The deputies proposed to increase leave for irregular working hours
Amendments the deputies proposed to the Labour code of Russia. It is reported TASS with reference to the authors of the document.
In Russia the Code of the norm is considered a work week length of 40 hours (article 91 of the labour code). If we are talking about five days, and so work at the vast number of enterprises, the worker has to work daily 8 hours. But the employer has the right to increase these standards.
In the explanatory note to the bill States that “the current legislation on crazy hours not conducive to the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of workers”.
The time actually worked by the employee outside the working day (shift) may not exceed 120 hours per year.
And then the person can be attracted only to overtime compensation, according to the bill.
Processing, let us note, is not considered in any overtime will not be payable at a higher rate.
The employer, as suggested by the deputies, should be fixed in a collective agreement, not only the list of positions of employees with irregular working day, but and the illustrative list of exceptional cases in which those entitled to work overtime.
“The bill will protect the legitimate rights and interests of workers to rest and established by the Federal law duration of working time, establish adequate compensation to workers for overtime” — quote news agencies of the sponsors of the bill.