The hurricane blew the roof of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was the cause of the fire

The hurricane blew the roof of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was the cause of the fire

A strong hurricane in Nizhny Novgorod tore roofs off homes, knocked down trees and caused a fire in the business center (the fire was liquidated), reports

The hurricane started around 12:40 local time. Reports of destruction come from all parts of the city, as well as Dzerzhinsk, Bor and other municipalities. The wind was hurt and the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin: the demolished part of the roof adjacent to the Ivanovskaya tower.

In Nizhny Novgorod the wind slowly destroys the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, in Moscow the wind brings down trees and only in Sunny St. Petersburg, as always, all is well and the sun is shining

— Dmitri (@dibart1) 30 may 2018.

As they say eyewitnesses, the disaster knocked down trees, fences, on one of the streets destroyed the veranda cafe, and plastic tables and chairs washed up on the roadway, where the wind tore a road signs. One tree uprooted right by the Playground, said local resident Yevhen Seleznyov.

63 villages in seven districts were left without electricity due to wire breakage. On some streets blocked by fallen trees, traffic jams were formed.

According to the regional Department of EMERCOM, the unfavourable situation will persist until the first half of the night. Started operational headquarters. Information on victims is specified.

April 21 due to a powerful storm in the Moscow region killed two people, including a child of 14 people with various injuries were taken to hospital.

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