the information appeared that

In the framework of Hamim destroyed drone fighters

In the framework of Hamim destroyed drone fighters MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian military destroyed the drone, the controlled by illegal armed groups in the province of Latakia in the direction of the Russian airbase Hamim, according to the Russian Center for conciliation of the warring parties in Syria. “The ninth of August, means of control of the airspace of the Russian air base Hamim was discovered by the UAV, controlled by the illegal armed groups of the territory to the North of Latakia province”, — stated in the message. As noted in the center for conciliation, staffing anti-aircraft firepower air target was destroyed at a distance from the airbase. “Victims or material damage. Russian airbase Hamim operates in a planned mode”, — added in the center. Russian centre for reconciliation encourages commanders of illegal armed groups to abandon the armed provocation and take the path of peaceful

Prigogine disown African gold

Prigogine disown African gold Businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin has declared, that has nothing to do with any projects in the Central African Republic (CAR), where at the end of July were killed three Russian journalists. About it writes RBC with reference to the press service of Prigogine. Representatives of the businessman say that he is not engaged in either civil or military projects in the Central African Republic. Also it has no relation to the creation and funding of the media, particularly publications “Federal news Agency”, “Politics today” and “the Economy today”. Earlier in mass media there was unconfirmed information about the relationship of Prigogine with the private military company (PMC) Wagner, whose staff are alleged to be working in the CAR for a fee in the form of gold bars from the local mines. According to one version, that it was dedicated to the investigation killed in CAR Russian journalist

Air France gave SK the documents connected with the dead in the Central African Republic reporters

Air France gave SK the documents connected with the dead in the Central African Republic reporters MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Air France has provided Investigative Committee of Russia the documents connected with the dead in the Central African Republic journalists, including the death certificate Orhan Cemal, reports the RF IC in the messenger “tamtam”. “Air France, the aircraft in the Russian Federation were delivered the bodies of those killed in the Central African Republic journalists yesterday have provided UK Russia the documents, including death certificate Orhan Cemal. The document will be given by investigators to the journalist’s widow at her request,” — said in the message. In the Central African Republic 30 July killed Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orkhan Jemal, they were in possession of an expired press card various media. The RF IC opened a criminal case under article “murder”. As reported by the Center for

In the CAR found the phone and the laptop of one of the killed Russian journalists

In the CAR found the phone and the laptop of one of the killed Russian journalists Moscow. 9 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Power CAR found a laptop and mobile phone of one of the dead Russian journalists, is preparing to request the local operator to provide information about calls and messages from this phone. “Law enforcement CAR still investigating the incident. An important piece of evidence for the investigation can be a laptop, removable media, and mobile phone of one of the reporters from the Russian and the Central African SIM cards. Currently preparing a request to the local operator with a request to provide information about calls and messages that were made from this phone”, — said official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at a briefing on Thursday. She said that on 7 August the employees of the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic held a meeting

The foreign Ministry told about the conflict of Russian journalists on a patrol in the Central African Republic

The foreign Ministry told about the conflict of Russian journalists on a patrol in the Central African Republic MOSCOW, 9 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russian journalists killed in the Central African Republic, entered into a dispute with the local military patrol, which encouraged them to go for the city night, said the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova at a briefing on Thursday. According to her, on Tuesday, the employees of the Russian Embassy in the Central African Republic met with the leadership of the local gendarmerie, acquainted with the famous investigation of the facts and spoke with the driver carrying journalists. According to testimony, on July 30 around 11 am, the journalists went to the city Bambari, which is located to the North of the capital the Central African Republic. They made a stop in the town of Damara, where they held a survey and talked with

A landslide in the Alps: the video got the whole fountains of dirt

A landslide in the Alps: the video got the whole fountains of dirt The village of Grune in the Swiss Alps there was a mudslide. Witnesses captured on video by mighty rivers and even fountains of dirt. The landslide, caused by heavy rains, rushed down the bed of a dried-up mountain stream. When the streams of mud reached the village, their strength has significantly dried up, so the damage was minimal. During the download an error has occurred.