Lavrov said about the plans of Ukraine to arrange a provocation on the border with the Crimea in December

Lavrov said about the plans of Ukraine to arrange a provocation on the border with the Crimea in December

The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in the last week of December, plans to organize an armed provocation on the border with the Crimea, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov on air of radio station “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. As noted by the foreign Minister, Russia will not allow violation of rights of residents of Crimea.

Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографийон (the President of Ukraine.— “B”) will get a response — will not find our country — our borders. We will not allow that he was trying to defend their own interests and to violate those rights which the Crimean protection in full compliance with international law.Sergey Lavrov, Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia

According to him, installed regime in Ukraine “has all the features of a neo-Nazi.” “We are not at war with the Ukrainian regime. With the Ukrainian regime, which has all the features of Nazi and neo-Nazi, fighting Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine who live in the Donbass”, — said Sergey Lavrov.

He believes that the majority of citizens of Ukraine wants the normalization of relations with Russia.

“The Ukrainian people do with it, and the vast majority of the Ukrainian people, I am sure, wants peace in his country, wishes to get rid of this shameful regime and wish to return to normal relations with Russia”, — said the head of the foreign Ministry.

Relations between Russia and Ukraine worsened after the incident in the Kerch Strait where on November 25 Russian border guards detained three Ukrainian ship, accusing them of illegal crossing the state border of the Russian Federation. The crew of the ships of 24 persons by the decision of the court of Simferopol arrested until January. In response to Kiev introduced in 10 regions of the country, martial law and banned the entry of Russian men aged from 16 to 60 years.

About the consequences of the detention of the ships in the publication “Kommersant” “the Rhetoric of a sick doctor.”

