French children’s magazine compared Israel to North Korea

French children’s magazine compared Israel to North Korea

The French educational magazine for children of primary school age Youpi called Israel an illegal state and compared it with North Korea. About it reports TV channel i24news.

The publication also drew the attention of the Israeli Ambassador in France, Aliza Bin-nun. She called the act “shocking” and noted that the publication incites anti-Semitic sentiments.

The publication said that there are 197 countries that are recognized as “States”. Among them, the magazine took the France, Germany and Algeria. Also, the material Youpi says that is on the world map and education, which are recognized as “States”, not all. To them, the magazine ranked Israel and North Korea.

Choquée par ce mensonge enseigné à des enfants. Réthorique Une telle qu’on ne peut inciter à l antisionisme, indissociable de l’#antisemitisme comme l’a rappelé le Président français @EmmanuelMacron

— Aliza Bin Noun (@AlizaBinNoun) December 24, 2017

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The head of the Council of Jewish organizations of France Francis King in conversation with i24news publication called Youpi “political revisionism” and recalled that in 1948 the UN recognized Israel as an independent state. He also sent a letter to the company, which publishes Youpi, in which he demanded to correct the error and to explain in the next issue of what constitutes Israel.

