There was a video of a collision of the crane with the Crimean bridge

There was a video of a collision of the crane with the Crimean bridge Moscow. September 9. INTERFAX.RU — On YouTube there is a video floating crane collided with the support of the Crimean bridge. Наверх35фотографий35фотографий35фотографий On the recording captures the moment after the collision. The security service blocked the traffic on the site extreme strip of the road. During the download an error has occurred. The collision happened on Saturday morning. A floating crane was torn from its anchors and he crashed into a support of the road bridge, damaging a fence on a plot length of 10 meters at the support No. 227. Also crane damaged mast lighting. The roadway and supporting structures are not affected. The damage persists, and traffic resumed after 15:00 Moscow time.

In the blood of the participant of road accident with the deceased Prime Minister of Abkhazia found traces of drugs

In the blood of the participant of road accident with the deceased Prime Minister of Abkhazia found traces of drugs Moscow. September 9. INTERFAX.RU — the driver of the car VAZ-2109, faced with the car of Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia on Saturday evening, was under the influence of drugs, — have informed “Interfax” in the Ministry of internal Affairs of Abkhazia. Naverhu results of the survey in his blood alcohol was not detected, but the test drug was positive.Kazbek Mahasamatman of the Minister of internal Affairs of Abkhazia He said that the culprit was born in 1996, resident of the village Zvandripsh of the Gudauta district. Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia was killed in a road accident late on the evening of 8 September, in the Gudauta district of the Republic. Government motorcade followed from the airport of Sochi to Abkhazia after the official visit of the

The driver and guard of the deceased Prime Minister of Abkhazia, was discharged from the hospital

The driver and guard of the deceased Prime Minister of Abkhazia, was discharged from the hospital Moscow. September 9. INTERFAX.RU — the Driver and the guard of the Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia, who were with him in the car during the accident, was discharged from the Gudauta hospital. Upstairs “The Prime Minister in result of road accident got a fracture of the skull base and when he was taken to the hospital, he was already dead. The driver and guard had minor injuries, after examination, they were sent home by doctors “, — said the “Interfax” press Secretary of the Ministry of health of the Republic Rustam zantariya. As reported, the Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia was killed in the accident, which occurred during a motorcade of the Republic’s authorities, who were returning after a trip to Syria. In the car of the head of government crashed

The President of Abkhazia was not injured in the accident that killed the Prime Minister of the country

The President of Abkhazia was not injured in the accident that killed the Prime Minister of the country SUKHUM, September 9. /TASS/ — Raul Khajimba went in one car convoy with Gennady Gagulia. Upstairs The President of Abkhazia Raul Khajimba was driving in one column, with Prime Minister Gennady Gagulia, who on Saturday evening died in a road accident, the President was not injured. I was in the column. The Prime Minister of the Republic back riding in his car with his guards. I was not injured.Raul Hajimarion Abkhazia Earlier, the press Secretary of the government of the Republic of Diana zantariya told TASS that Gagulia was killed in the accident, which occurred at about 23:00 GMT on 8 September on the road in the Psou — Sukhum, the driver and guards of Gagulia was not injured. In turn, the Deputy head of the interior Ministry Kazbek Kishmakhov told that

The guard and the driver who died in an accident the Prime Minister of Abkhazia hospitalized

The guard and the driver who died in an accident the Prime Minister of Abkhazia hospitalized SUKHUM, September 9. /TASS/ — the assistant to the public Prosecutor of the Republic of Daur Amichba also noted that the driver of the car that collided with a car Gagulia, was in a sober state. Upstairs The guard and the driver of the Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia of that at the time of the accident were with him in the car, was hospitalized in serious condition, told TASS on Sunday, the assistant attorney General of the Republic of Daur Amichba. “The driver and the guard of the Prime Minister injured. They were taken to the hospital. The condition is serious, but the doctors assured that it will live”, — he said. The driver of the car that collided with the car of Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady of Gagulia, was sober,

Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia was killed in an accident

Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia was killed in an accident SUKHUM, September 9. /TASS/ — it is Reported that the accident occurred at about 23:00 Moscow time on a road section Psou — Sukhum. Upstairs Prime Minister of Abkhazia Gennady Gagulia on Saturday evening died in a road accident, reported TASS the press Secretary of the government of the Republic of Diana zantariya. According to her, the incident occurred near a police post Musser. According to available information, the driver and guards of Gagulia was not injured. As reported on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Abkhazia, the accident occurred at about 23:00 Moscow time on a road section Psou — Sukhum. “The car of the Prime Minister was moving in the motorcade, official delegations from Abkhazia, who were returning from the Syrian Arab Republic. According to preliminary data, the accident there were no injuries”, — is

Ukraine will appeal to the OPCW for chemical emission in Crimea

Ukraine will appeal to the OPCW for chemical emission in Crimea MOSCOW, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The foreign Ministry of Ukraine plans to appeal to the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) in connection with the situation at the plant “Crimean Titan”. About this informed the press-Secretary of Department Mariana betsa in the comments of the Ukrainian “Fifth channel”. Upstairs According to her, currently the Ministry is engaged in collecting the necessary documents. “Of course, we condemn all these actions. We collect from all involved competent authorities all the information, all the materials, all the evidence. We need an expert rating of our departments, and as soon as we get them — I think it will be soon — we’ll give it to the OPCW,” said Betz. The representative of the Ukrainian foreign Ministry has not explained how air pollution in the plant area associated with the

In the Kerch Strait saved the entire crew of sunken tugboat

In the Kerch Strait saved the entire crew of sunken tugboat SIMFEROPOL, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The entire crew of the distressed off the coast of Crimea tug saved, their life is not threatened, told RIA Novosti assistant head of GUMCHS in the Republic Vladimir Ivanov. Upstairs Informed in GUMCHS of the Russian Federation in the Republic reported that small tug Shkval has requested assistance in the Black sea, the crew abandoned the ship and is drifting on a raft in the direction of the Crimea. Rescue ship “mercury” found the raft with all seven sailors, left the tug, but their evacuation was hampered by the storm. “At 11.17 all crew members aboard the freighter. Their life is not in danger. They are on Board,” said Ivanov.

Boeing blew into the river

Boeing blew into the river As it became known “Kommersant”, the reason for the rough landing of Boeing 737-800 aircraft of the airline “UTair” in Sochi, which injured two dozen passengers died from a heart attack were carrying out their evacuation a rescue and was completely destroyed plane was a sudden gust of wind, in fact witakowski the car outside of the runway. Interstate viacomit (MAC) now is figuring out why the pilots of the Boeing, which the Manager first, and then the automation of the aircraft was warned about dangerous wind shear near the ground, decided nevertheless to land. Upstairs According to the close investigation of the source “Kommersant”, now versed with the circumstances surrounding the recent crash of the passenger Boeing in Sochi, has already established that the ship was landing in a regular mode. The problem the crew came suddenly, before the ground when the plane has

Because of the earthquake in Hokkaido killed 21 people, 13 of them are missing

Because of the earthquake in Hokkaido killed 21 people, 13 of them are missing TOKYO, September 8 — RIA Novosti. The death toll in the strong earthquake on the Northern Japanese island of Hokkaido has risen to 21 people, 13 remain missing, said at a press conference, Secretary General of the government of Japan Acehide Suga. Upstairs “The death toll is 21 people, six people are in critical condition, missing 13 people. On liquidation of consequences of work of 40 thousand employees of the defense forces, police and fire protection, involved 75 helicopters,” — said the Secretary General. Earthquake in Hokkaido In the night of Thursday in Hokkaido, earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7. Its epicenter was located in the area of Conception, the focus lies at a depth of 37 kilometers. In the village of Atsumi, where the force of the shocks was seven points — the highest figure