American 323 times took my son to the doctor and go to jail

Kahlan Bowen

A woman from the U.S. state of Texas was sent to jail after a complaint received from doctors her son, reports Fox News.

Physicians reported that during the eight years of Kahlan Bowen 323 times applied to various medical centers, her son Christopher spent 13 operations.

According to the woman, the baby dies from a genetic disease, fighting cancer, and also suffering from several other diseases.

The doctors found out that Christopher didn’t have cancer or some other disease from those which he attributed to the mother. This woman spent money on their son’s treatment from a specially created for this Fund.

The boy’s father claims that have long tried to draw the authorities ‘ attention to what is happening with my son. “However, every time I went to court, they did everything to ensure I felt like the worst person in the world,” the man explained.

Currently, the three Bowen children are under the care of local authorities.

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