In Dagestan have repaired the first school under the project “100 schools”

In Dagestan have repaired the first school under the project “100 schools”

“The parents are happy and children, too,” — said the newspaper VIEW Shamil Ibragimgadzhiev, Director Maleevskoy SCO, which has become a pioneer in the completion of repair work taking place in the framework of the program “100 schools”.


“We got a spacious, comfortable classrooms. Tomorrow we will hold a gas, the school acquired a modern look, the parents are happy and children, too,” — said the Director Maleevskoy SCO Shamil Ibragimgadzhiev.

Mazewska high school kizilyurtovsky district of Dagestan became the first school completed renovations in the framework of the project “100 schools”, according to the portal “Bezformata”. The building was built in 1992 and has long needed major repairs. Through participation in the project “100 schools”, the building was made complete replacement of the heating system (before the building was heated with wood and coal with solid fuel boiler). And the school had replaced the flooring and completely updated roof.

