The defense Ministry plans to change the rules of conscription for military service

The defense Ministry plans to change the rules of conscription for military service

The Ministry of defence of Russia has proposed to amend the law “On military duty and military service” and regulations on the call, report “Izvestia” with reference to the Ministry. To finalize and approve the amendments to the regulations is planned for July of this year.

Recruits will be distributed in two categories. In the first category will include recruits who do not have military ranks and are in stock, and secondly — the recruits who have military rank, but are not listed in stock.

The period of service for conscripts of the first category will be counted from the date of title assignment for recruits of the second category from the date of the order to a military unit.

According to the publication, the head of the working group on protection of the rights of servicemen of the presidential Council of Russia for the development of civil society and human rights Sergey Krivenko, a lifetime will not count the number of days that the recruit can spend on the collection points. According to him, the average is 3-4 days.

Young people who earlier in the passage of a medical Board was found partially fit and was enlisted in the reserve with the rank “private”, it will be possible to voluntarily undergo re-examination. In recognition of their fit for military service, they will be included in the second category of recruits, which, according to the publication, appeared in early 2018.

