The media learned about the plans of Korea to soon conduct a nuclear weapons test

The media learned about the plans of Korea to soon conduct a nuclear weapons test

North Korea is in the final stage of preparing for another nuclear test. The launch could take place within a few days. Foxnews reported citing anonymous us officials who have intelligence in the region.

“The tests may take place at the end of the month,” said one of the interlocutors edition.

According to the source Foxnews, the Pentagon has evidence that North Korea has finished constructing the new tunnels around the largest test site in the country, Pungere. However, North Koreans still need to get to the site the equipment for possible launch.

In March, North Korea conducted several missile launches. So, on Wednesday, March 22, North Korea carried out rocket launch, which was unsuccessful. The missile was fired from the East coast near the city of Wonsan and presumably exploded a few seconds after the start. The type of missile could not be established.

On 6 March, the DPRK launched four ballistic missiles that fell some 300 km off the coast of Japan. Pyongyang said that the launch was carried out during the exercise to repel a likely attack on US bases in Japan.

