The collapse of pride. Both died of the first Soviet jet airliner

The collapse of pride. Both died of the first Soviet jet airliner 15 Aug 1958 in Khabarovsk has occurred the first accident of a jet aircraft in civil aviation of the USSR. In 1950-ies in the world civil aviation has been a real revolution for the airline came the first passenger jet Airliners. After the British “Comet”, there was a jet first, and the civil aviation of the USSR. Created in the Tupolev design Bureau on the basis of Tu-16 Tu-104 made a splash in the world when in 1956 during the visit of Nikita Khrushchev arrived in London from three brand-new liner. In September 1956 Tu-104 made its first regular flight on the route Moscow — Omsk — Irkutsk. As in the case of “Comet”, the appearance of the Tu-104 turned many a head. The liner seemed reliable and flawless. Meanwhile, the pilots did not know how many surprises

The number of victims in Genoa reached 31

The number of victims in Genoa reached 31 TASS, August 15. According to the newspaper Corriere della Sera, among victims two children. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий The number of victims in the collapse of a bridge in Genoa has reached 31. On Tuesday, reported the newspaper Corriere della Sera, citing data of the interior Ministry. Previously, the government of the region of Liguria, said on 26 victims. According to the edition, among victims two children. On Tuesday morning, near the Genoa collapsed road bridge, which passes high-speed motorway a10. According to RAI news 24, in the time of the incident on the bridge was 35 cars and three trucks.

The Kremlin said the mother Sentsov petition for release of son

The Kremlin said the mother Sentsov petition for release of son Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov, who was sentenced to 20 years in a strict regime for the preparation of terrorist acts, must apply to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with the request for pardon for the start of the procedure. This is stated in the reply of the office of the President of Russia on constitutional rights of the citizens on the request of the mother of the prisoner, Ludmila Sentsova. The reply dated 3 Aug. “In accordance with the regulation on the procedure of consideration of applications for pardon in the Russian Federation … the clemency process begins with a personal petition of the convicted person for pardon, which refers to the President of the Russian Federation in writing through the administration of the correctional institution where he is serving his sentence,” — said in the document, a

The Prime Minister of Italy said the number of dead in the collapse of a bridge in Genoa

The Prime Minister of Italy said the number of dead in the collapse of a bridge in Genoa ROME, Aug 14 — RIA Novosti, Alexander Logunov. Victims of bridge collapse in Genoa began twenty-two people, said Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий The identity 19 of the victims have already installed. Another 16 people were injured, nine of them are in serious condition. According to him, the bridge collapse was an “incredible tragedy,” as it is “not about the accident, and the version about the settling of the structure.” È crollato Morandi il ponte sull autostrada A10 a #Genova. Potrebbero esserci auto coinvolte — Barbara Deriu ?? (@BdDeriu) 14 Aug 2018 “Non C’è più il ponte”El puente ya no está. #genova — Raül Calàbria (@rcalabria) 14 Aug 2018 The bridge over the river connecting the two parts of Genoa, collapsed on Tuesday around noon. It was built

The detainee on suspicion in receiving a bribe the mayor of Orenburg remained in the hospital

The detainee on suspicion in receiving a bribe the mayor of Orenburg remained in the hospital MOSCOW, August 14. /TASS/ Yevgeny Arapov was hospitalized on August 10. The mayor of Orenburg Eugene Arapov detained on Tuesday on suspicion in receiving a bribe, is in the hospital. This was reported TASS the press service of the city administration. “He’s in the hospital. Not issued,” — said the press service. The administration said that Arapov was hospitalized on August 10, he is in a medical facility the status of the detainee. The state of health of the mayor is not clarified.During the download an error has occurred. Earlier Russia’s Investigative Committee opened a criminal case on receiving a bribe against the mayor of Orenburg Eugene Arapov, he is detained. According to the investigation, Arapov, together with his Deputy Gennady Borisov, recently arrested on charges of bribery, received from the CEO of a

The mayor of Orenburg have detained on suspicion in receiving a bribe

The mayor of Orenburg have detained on suspicion in receiving a bribe The investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) confirmed the initiation of criminal proceedings on receiving a bribe against the mayor of Orenburg Eugene Arapov and his Deputy, Gennady Borisov. This is stated in the message of the RCDS. Arapova and Borisov is suspected of taking bribes (part 5, article 290 of the criminal code). According to investigators, 19 may Borisov by prior agreement with Arapova received from the CEO of an unnamed company a bribe in the amount of 600 000 rubles. For the money Arapov had to exercise the patronage and connivance in the service in the field of construction and sale of real estate in the city. Part of a bribe of 400,000 rubles owed Arapov, the remaining amount of Borisov. At the moment Arapov detained. The consequence of going to charge him and to ask the

The mayor of Orenburg have detained on suspicion in receiving a bribe

The mayor of Orenburg have detained on suspicion in receiving a bribe MOSCOW, 14 Aug — RIA Novosti. The mayor of Orenburg Eugene Arapov detained on suspicion in receiving 600 thousand rubles as a bribe for protection in the field of construction, according to an official account RF IC on Twitter. “Together with his Deputy, Gennady Borisov, recently arrested for taking bribes he received from the CEO of a commercial organization is 600 thousand rubles, for protection in construction and realization of real estate objects on the territory of Orenburg. From the received bribe of 400 thousand rubles owed Arapov, and 200 thousand — Borisov”, — stated in the message Department. In SC added that on Tuesday Arapov arrested as a suspect. Sets the origin of 4.2 million rubles, taken in his office. The investigation intends to present Arapov accusation and petition the court for his arrest.

The Morandi bridge in Genoa. Dossier

The Morandi bridge in Genoa. Dossier August 14 was the collapse of the viaduct. 18фотографий18фотографий18фотографий TASS-FILE. August 14, 2018 in Genoa (Italy) collapsed bridge (viaduct) Morandi. Media reported the deaths of “tens of people” in the government of Italy confirmed the death of 11 people. Publication from sami (@samihasaltin) Aug 14, 2018 at 5:45 PDT During the download an error has occurred. Collapsed viaduct crossed the river Polcevera and the path rail yard in the West of Genoa. Directly under them was the house on the streets of Enrico Porro and Walter Villaca, small industrial enterprises. The total length of the viaduct — 1.1 km. It had 11 spans, including four cables. The length of the two largest bridge span — r202. 1 m, width — 18 m. the Height of three pylons — 100,2 m. The bridge passed the motorway a10 (Genova — Savona, European route E80). The viaduct

Victims of bridge collapse in Genoa were tens of people

Victims of bridge collapse in Genoa were tens of people ROME, Aug 14 — RIA Novosti, Alexander Logunov. The victims of the collapse of a road bridge in Genoa became “dozens of people”, the Agency Adnkronos, citing the head of the ambulance service of the Italian city. 6фотографий6фотографий “The scale of the landmark. Dozens of victims among those who fell from the bridge and were under the rubble”, — quotes Agency the statement of Francesco Berman. On the scene left the rescuers and a team of handlers. The rubble are forty people. Two victims pulled from the crashed car. According to the representative of fire service of the city of Amalia Tedeschi, the collapse raised “at least 20 vehicles.” Émues Pensées pour nos amis italiens. Effroi aussi pour la possibilité, impossible à exclure de victimes françaises. Chaque jour les Azuréens sont nombreux à passer là ??? #Gênes #Genova —

Media: the bridge collapsed near Genoa

Media: the bridge collapsed near Genoa TASS, August 14. Italian rescue workers with search dogs are searching of people under the rubble of a road bridge collapsed on Tuesday near the city of Genoa in the North of the country. This was announced on his official Twitter page fire and rescue service Italy. “Around 12:00 (13:00 GMT) collapsed part of the bridge Morandi on the A10 motorway, reports rescue service. — Teams of firefighters deployed to the scene, arrived at the scene search and rescue teams or search dogs”. Collassa #PonteMorandi sull’#A10 a #Genova, inaugurato nel 1967 da Saragat ? — Francesco Magagnini ???? (@mggfnc) 14 Aug 2018 Disastro a #Genova. Crolla il ponte Autostradale. Stiamo cercando informazioni. — Sergio Battelli (@BattelliSergio) 14 Aug 2018 In social networks have already appeared the first photos from the scene, there already headed to the emergency services. According to preliminary data,