In China, cancer has escaped from the pan, biting his own claw. He was left alive

In China, cancer has escaped from the pan, biting his own claw. He was left alive

In China, cancer has escaped from the pan in a restaurant, biting off its own claw. Video of his escape gathered in the “Facebook” nearly a million hits.

In the 11-second clip shows that the left claw of the cancer is already in the pot of boiling water. He immediately cuts off her right claw and falls into a soup.

Video posted to Chinese social network Weibo user Jiuke said later that he took a desperate cancer as a family pet.

Unclear whether intentionally did cancer or accident; perhaps claw stood in his way, as has already been immobilized.

Published 加藤軍台灣粉絲團 2.0 may 26, 2018At boot time the error occurred.

Weibo users in the comments have supported the brave cancer, calling to “let him go” and “do not eat it, because he is so desperately trying to survive”, writes the edition of the Taiwan News.

The user Juike them said, “I’ll let him live, I took him home, he will live in the aquarium.”

In adults it takes three to four years.

China has recently experienced a boom in the hobby of eating crayfish. They are grown on farms and served in many restaurants.

This country is the largest producer of shellfish in the world, as reported by the Chinese news Agency Xinhua, citing the Ministry of agriculture.

Exports of crustaceans in China has increased from 265 tons in 2007 to 852 tons in 2016, says the Agency.

