The Russians compared the complexity of the lives of men and women

The Russians compared the complexity of the lives of men and women

Half of the respondents believe that women in Russia life is more complicated than men, noting the difficulty of finding work and household chores.

Moscow. March 5. INTERFAX.RU About half of Russians believe that women in Russia life is harder than men (48% versus 65% in 2002). This is evidenced by the results of a survey of Fund “Public opinion”, held on 25-26 February among 1,500 respondents in 104 settlements of the 53 subjects of the Russian Federation.

That harder life is for men are sure of only 9% (previously 7%).

That the lives of men and women in Russia the same, said 35% of respondents.

The Russians, confident that the life of the weaker sex more difficult, explained his position that “domestic concerns and the upbringing of children more have on women” (18%), “the woman was responsible for my family” (9%) and “women find it more difficult to find work” (7%).

According to 54% of Russians, today’s men and women in Russia have equal opportunities for realizing their human rights. At the same time, 26% believe that men have these opportunities more than women (13%).

Three quarters (74%) of Russians believe that women have equal opportunities as men for promotion. In reality, however, only 44% admit that the possibility of both sexes in this matter are equal, and 45% believe that men have more such opportunities. Meanwhile, in 2001, the ratio was different — 30% and 59%, respectively.

