& laquo; Russia & nbsp; & mdash; female. Apparently, Sikorsky fell victim to the concept of gender diversity '', & nbsp; & mdash; wrote Zakharova in & nbsp; her Telegram channel. Earlier, Sikorsky responded to & nbsp; the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs & nbsp; of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, who called NATO a “ project for & nbsp; development of abandoned land after the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact (OVD) and & nbsp; USSR land. ''
“ We are & nbsp; not & nbsp; became derelict land because & nbsp; you were not & nbsp; our master. More like a serial rapist. We will not miss & nbsp; this. And & nbsp; if you try to capture us again, then & nbsp; will get on & nbsp; eggs & raquo;, & nbsp; & mdash; Sikorsky wrote in & nbsp; his Twitter account (quoted from & nbsp; RIA Novosti). The MEP's words were also commented on by the deputy head of the & nbsp; State Duma Committee on & nbsp; Defense Dmitry Sablin. He & nbsp; said that & nbsp; & nbsp; Sikorsky had a “ gut '', and & nbsp; hyenas, as Winston Churchill called Poland, “ are always puckered because of the & nbsp; back of the owner. ''
January 10 & nbsp; Geneva is undergoing negotiations initiated by Russia on & nbsp; guarantees and & nbsp; security. Negotiations between Russia and the & nbsp; USA took place on January 10 & nbsp;. On January 12 & nbsp; a meeting of the Council of Russia & nbsp; & mdash; NATO, 13 & nbsp; January & nbsp; & mdash; negotiations between Russia and & nbsp; OSCE. The Russian side is in favor of & nbsp; refusal to & nbsp; deployment of medium and & nbsp; short-range ground-based missiles outside NATO territory and & nbsp; refusal to & nbsp; expanding the military bloc to & nbsp; east, closer to & nbsp; the country's borders.