Named mortal danger physical activity

Named mortal danger physical activity

Scientists at the University of British Columbia found that athletes vulnerable to cardiovascular disease, despite the constant physical activity.


This confirms the results of previous studies indicating that people exposed to constant stress, increases the risk of premature death. About it reported in a press release MedicalXpress.

Experts analyzed data on 798 athletes aged 35 years and older who were engaged in medium and high physical activity three days a week at least.

The volunteers answered a series of questions about health, family medical history and sports. The participants also measured blood pressure and conducted a coronary angiography.

As a result, 94 people showed signs of cardiovascular disease, and 10 with severe disorders of the coronary arteries with no evidence of symptoms.

Although it was shown that physical activity helps prevent heart disorders, cancer, and depression, excessive loads can cause serious injury. Researchers are advised to consult regularly with a doctor.

