The media learned about plans of the Ministry of health to ban the sale of wapow to persons under 21 years

The media learned about plans of the Ministry of health to ban the sale of wapow to persons under 21 years

The health Ministry proposed to introduce a ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes and wapow to persons under 21 years of age. This follows from the refined strategy of formation of healthy lifestyle of the population by 2025, which were at the disposal of the Agency RNS.

The MoH has also proposed banning the consumption of wapow and electronic cigarettes in public places and to restrict their sale.

The Ministry noted that the import, sale, advertising, promotion and consumption “of these products” can “are not regulated at present” that leads to a sharp increase “in the prevalence of consumption of these products” and represents “a serious threat to the achievements of the implementation of anti-Smoking measures.”

According to the Agency, the health Ministry proposes to increase excises and consumer prices for electronic cigarettes, VAPI and other similar products with nicotine and without it.

In turn, the Ministry of health, the Agency has not commented on the new version of the strategy.

In March, the State Duma was introduced a bill that proposes to limit the use of wapow and hookahs “in certain territories, in rooms and on objects”, and to prohibit their sale to minors.

