Canada has approved the delivery of weapons to Ukraine

The President Of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko Canada has added Ukraine to the list of countries allowed to export canadian automatic weapons. The announcement is published in the Canada Gazette. The list includes 39 countries. Basically, it is the member States of NATO, also the list includes Australia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Finland, South Korea and several other States. On the possibility of supplying lethal weapons to Ukraine September 22, informed the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Canadian Prime Minister indicated that Canada will continue to help Ukraine “protect its sovereignty”. He also said that till March 2019 has been extended mission 200 canadian military trainers in Ukraine who are engaged in the training of officers and soldiers of the APU in the Yavoriv training ground in Lviv region. In August, U.S. Secretary of defense James Mattis said that Washington is considering supplying lethal weapons to Kiev. More important news

The Rothschilds spoke about the refusal of foreigners to buy the company Poroshenko

Interested in buying affiliated with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the confectionery Corporation Roshen, the company was not ready to take risks and refused the deal. This was stated by the representative of Rothschild Inc in the CIS Giovanni Salvetti, reports “Interfax”. As said by Him, we are talking about an unpredictable development of the crisis in Russian-Ukrainian relations. He also explained that the asset could be bought only by players at the global level, as its price is several billion dollars. However, neither European nor North American, nor Asian investors were not ready. According to him, the decision to place shares of Petro Poroshenko in the office of the “blind” trust is the most transparent and the only working version of effective office of the President of Ukraine of his rights of ownership of shares. Poroshenko is the founder of Roshen Corporation (“Roche”). It produces more than 350

Klintsevich: Canada the decision to supply weapons to Kiev enter in the Ukrainian crisis

MOSCOW, December 13./TASS/. The first Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee Franz Klintsevich does not exclude that the supply of lethal weapons from Canada to Ukraine can change the balance of forces in the Donbass. An opinion was expressed by Senator 13 Dec journalists. “Officially endorsing the supply of lethal weapons to Kiev, the government of Canada, in my opinion, does not understand what it’s pulling my country. I do not exclude that the supply is able in some measure to change the correlation of forces opposing each other in the Donbass (actually they started), but it’s still different. It creates a very dangerous precedent. In fact, Canada is becoming a party to domestic conflict, with all the ensuing consequences,” – said Klintsevich.

Algorithm completion helped write a Chapter of a book about Harry Potter

Algorithm completion helped write a Chapter of a book about Harry Potter Participants Botnik studios with algorithms, predictive text input, trained on a series of books about Harry Potter, wrote a Chapter of a new book called “Harry Potter and the portrait of what looked like a big pile of ashes.” The resulting text with a length of three and a half pages posted on the website of the Studio. 11фотографий11фотографий11фотографий The predictive algorithms allow users to print the words in full, and complement them based on the already entered letters and a dictionary. More sophisticated versions can not only understand what word the user enters, but also to predict the next word based on the context of the previous words, sentence structure, and other factors. To this end, the algorithms are trained on similar texts. For example, the keyboard of the smartphones offer the user to perform the story

The astronauts on the ISS see the new “Star wars”

The astronauts on the ISS see the new “Star wars” The new film “Star wars: the Last Jedi” opens in cinemas worldwide this week. Now it became known that his show and… the International space station (ISS). Astronauts will be able to see a new movie of the Saga “Star wars”, being a few hundred kilometers above the Earth’s surface, using laptops or a projector on Board the ISS, reports The Verge. This was reported on Twitter journalist Robin Seemangal (Robin Seemangal), and a NASA spokesman later confirmed the information portal Inverse. Watch ISS is not something unusual: the station is a large digital library of movies, with more than 500 films (both classic and new). The staff of the ISS to watch movies on the weekend, or while engaged in repetitive work, or, as shown by American astronaut Scott Kelly at 2015, during Canonica. #Movie night in micro #Gravity

How much is actually the monkeys and the elephant in the Boa from the “38 parrots”?

How much is actually the monkeys and the elephant in the Boa from the “38 parrots”? Remember the first series of puppet animated series “38 parrots”, where the animals think how to measure the height of the Boa constrictor? In this episode first Parrot measures 38 steps, and then your measurements are the Monkey and the Elephant: the first is five, the second two. The inhabitant of Ekaterinburg Stanislav Berezin decided to count the results of the measurements — he believes that animals did it all wrong. Instead of trying to measure out the steps as showed a Parrot, a Monkey did the “wheel” along the Boa constrictor, and Elephant were measuring the girth of their legs. This question gave me no peace for many decades. He was the basis for my dislike of puppet cartoons and developed more range… Published by Berezino Stas on 12 December 2017At boot time

The Rothschilds spoke about the refusal of foreigners to buy the company Poroshenko

Interested in buying affiliated with the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, the confectionery Corporation Roshen, the company was not ready to take risks and refused the deal. This was stated by the representative of Rothschild Inc in the CIS Giovanni Salvetti, reports “Interfax”. As said by Him, we are talking about an unpredictable development of the crisis in Russian-Ukrainian relations. He also explained that the asset could be bought only by players at the global level, as its price is several billion dollars. However, neither European nor North American, nor Asian investors were not ready. According to him, the decision to place shares of Petro Poroshenko in the office of the “blind” trust is the most transparent and the only working version of effective office of the President of Ukraine of his rights of ownership of shares. Poroshenko is the founder of Roshen Corporation (“Roche”). It produces more than 350

The Tyumen parents rebelled against the lessons about HIV

PTA Tyumen opposed school lessons in which students talk about the causes of HIV infection, according “The lesson children told that the reason for the spread of HIV — sexual intercourse, homosexual relationships. To avoid infection, you need to use a condom. Now think about whether you need this information to students? Moreover, the percentage of children infected sexually, are minimal. Basically, it’s the children who got the infection at birth or through breastfeeding,” said the publication Chairman of the Tyumen parental Committee Andrey Dobrynin. The Committee appealed to the Minister of education and science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva with a request to cancel the Day of action on informing children and youth about HIV prevention. Earlier it was reported that the onset of new year in Russia will be another 100 thousand HIV-infected more. The majority of Russians, who in 2017 were identified with HIV acquired

A primary school teacher died on the lesson

Olga Tropak The teacher of initial classes of school №84 in Tolyatti Olga Tropak died during a lesson. About it reports “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Samara” referring to representatives of educational institutions. According to the parents of the students, the teacher was 49 years old. According to preliminary data, the cause of death could be cut off the blood clot. The incident occurred on December 12, said “In class he ran to the boy and said that their teacher — Olga Stepanovna, fell off his chair onto the floor. Our teacher immediately called an ambulance. Nephews say that they at first did not understand what happened. The children think that Olga Stepanovna just wanted to frighten them”, — said the publication of Natalia Morozova, noting that this is a big loss for the school. Colleagues expressed regret about the loss of “a talented teacher, teacher, friend which went hand in

Source: investigators believe that Zakharchenko bought the castle in London during his service in the interior Ministry

Source: investigators believe that Zakharchenko bought the castle in London during his service in the interior Ministry During a search of the civil wife of the Colonel of FSB were asked to give them documents belonging Zakharchenko foreign real estate. MOSCOW, December 13. /TASS/. In the course of Wednesday’s search at the civil wife of the former Deputy head of the “T” Guebipk of the MIA of Russia Dmitry Zakharchenko Marina Semennoi investigators were looking for documents that the Colonel owns real estate abroad, in particular the castle in London. This was reported by TASS source close to the investigation. According to the investigation, Zakharchenko bought the castle in London during his service in the Russian police, the source said. “FSB officers during the search in addition to foreign passports were also asked to give them documents on foreign real estate owned by Zakharchenko, including the castle in London”, —