Peruvian named Lenin wanted to prevent Hitler to become mayor

Peruvian named Lenin wanted to prevent Hitler to become mayor

MOSCOW, 21 sen — news. In Peru the mayor of the city Ongar running a candidate named Hitler Alba Sanchez. This caused resentment on the part of his compatriot Vladimir Lenin Rodriguez Valverde, reported the Peruvian radio RPP.


Rodriguez Valverde appealed to the electoral authorities with the requirement to refuse Hitler in check for the position of mayor.

The politician said that he did not know about the existence of this person and believes that Lenin, Vladimir rodríguez Valverde used by the opponents, promoting another candidate.

Hitler Alba Sanchez is right party “We are Peru”. In 2011-2014 he has held a post of the mayor Ungaro from centrist party “Peru Possible”.

“I am a good Hitler,” said Alba Sanchez.

The candidate admitted that he has repeatedly faced with discrimination because of his name and was going to change it. However, he subsequently changed his mind, so as not to offend the father.

“Of course, my dad called me so, because the name sounded exotic. He didn’t know the history of Hitler”, — said the politician.

