The former host of “the View” called customer and the reason for the murder of listeva

The former host of “the View” called customer and the reason for the murder of listeva The former host of “the View,” Dmitry Zakharov said the reason for the murder of TV presenter Vladislav listeva and revealed the identity of the alleged customer in an interview with Mix TV. The General Director of ORT Vladislav Listyev was killed on March 1, 1995 at an entrance of own house on Novokuznetskaya street. The crime remains unsolved. Formal charges against Boris Berezovsky will be charged. According to Zakharov, the murder of Listyev ordered businessman Boris Berezovsky lost advertising revenue. At the same time, he noted, what is considered Listyev Manager and to believe that he made the decisions, would be foolish. Zakharov also called big mistake the decision Listyev not to contact the police in connection with threats.

Died Nobel prize for literature, Vidiadhar Naipaul

Died Nobel prize for literature, Vidiadhar Naipaul MOSCOW, 12 Aug — RIA Novosti. The winner of the Nobel prize for literature, the famous writer Vidiadhar Naipaul died six days before his 86th birthday, according to Vulture. As stated in the official statement of the wife of the writer, he died at home in London surrounded by loving people. Naipaul was born in Trinidad and Tobago in 1932. In 1971 he received the Pulitzer prize for the book “In limbo” (In a Free State). Later this novel was included in the list of the best works of the decade. In 2001, the writer was awarded the Nobel prize with the phrase “inflexible honesty that makes us think of facts to discuss are usually not taken.” “All my life we argued with him about politics, about literature, and now I feel so sad like I lost a beloved older brother. Rest in

Named the hijacker of an airplane in the United States

Named the hijacker of an airplane in the United States Established the identity of an American who hijacked a passenger plane at the airport in Seattle. According to the Associated Press, the 29-year-old Horizon Air employee of Richard Russell. Officially, these data have not been confirmed. The Agency reported that his duties included transporting Luggage and towing aircraft. Russell had access to the closed zone of the airport, but permission to fly. 76-seat Q400 aircraft was stolen from the Seattle airport on August 10. For his support in the air was raised by a few fighters. In addition to Russell on Board was empty. He tried to do in the air aerobatics, and then the airliner fell near the forest. The pilot was killed. The police incident a terrorist attack is not considered. Judging by the published talks, the Manager tried to persuade the hijacker to land the plane, but

10 people were injured in a shooting in Manchester

10 people were injured in a shooting in Manchester Ten people received injuries of varying severity as a result of shooting in the British Manchester, according to local police. The victims were hospitalized. The police are looking for the gunman. A few hours before the incident in Manchester ended with a Caribbean carnival. The shots occurred in the Claremont road area of moss Side. “Residents and visitors to the area will, of course, concerned about this incident. We will allocate additional forces to patrol the territory today and in the coming days,” — said in a statement to the police. As The Guardian reports, citing the police, the lives of the wounded, according to preliminary data, out of danger.

The YANAO administration denied the information about the departure from the colony.

The YANAO administration denied the information about the departure from the colony. Moscow. August 12. INTERFAX.RU the Main Directorate of the FSIN of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district denies that the conviction Oleg Sentsov left the colony, said on Sunday “Interfax” the press service of the regional Department. “The fact that the convict Sentsov allegedly left the colony, does not correspond to reality,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, Sentsov is in prison and continues the hunger strike. Earlier, Russian journalist Victoria Ivleva said that because of the administrative center of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous district — Salekhard late in the evening on Saturday flew the aircraft on Board which could be Sentsov. As reported, the North-Caucasian district military court in Rostov-on-don in August 2015 sentenced Oleg Sentsov, detained in Crimea in 2014, to 20 years in a penal colony on charges of terrorism. Sentsov has been on hunger

The Russian military has destroyed drone fighters in the area of the base Hamim

The Russian military has destroyed drone fighters in the area of the base Hamim MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Russian military destroyed the drone that is launched in the direction of the air base Hamim, said the head of the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, major-General Aleksey Tsygankov. According to him, the aircraft was sent from the territory Iglinskiy areas of de-escalation, controlled by illegal armed groups. Tsygankov said that the purpose was discovered in the dark, and destroyed a staff of anti-aircraft firepower at a safe distance from the airbase. “Casualties and no material damage. Russian airbase Hamim operates in a planned mode”, — said the head of the center. Major-General also urged the commanders of illegal armed groups to refrain from provocations and to take the path of peaceful settlement of the situation in the areas under their control. The latest incidents In

Accidentally launched into the sky over Estonia, the rocket is not found in the search area

Accidentally launched into the sky over Estonia, the rocket is not found in the search area Shell will continue to seek from the air. RIGA, August 11. /TASS/. The search is accidentally launched into the sky over Estonia missiles on the ground of her alleged fall stopped, the missile is not detected. On Saturday said the defence Forces of Estonia, adding that the missile will continue to seek from the air. “We carefully searched for on the surface of the soil and surrounding trees parts of a rocket, or anything that indicates a missile, for example, broken branches or other signs of its landing, — told the news Agency BNS captain karmo Saar, who led the search. — As a result we can say that, according to our estimates, checked the landing area of the missile is not”. Participated in the search, soldiers of the 1st infantry brigade explored the

FSO has filed a lawsuit against Yarmolnik smashed Mercedes

FSO has filed a lawsuit against Yarmolnik smashed Mercedes The Federal guard service (FSO) of Russia filed a lawsuit against the actor Leonid Yarmolnik, demanding to collect from it more than 800 thousand RUB over the damaged in road accident the foreign car belonging to the service. This told the press Secretary of the Khamovniki court Olga Mouser. According to her, the accident occurred on 22 October 2016 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt at fault cultural figure. The accident came four cars, among which was the Mercedes owned by FSO. Later the car was repaired in a specialised organisation. The Mouser explained that the insurance company paid the amount to cover part of the repair, and the remaining part of the costs incurred in the amount of 800 thousand RUB FSO asked to recover from Yarmolnik. She added that the actor was found guilty of committing an administrative offense. He Yarmolnik confirmed

In the reserve near Yalta started a large forest fire

In the reserve near Yalta started a large forest fire The fire area of 1.5 hectares occurred in the reserve near Yalta, RIA “Novosti” with reference to the assistant chief of the Crimean management of the Ministry of emergency situations Vladimir Ivanov. 14фотографий14фотографий14фотографий “The message about the fire on Yalta, gorge Uch-Kosh arrived at 16.23, is the border of the Yalta and the Crimean mountain-forest reserve. Burning litter, the fire area was 2.5 thousand square meters. 19.10 in the area of the fire grew to 1.5 acres. The difficulty is that it is difficult terrain and strong winds up to 21 meters per second,” — said Ivanov. The place next to the fire equipment pulled, from MOE in extinguishing the fire involved 45 people and eight vehicles. To lift in air the helicopter fire impossible by weather conditions. Earlier it was reported that in Buryatia extinguished all forest fires.

Russian tanker blocked in the port of Kherson without the sanction on arrest

Russian tanker blocked in the port of Kherson without the sanction on arrest Ukrainian service has blocked the Russian tanker “Mekhanik Pogodin” in the port of Kherson, but the court decision about the detention of the ship or its crew has yet to be reached. This was announced by the representative of the security Service of Ukraine (SBU). “At the moment the team is not arrested, but with the ship deal. Also, there is no judicial authorization of detention, but work”, — quotes its words Agency UNN. The representative of the SBU said that in relation to the company-the owner of the vessel in Ukraine, sanctions were imposed, in connection with which side is making the blocking of assets. He confirmed that “the Mechanic Pogodin” is not yet able to leave the port. August 10, Ukrainian officials Borys Babin, the Kiev-appointed to the post of permanent representative of the President