Disclosed is a method of dealing with addiction from cigarettes
Neuroscientists at the University of Rockefeller (NY) has identified a group of neurons in the brain that are sensitive to nicotine, and are involved in the formation of attachment to this substance. The suppression of the activity of these cells leads to a decrease in nicotine dependence, says Science Alert.
The study used mice which were exposed to nicotine, dissolved in drinking water. Dependence on this substance are two areas of the brain — the medial (middle) part of the leash and interpeduncular core.
In neurons of these structures embedded protein receptors that bind with nicotine, while penetrating into the brain blood flow. It turned out that the chronic effect of nicotine in interpeduncular the nucleus is activated by the accumulation of specific neurons.
Under the influence of plant alkaloid on the leash sends the signal to the nucleus that forces the latter to reduce the sense of pleasure of nicotine and limit its consumption. However, the formation of the dependence of the cell nucleus, called Amigo1, release several neurotransmitters that suppress the signal from the leash. Disabling Amigo1 inhibits the attachment to the alkaloid.