“White helmets” brought toxic substances to the warehouse militants in Syria

“White helmets” brought toxic substances to the warehouse militants in Syria MOSCOW, August 28 — RIA Novosti. Representatives of the “White helmets” brought a big load of toxic substances in the Syrian city of Sarakibe, at the warehouse used by the “Ahrar Al-sham”, said at a press briefing the head of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria Alexey Tsygankov. Upstairs “According to information obtained by the Russian Centre for reconciliation the warring parties from several in Idlib province, independent sources in the city of Sarakibe from the settlement of ASF on two large truck delivered a big load of toxic substances,” he said. As reported by Tsygankov, accompanied by eight representatives of the organization “White helmets” toxic substances were delivered to the warehouse used by the militant group “Ahrar Al-sham” to store weapons and fuel and lubricants, where they were met by two high-ranking commander

The savings Bank has submitted claims for 4.4 billion rubles to the company of GK “Amount”

The savings Bank has submitted claims for 4.4 billion rubles to the company of GK “Amount” Principal owner YFPC — under arrest Ziyavudin Magomedov. Upstairs The savings Bank has submitted to arbitration court of the Republic of Sakha a lawsuit to recover 3 billion rubles with JSC “Yakutsk fuel and energy company” (YATEK) and its parent company Investor. Another claim for the recovery of 1.4 billion with YFPC filed in the Arbitration court of Moscow. This is evidenced by the filing of cases. YFPC is a group of companies “Summa”. “Statements of claim filed in connection with default of the payment obligations of JSC “YATEC” to Sberbank. The submission of claims does not preclude further settlement of the parties to the dispute”, — explained the representative of the press service of Sberbank Agency TASS. YFPC is negotiating a restructuring of the debt, said the representative of the “Amount” of RBC.

The published correspondence of the dead in the Central African Republic journalists

The published correspondence of the dead in the Central African Republic journalists Agency PHAN has published screenshots of the correspondence of the deceased in the Central African Republic (CAR) the crew with the control center investigations (LRC), where reporters went into the country. Upstairs Having studied the correspondence, the publication concluded that the editor-in-chief of the sdgs Andrew konyahin, who coordinated the visit of the journalists, not paid due attention to the safety of the crew. The correspondence runs from 9 to 31 July. In addition to Orhan Cemal, Alexander Rastorguev, Kirill Radchenko and konyahina, participated in it salgareda LRC Anastasia Gorshkova, a specialist centre for multimedia Anastasia Kulagina and journalist Rodion Chepel, which helped the group to contact the fixer (local coordinator — approx. “Of the tape.ru”) named Martin. At the beginning of the chat participants discuss organizational issues, buying tickets, booking accommodation, visa, financial questions. At some point

Set the number attacked a troop train in Transbaikalia

Set the number attacked a troop train in Transbaikalia EN route to the teachings of the military echelon in Transbaikalia stoned about 10 people. On Tuesday, August 28, in the Main military investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) has told RIA Novosti. Upstairs “About one o’clock in the morning, about 10 people approached the military echelon and began to throw stones at the sentries,” — said in the message Department. At the same time, a source in emergency services of the region told TASS that the echelon of the Central military district (CVO) followed the teachings of “Vostok-2018”. “It was the train CVO, which has deployed military exercises “Vostok-2018″ on the range near Chita. Investigation of all the circumstances that have led to state of emergency in Zabaykalsky Krai”, — he said. Earlier on August 28, it was reported that the attackers on a military train at

An investigation into the incident in Salisbury drew “super-recognizers”

An investigation into the incident in Salisbury drew “super-recognizers” Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Scotland Yard uses two employees with unique faces in the investigation into the poisoning of ex-GRU Colonel Sergei Skripal and his daughter Julia, according to TV channel Sky news. Наверх11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The officers involved in the investigation, are part of the so-called team of “super recognizers” founded at Scotland Yard in 2011. Then the riots in the UK, the police viewed the CCTV footage, and some of them coped with face recognition is much better than their counterparts. A team of recognizers was also involved in investigating the sensational case about murder of the schoolgirl Alice gross in London in 2014 and also helped the German police to identify suspects in the harassment in the last year in Cologne in 2016.

Became known details about the attackers on a military train in Transbaikalia

Became known details about the attackers on a military train in Transbaikalia Moscow. 28 Aug. INTERFAX.RU — Attacked a troop train at the railway station of Petrovsky Zavod in Transbaikalia had connections with the underworld, said to “Interfax” Edinaya dezhurno-dispatching service (EDDS) Petrovsk-Zabaykalsky district. Upstairs “The victim, nicknamed “Edincik” in 1989 was “looking” (coordinator of the criminal groups — if) in the area, he celebrated with friends my birthday in a cafe near the station. The company had a conflict with the military who went to the store, then a local tried to break into the echelon, which all opened fire,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to him, the incident resulted in the birthday boy was killed and another man was wounded. Earlier it was reported that at night on August 27 at the railway station of Petrovsky Zavod in Transbaikalia a group of unknown people tried to attack

The coast guard of South Korea have detained the Russian ship “Palladium”

The coast guard of South Korea have detained the Russian ship “Palladium” VLADIVOSTOK, August 28 — RIA Novosti. The coast guard of South Korea detained a Russian tanker “the Palladium” at the outlet from the Korea Strait, told RIA Novosti the representative of the Maritime rescue coordination centre of Vladivostok. Upstairs “According to information from the shipowner “Daltrans”, the tanker “Palladium” of the port of registry Vladivostok this morning at 5.40 Vladivostok time (22.40 GMT Monday), in the southern part of the sea of Japan at the outlet from the Korea Strait were detained by the coast guard of South Korea and is currently hauled by a patrol ship in the port of Busan, where he went without the registration of departure”, — the interlocutor told. As noted in the rescue coordination centre Vladivostok, the situation informed the representative of the Russian foreign Ministry in Vladivostok. Earlier, the Chairman of

Unknown people tried to attack the military train in Transbaikalia

Unknown people tried to attack the military train in Transbaikalia CHITA, August 28. /TASS/. Unknown people tried to attack the guard military echelon at the Petrovsky Zavod station in Zabaykalsky Krai. One of the attackers was shot dead, the rest fled. On Tuesday TASS reported the press service of the Eastern military district (TSB). Upstairs “A soldier, performing the duties of time consisting of the guard for the protection of the military echelon at the Petrovsky Zavod station in Zabaykalsky Krai, used the weapon to the group of unknown persons who violated the border post and attempted to attack the guard. On warning time and warning shot in the air unknown did not respond One of the attackers was shot dead, the rest fled,” — said the press service. Representatives from the TSB noted that “the use of weapons by sentries on post in accordance with the provisions of the

In the German city of Chemnitz riots

In the German city of Chemnitz riots Moscow. August 27. INTERFAX.RU — the collision of “right” and “left” radicals in the German city of Chemnitz on Monday resulted in the hospital with injuries were several people, according to the German press. Upstairs According to her, the riots began during the demonstration, the reason for which was the murder at the weekend 35-year-old German citizen. In this case already detained two citizens of Syria and Iraq. Young people, whose faces were covered by hoods and scarves, the manifestation began to pelt the police and opponents of firecrackers and other objects. In response the police had to use water cannon. The police Twitter account reported that currently, “demonstration ProChemnitz runs along the claimed route, accompanied by a large number of law enforcement officers.” “There have been isolated incidents, the vast majority of the demonstrators behave peacefully,” — said in the message.

In Kenya the Hippo killed the crocodile escaped from a fisherman

In Kenya the Hippo killed the crocodile escaped from a fisherman MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. In Kenya the hippopotamus killed a fisherman, who earlier managed to escape from the crocodile, reports the Standard. Upstairs Hamisi Omari was fishing on lake Victoria when his boat was attacked by a female Hippo. Because of the boost to 23-year-old man fell overboard. Was in the boat friend couldn’t help him, and the animal mauled the man. A friend of the deceased, Andrew Oduor told that the female has apparently, recently it was childbirth that explains her aggressive behavior. “Omari was in the back of the boat. It all happened so fast that I couldn’t help him.” Previously, Omari spent three months in hospital after being attacked by a crocodile, which occurred in the same place about a year ago.