Source: in Dagestan eliminated the man who opened fire on security forces

Source: in Dagestan eliminated the man who opened fire on security forces MAKHACHKALA, September 1. /TASS/. Security forces killed in the Khasavyurt district of Dagestan, an armed man opened fire on police, reported TASS a source in law enforcement bodies of the Republic. Upstairs “Armed man was spotted between the villages Motorbike and Endirey. On the offer to surrender he opened fire and was killed in retaliatory fire,” — said the source. The source added that “among law enforcement officers injured in the shootout there.” The identity of the suspect is established. It is reported that an attacker may be involved in the recent attack on the police. “Security forces believe that the destruction involved in the recent police shooting in the village Motorbike,” said a source in law enforcement bodies of the region.

Japan fighter jets rose over the Pacific ocean due to the Russian planes

Japan fighter jets rose over the Pacific ocean due to the Russian planes MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The fighters of Air self-defense forces of Japan were accompanied by Russian planes in the skies over the Pacific ocean, according to the website of the Ministry of defense of the country. Upstairs Four fighters took to the air in response to flight of two anti-submarine aircraft Tu-142 and one su-24 bomber over the sea of Japan, said the Agency. 1 SEP: 4x JASDF jets scrambled to intercept 2x Tu-142 and 1x Su-24 — Mil Radar (@MIL_Radar) September 1, 2018. According to the joint staff of the Air self-defense force of Japan, Tu-142 flew to the island of Hokkaido, and proceeded along its Western coast to the South, making a circle and going around the archipelago. The su-24 bomber flew near the island of Honshu, said the Agency. Japan is

After the incident with the plane in Sochi is carried out seizure of documents

After the incident with the plane in Sochi is carried out seizure of documents The incident with the aircraft Boeing 737 airline Utair Sochi for a number of forensic examinations carried out excavation of the required documentation in the airports of Sochi, Moscow and other organizations of the airline, said the Investigative Committee of Russia. Upstairs The consequence considers some versions happened, including pilot error, weather conditions and actions of ground services. Two dozen people were injured in the landing in Adler airport (Sochi). According to preliminary data, the ship on Board of which there were 170 people, in conditions of strong wind and rain was not enough runway — he had rolled over and caught fire. #Realizea When landing in the airport of Sochi on Boeing 737, arrived from Moscow skidded off the runway and caught fire. The liner slid into the river, he collapsed landing gear and the

In Voronezh four circus performer injured during performance

In Voronezh four circus performer injured during performance Part of a broken design bounced from backstage to the arena, where he performed the equestrian group. Upstairs In Voronezh four of a circus performer was seriously injured because of the collapse of one of the structures during the performance, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the representative of the emergency services in the region. The arena from behind the scenes bounced off the broken part of the design and hooked artists — speakers in this moment horse the band. The incident occurred today, September 1, at about 13.15 on the performance of the artists of the show Tamerlan Nugzarov. Initially it was reported about three victims. In the emergency hospital № 1 was hospitalized a man and two women, later there came another woman. According to the interlocutor of the Agency, the man 1988 year of birth with closed craniocerebral injury,

In five southern regions of Russia declared the emergency fire

In five southern regions of Russia declared the emergency fire From September 2 to 4, the emergency warning is declared in the Stavropol territory, the Rostov region, the Republic of Kalmykia, Volgograd and Astrakhan regions. Upstairs TASS, 1 Sep. Emergency fire declared in five regions of southern Russia in the next three days, according to the emergency warning on the official website of the southern regional emergency center of Russia. “In the period from 2 to 4 September in most areas of the Stavropol region, in the entire territory of the Rostov region, in the Republic of Kalmykia, in most districts of the Volgograd and Astrakhan areas will remain extreme fire hazard [class 5]”, — stated in the message. See also: Forest fires come from the North-West From-for forest fires the canadian province became similar to Mars (video)

Killed Zakharchenko bomb could be placed into the lamp in a cafe

Killed Zakharchenko bomb could be placed into the lamp in a cafe As it became known””, the bomb the explosion of which killed the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic (DND) Alexander Zakharchenko, was laid in one of the light fixtures in the Donetsk cafe “Separable” in a floor lamp or a chandelier. Upstairs An explosive device detonated by a call from the phone. It is assumed that at the time of the explosion, the murderer of the head of DND was next to the cafe and saw when the building came, Mr. Zakharchenko. The cafe itself, according to preliminary data, belonged to head of security the head of the DPR, and given that there were often high-ranking guests, was closely guarded. According to security officials, without “their” to set a bomb in it was almost impossible. Alexander Zakharchenko was killed the day before, August 31. The explosion also

The DNR told who organized the murder Zakharchenko

The DNR told who organized the murder Zakharchenko MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The murder of the head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko has organized special operations Forces of Ukraine, reported RIA Novosti on the phone from Donetsk adviser to the leader of the DND Alexander Kazakov. Upstairs “Most likely, we will be able soon to call the team leader and the supervising officer of this structure,” — said Kazakov. Answering clarifying question about whether it is special operations Forces, the Cossacks said: “Yes, it is true, those who are detained have given grateful evidences”. The assassination of Alexander Zakharchenko The leader of the DND Alexander Zakharchenko, and his bodyguard were killed on August 31 in the explosion of a bomb in the restaurant “Separable” in the center of Donetsk. Severe wounds were received by the Minister of income and fees Alexander Timofeev. The Prosecutor General

The second victim of the explosion in Donetsk was a bodyguard Zakharchenko

The second victim of the explosion in Donetsk was a bodyguard Zakharchenko DONETSK, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The second died in the explosion in a cafe in the center of Donetsk is the bodyguard of the murdered head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national Republic Alexander Zakharchenko said on Saturday the RIA Novosti, Vladislav Brig. Upstairs “According to the latest data, with Alexander Zakharchenko was killed and his bodyguard injured 11, six of them were hospitalized,” said Brig. The head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko was killed Friday evening in an explosion in a cafe “Separable” in the center of Donetsk. Minister of incomes and fees of the self-proclaimed Republic Alexander Timofeev in the explosion were seriously injured. Only 11 people were injured. The DPR authorities acknowledged the incident a terrorist attack. According to the acting head of the Republic Dmitry Trapeznikov, on suspicion of murder Zakharchenko detained several people, they

CNN learned about the list of targets for U.S. strikes on Syria

CNN learned about the list of targets for U.S. strikes on Syria US intelligence and military experts made a preliminary list of infrastructure facilities in Syria, which the United States could strike airstrike. About it on August 31, reported CNN, citing us officials. Upstairs The list includes Syrian objects that are allegedly linked to chemical weapons production. According to the channel, the decision to strike is pending. However, the list will give the Pentagon if the region will be the chemical attack. When this prepared list will speed up the operation if the US President Donald trump would give the order to strike. CNN also notes that the Pentagon is closely watching the actions of the Syrian authorities, who are now moving helicopters to the bases of the rebels, and the Russian group in the Mediterranean, writes “the”. On 26 August the Russian defense Ministry warned of possible provocations

The number of victims in the crash Boeing in Sochi has risen to 18 people

The number of victims in the crash Boeing in Sochi has risen to 18 people MOSCOW, September 1 — RIA Novosti. The number of victims in the result of ignition of a Boeing 737 after landing in Sochi increased to 18 people, including three children, according to the website of the Ministry of health of Russia. Upstairs Earlier it was reported about six victims, four of whom went to the doctors. Dead, as noted in the Department, there is, at the same time, according to the press service of the airport of Sochi, one of the employees of the air Harbor died during the liquidation of consequences of emergency, presumably from a heart attack. Six people, including two children, were taken to hospital, all the injured receive necessary medical assistance, the airport has a team of psychologists. Passenger plane Boeing 737 airline Utair, EN route from Moscow, on the night