NASA will show a doubting American basketball player proof the moon landing

NASA will show a doubting American basketball player proof the moon landing

Moscow. 11 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — National aeronautic and space USA (NASA) said Tuesday that it is ready to dispel the doubts of basketball player Stephen Curry in the fact of landing Americans on the moon.


“We are pleased to invite Curry on a tour of our laboratory, dedicated to the moon, Space center Lyndon B. Johnson in Houston; maybe next time when the team “Golden state Warrios” (which plays Curry — if) coming to town and will play with the team “Houston rockets”, — said the representative of NASA in an interview with The New York Times.

NASA offers to give Stephen Curry a space center tour after he claimed a man has never been to the moon

— The Hill (@thehill) December 11, 2018

While NASA stressed that in the lab “there are hundreds of pounds of rocks from the surface of the moon.”

“During the visit, the player will be able to see what we did 50 years ago. In the coming years we’re going to the moon again, but this time we’ll be there for a long time”, — said the representative.

Previously, Curry expressed doubt that American astronauts really landed on the moon. “We ever been on the moon? I don’t think”, — said the athlete.

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