Moscow has refused to withdraw from the Treaty on intermediate-range and shorter-range

Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan sign the Contract, 1987

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow is not going to withdraw from the Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF). On Thursday, December 14, the head of state said during the final press conference, the correspondent of “”.

“We did not come from the ABM Treaty [anti-ballistic missile], the United States withdrew unilaterally. Now we hear talk about the Agreement on intermediate-range and shorter-range. Apparently, conditions are created and carried out promotional work for a possible US withdrawal from the Treaty. Especially because of the fact they have already emerged”, — said Putin.

According to him, this trend is not good, but Russia to abandon its obligations under international treaties on limitations of armaments is not going to.

On 12 December, US President, Donald trump has signed the law on the funding and activities of the Pentagon in 2018, which contains articles on combating attributed to Russian violations of the INF Treaty. The law lays down the right of States to suspend the implementation of the INF Treaty as a whole or to waive the number of its articles in the light of “violations of its provisions” Russia.

The INF Treaty does not allow parties to have ballistic missiles, land-based and cruise missiles with range from 500 up to 5,5 thousand kilometers. The document was signed in 1987. Russia and the United States regularly accuse each other of violating its terms.

More important news Telegram-channel “Tape days”. Signed!

