The US and Canada switched to daylight saving time

The US and Canada switched to daylight saving time

Time difference between Moscow and cities of the East coast of the United States, and Ottawa is now seven hours.

NEW YORK, March 12. /Offset. TASS Ivan sawyers/. The United States and Canada on Sunday, switched from winter time to summer time to save energy on lighting. The clock at 02:00 local time (10:00 GMT) moved one hour forward.

Time difference between Moscow and cities of the East coast of the United States, where, in particular, located in new York and Washington, and Ottawa has thus decreased from eight to seven hours.

Daylight saving time in the United States

The transfer time is not required for all us States, possessions and territories.

So, don’t realize it Arizona, Hawaii, the associated free state of Puerto Rico, U.S. virgin Islands, GUAM, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa

A proposal is rational to use light time of day was made in 1784 by one of the authors of the Declaration of independence — Benjamin Franklin. As Ambassador in France he had prepared a paper which recommended that the citizens in the spring and summer to open and close the shop early to give the opportunity to save on lighting.

Summer time was first introduced in the USA in 1918 by the order of President Woodrow Wilson. However, a year later, the legislators voted against the transition. And only in 1966 the country was adopted the corresponding law. According to later approved the amendment, any state or territory could come from his actions.

In accordance with the decision of the US Congress in 2007, the transition to winter time is held on the first Sunday of November, and on summer — the second Sunday in March.

The translation of the shooter in Canada

Residents of Canada also the clock, as it allows to save fuel and energy resources.

The winter or “standard” time, the Canadians will go now only 5 Nov 2017

Traditionally, time has not changed in most parts of Saskatchewan, in some areas of the French-speaking province of Quebec, several cities in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia, as well as on the Arctic island of Southampton, which relates to the Northern territory of Nunavut. In all these regions the population is constantly living in the winter time.

First daylight savings time in Canada was held in 1908 in the city of thunder Bay (Ontario), and the first mass “saving daylight time” recorded in Canada in 1916, when this idea was picked up residents of various cities in the provinces of Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Quebec. In addition, in the same year in the summer, moved to St. John’s in Newfoundland. Currently, this city is the capital of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, which joined Canada only in 1949.

Almost all the regions of Canada began to transfer the clock to save daylight only at the end of 1960-ies.

