Under the launch complex of the Vostochny space centre found emptiness MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. In the ground under the starting complex of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2” at the Baikonur East found emptiness, “Roskosmos” has concluded an agreement to eliminate them for 4.6 million rubles, the relevant documents posted on the procurement website. Наверх9фотографий9фотографий9фотографий “Execution of works on elimination of voids under the concrete base specpure mobile tower maintenance facilities one of the launch complex of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2” at the cosmodrome “East”, — stated in the tender documentation. The customer of works was organized by the Center for exploitation of ground space infrastructure division “Roscosmos”, dedicated to the service of the cosmodrome. The contract was signed on 5 September, work will fulfill the company “Adonis” from Blagoveshchensk. The Vostochny cosmodrome is being built near the town of Tsiolkovsky (formerly the village of Uglegorsk) in the Amur region
Day: September 10, 2018

Europe will toughen the fight against the laundering of money from Russia
Europe will toughen the fight against the laundering of money from Russia The EU will toughen the fight against the laundering of criminal cash flows, including from Russia and CIS countries. Reported by the Financial Times, citing a source in the European Commission. Upstairs As it became known publication, the European banking Association (EBA) will give additional resources to the investigation of the laundering of money obtained illegally. The European Prosecutor is empowered to prosecute. Previously the duties of the office included only the investigation of financial crimes related to the use of the budget of European countries. In particular, we plan to investigate the origin of more than 30 billion dollars, which came to Europe from Russia and CIS countries via Estonian Danske Bank. At the moment, money laundering checks, the banks, the European Central Bank, but its activities are not included in the European program to combat illicit
The United States studied plans to overthrow the head of Venezuela
The United States studied plans to overthrow the head of Venezuela Employees of the us administration was in contact with forces from Venezuela, who planned to overthrow the government. About it reports The Independent. Наверх15фотографий15фотографий15фотографий American officials, beginning in the fall of 2017, several times attended the meetings with the leaders of the conspirators. It is noted that on the background of a rapidly deteriorating economic situation in Venezuela at least three groups planned forcible change of power in the country. Then the President of the United States Donald trump consulted with advisers about the possibility of intervention in the situation. As a result, when one group of rebels tried to establish contact with the White house through the American Embassy in a European country, they sent a diplomat. He was present at three meetings, however, did not conduct negotiations, but only listened. In the end, Washington decided not to

Teachers will be looking for potential criminals in elementary school
Teachers will be looking for potential criminals in elementary school In the Ministry of education has developed guidelines for the prevention of problem behavior in Junior classes. “News” was acquainted with the document. Upstairs The recommendations, developed together with experts and researchers of the faculty of legal psychology and of the center of emergency psychological help MGPPU aimed at “formation of law-abiding socially acceptable behavior.” Teachers advise to pay attention to the violence against other children and to indirect signs: excessive stubbornness, irascibility, increased interest in arms. If warning signs are many, the teacher will meet with parents of “problem” child. If necessary, will be collected the specialists, which determines the further work with the student to adjust his behavior.
The Ministry of culture is going to limit the rental of foreign films in Russia
The Ministry of culture is going to limit the rental of foreign films in Russia The Ministry of culture has decided to amend the Russian laws that restrict foreign films. The number of impressions of foreign paintings will be reduced to 35 percent of the total number of sessions in the cinema during the day. About it “lente.ru” said a source close to the Ministry of culture, and confirmed by a representative of one of the exhibitors. Upstairs A single violation of the rules will be set the fines from 100 to 200 thousand roubles, for repeated — up to 500 thousand. It is assumed that the run rate will be the cinemas, and control — epidemiology. The Ministry of culture believes that this measure will create favorable conditions for the development of Russian cinema. Earlier, a similar initiative was announced in 2017. It was published on the Federal portal

Prisoners will get the opportunity to sit next to the house
Prisoners will get the opportunity to sit next to the house On the official government portal, the Ministry announced the beginning of work on the initiative on amendments to articles 73 and 81 of the Penal code. Upstairs The new rules will be included in the list of official reasons, when a person can request a transfer from one colony to another, the desire to be closer to family. “The bill provides to establish the possibility of sending a convict in a correctional institution, located in the Russian Federation, which is home to one of his close relatives, as well as the right of an accused to transfer to the correctional institution located near the place of residence of the convicted person or his close relatives”, — stated in the official notification. This will help to solve the old problem of the change of location: today prisoner hard enough to

Poroshenko said about the “interception” of data of Russian military satellites
Poroshenko said about the “interception” of data of Russian military satellites MOSCOW, 10 sen — news. Ukrainian experts have learned to “intercept” the data of Russian satellites, said the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on air of TV channel “Direct”. Upstairs According to the Ukrainian leader, during one of the clashes in the Donbass security forces using intelligence allegedly was able to “promptly bring up reserves and meet the enemy.” This, as noted by the Ukrainian President, “was made possible thanks to the specialists in the communication field, satellite technologies, specialists in computer decoding”. At the same time, Poroshenko said that the data was intercepted by Russian military satellites, which, in his opinion, talks about the current Ukraine “strong school” associated with such technologies. In recent years, Ukraine has serious problems with the creation of new weapons and maintenance of existing, and the only one designed for Ukrainian communications satellite