Stealing panties cat fell out a loving couple

Stealing panties cat fell out a loving couple

The cat from New Zealand fell out of the couple, bringing home the clothes roommate. About the animal told the New Zeland Herald Focus.

Ed Williams (Ed Williams) from Oakland had a fight with the girl after she was discovered on their bed another woman’s panties, and on the back porch — bra. At first he could not explain the situation, and donâ severely pissed at him.

The new Zealander was able to prove his loyalty, when he discovered that his cat named Mo steals clothes from the neighbors. “And only two weeks later, when we saw our cat crosses the road with a t-shirt in his teeth, we realized that it was him,” he admitted.

Williams said that had not noticed the criminal mind for a pet, as he went to steal clothes only at night. According to the kiwi, this week the cat steals 30-40 things: women’s and men’s underwear, t-shirts and socks.

The man regularly returns clothes the neighbors, which, according to him, not to hurt the cat’s habits.

In June 2016, it was reported about a similar case in Australia. Ginger cat named Ninja stole so many things from the neighbors that the owner had to make a special page in Facebook to distribute stolen goods.

