Himself a tour operator. How to organize a trip and not spoil the holiday

Himself a tour operator. How to organize a trip and not spoil the holiday

MOSCOW, 10 Jul — RIA Novosti, Svetlana Baeva. Clients of tour companies suspended operations, lost vouchers. But for those who prefer to travel independently, there are problems. For example, the booked hotel may not meet the description on the Internet, and out of the apartment, which was advantageous to shoot, suddenly evicted by the police. How not to get tricked by fraudsters, making the private tour — in the material RIA Novosti.

Tourists go online

“After a series of bankruptcies of major tour operators in the summer of 2014 the market of independent bookings increased by five to seven percent, — says Alexander Sizintsev, the General Director of the Internet service for travelers Biletix. — Apparently, the current bankruptcy will produce the same effect.”

But in the long run, any significant changes will not happen, says an expert on public relations of service of travel Tutu.ru Timur Yusupov. “The market is arranged in such a way that the packages to many popular destinations — e.g., Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand — are much cheaper than their self-organization (purchase tickets, hotels and transfers),” he says. In these areas of bankruptcy virtually no impact, simply the market will be redistributed between other, financially healthy players, the expert believes.

Extension experience

However, regardless of the collapse of the travel agencies market is rapidly transferred to online. At the moment, according to various estimates, independently booked 30-50 percent travel.

First and foremost, it is noticeable to European destinations. The consumer experience is expanding, they have a desire to meet new countries and cities. A trip to Europe simply to organize buying tickets for regular flights and booking accommodation.Anton Ciruculation the direction of packet travel products OneTwoTrip

Moreover, online services allow you to compare the offers of tour operators with the cost of independent tours.

The key advantage of “package holidays” — transfer. But in order to get to the city by bus or taxi, no need to speak a foreign language perfectly. And with tours and finding guides will help staff of any hotel.

The obvious advantage of self-travel planning — flexibility in planning a route. There is no binding to one place for an entire holiday, it is safe to visit several cities or even countries.To plead our own peril

However, there are pitfalls. The tour operator, as recent events in the market, sometimes not fulfilling its obligations, but the law guarantees to the tourist compensation. “There are risks in both cases, however, tour companies, even in the event of bankruptcy, all or part of the return for the insurance, says lawyer Dmitry Shinkarev. — While booking, for example, if there are any difficulties with foreign property, the litigation is likely to be impractical. Too large associated costs”.

In addition, you should pay attention to legislation in the country of destination. For example, in the Spanish Palma de Mallorca from this season it is forbidden to rent apartments to tourists in high-rise buildings. Some other popular among travelers countries also have restrictions on the services for booking of apartments and even rooms in hotels.

“The main risk is bankruptcy of the airlines, and online fraud, says Alexander Sizintsev. To purchase tickets, reserve hotels, it is better only for large, well-established Internet services”.

