Users do not agree to be extremists

Users do not agree to be extremists Industrial regional court of Barnaul has refused to stop criminal case concerning 24-summer Maria Motunau accused of extremism because of the publication of memes in social networks. The court considered that the grounds are insufficient, and deferred consideration of the case at the end of August. The fact Barnaul student Daniel Markin, also accused of crimes of an extremist nature, was postponed to mid-October: he re-appointed psychological examination. Today in Barnaul, held a hearing on the case of Mary Motunau accused of insulting the feelings of believers and inciting hatred and enmity (part 1 of article 148 of the criminal code, part 1 of article 282 of the criminal code) because of the publication of the nine images in the social network “Vkontakte”. This was the first session, which was held in the open mode and assumed the challenge to courtroom witnesses. As

Another part of the bridge in Genoa may fall on the house

Another part of the bridge in Genoa may fall on the house GENOA, August 15 — RIA Novosti, Elizabeth Isakov. One of the spans of the bridge in Genoa, who mounts may fall on houses, people have already evacuated, reported RIA Novosti the representative of fire service of Genoa, working at the scene. 17фотографий17фотографий17фотографий “There is a danger that the remaining piece of roadway collapse. He is not fixed and hangs over the houses. All residents have been evacuated, but the danger of the collapse remains,” he said. According to the Prefecture of the region of Liguria, from areas adjacent to the collapsed bridge was evacuated over 600 people. Dvuhsotmetrovyj the span of the bridge across the highway a10 Genoa collapsed on Tuesday at 11.36 (12.36 GMT) on warehouses and railroad tracks. At the time of emergency on the bridge were more than 30 cars. According to recent data of

Scientists are asked to release from prison of the accused in the treason of an employee of the TsNIIMash

Scientists are asked to release from prison of the accused in the treason of an employee of the TsNIIMash The Saint-Petersburg Union of scientists asked the President of Russia Vladimir Putin “on humanitarian grounds” to check the validity of treason charges and arrest 74-year-old researcher at the Institute Victor Kudryavtsev. In an open letter sent to the office of the head of state, said that the scientist kept in prison under conditions that threaten his health and life. Mr. Kudryavtsev “suffer from serious chronic diseases, suffered a heart attack, sick of a sugar diabetes of the 2nd type,” write the members of the Union. They are asking the President to “use authority” to the scientist to court changed a measure of restraint. Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov has declared to journalists that the Kremlin is about the letter of scientists learned from the media. “I don’t

In Transbaikalia opened a case about the beating of prisoners after the defeat of the Russian national team at the world Cup

In Transbaikalia opened a case about the beating of prisoners after the defeat of the Russian national team at the world Cup Moscow. 15 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — the Investigatory Committee on Transbaikalian edge criminal case about excess of powers of office on the fact of beating of two prisoners in penal colony № 5 (IR-5). “The investigative Committee opened a criminal case on the fact of violence to convicted Alexander Nohrin and Eugene Krieger reported beating by officers of IK-5 in Zabaykalsky Krai (paragraphs “a”, “b” part 3 article 286 of the criminal code). While the case has been initiated against unidentified employees of fku IK-5″, — reported “Interfax” the lawyer of Anastasia Kopteva cooperating with the human rights organization “Area law”. According to the lawyer, from the decision about excitation of criminal case it follows that July 8, 2018 unidentified prison staff “with the transfer of prisoners from one

SK will be asked to change the measure of restraint to the two defendants in the case “the New greatness”

SK will be asked to change the measure of restraint to the two defendants in the case “the New greatness” MOSCOW, 15 Aug — RIA Novosti. Change the measure of restraint in the case of two young figurants high-profile cases of extremist organization “New grandeur” — Anna Pavlikova and Mary Dubovik taken with regard to data on individuals and the lack of grounds for further detention of girls in detention, said the Investigative Committee. Earlier, the lawyer Maxim Peshkov has told RIA Novosti that the investigation has decided to ask the court to release from custody of two figurants of the young high-profile cases of extremist organization “New grandeur” — Anna Pavlikova and Mary Dubovik. “Tomorrow the investigator of GSU SK of Russia across Moscow will come to the court with a petition to change the measure of restraint from detention to house arrest for 18-year-old Anna Pavlikova and 19-year-old

SK will hold a confrontation of employees and prisoners of the Chita colony

SK will hold a confrontation of employees and prisoners of the Chita colony MOSCOW, 15 Aug — RIA Novosti. Russia’s investigative Committee under investigation of the beating of convicts in the colony of Chita intends to confrontations between staff and inmates, according to the channel of the RF IC in your WhatsApp. Earlier the lawyer Anastasia Kopteva cooperating with the human rights organization “Area law”, told RIA Novosti that SK brought criminal case in connection with beating of prisoners in penal colony № 5 (HIC-5) cheats after the defeat of the national team of Russia on football in the match against Croatia at the world Cup — about excess of powers of office with application of violence and special means. “Appointed is judicial-medical examination, analyzed the CCTV footage, housed in a punishment cell on IR-5. According to the results of interrogations and confrontations between prison staff and prisoners the investigators

Victor Kudryavtsev asked to return home alive

Victor Kudryavtsev asked to return home alive Scientists call for release from prison accused of treason 74-year-old colleague. St. Petersburg Union of scientists appealed to President Vladimir Putin asking him to intervene with researcher of Institute Viktor Kudryavtsev, accused of treason. The authors of the open letter point out that 74-year-old scientist held in jail in conditions that “threaten his health and even of life.” They are asking the President to “use authority” to the scientist to court changed a measure of restraint. Earlier, the son of Viktor Kudryavtsev told Kommersant FM that the father because of diabetes can’t eat prison food, and the lawyer complained that the prison administration refuses to transfer scientist necessary medicine. The St. Petersburg Union of scientists on Tuesday sent to the office of the President of the Russian Federation open letter “with the request to urgently attend to the fate of the leading researcher

In France, the tourist dug a hole on the beach and drowned in it

In France, the tourist dug a hole on the beach and drowned in it MOSCOW, 15 Aug — RIA Novosti. Barbatre on the beach on Noirmoutier island, 21-year-old camper dug in the sand pit, got into it and couldn’t get out when it was covered with water, according to Ouest France. As reported in the local Prosecutor’s office, the hole was too deep to get out of it yourself. Relatives of a young man nearby was trying to get him out. Arrived on the scene representatives of the emergency services were unable to save the tourists.

The death toll due to the collapse of the bridge in Genoa rose to 38

The death toll due to the collapse of the bridge in Genoa rose to 38 TASS, August 15. The number of victims of the collapse of a road bridge near Genoa has reached 38 people. These figures are given on the website of the Prefecture of Genoa. 16фотографий16фотографий16фотографий According to her, 12 of the 16 injured, taken to hospital, are in serious condition. Among the dead three children — eight, 12, and 13. About 440 people have been evacuated from their homes because of the threat of new damage in the area of the bridge collapse. Rescuers continue search for missing after bridge collapse #Genoa #PonteMorandi #Genova — Ruptly (@Ruptly) 15 Aug 2018 Earlier the interior Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Salvini said on Twitter about 35 dead. Disastro a #Genova. Crolla il ponte Autostradale. Stiamo cercando informazioni. — Sergio Battelli (@BattelliSergio) 14 Aug 2018

Sands spoke about the petition.

Sands spoke about the petition. Moscow. 15 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — IN the Kremlin did not receive the requests of the Director Oleg Sentsov pardon, so to speak refuse this procedure correctly, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov. At the same time Peskov noted that at the moment he has nothing more to add on the question of Sentsov. Earlier, the Ukrainian TV channel “Public TV” said the mother. received from the Department on ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens in the administration of the President of the Russian Federation’s request to pardon the son. It noted that “the clemency process begins with a personal petition of the convicted person for pardon, which refers to the President of the Russian Federation in writing through the administration of the correctional institution where he is serving a sentence”. The answer some media interpreted as the Kremlin’s refusal to pardon Sentsov.