The Palestinian movement Hamas declared a third intifada Israel

The Palestinian movement Hamas announced the beginning of a third intifada (uprising) due to the recognition of the United States, the status of Jerusalem the capital of Israel. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the press Secretary of the movement, Abdulatif Alcano.

According to him, the purpose was to exert pressure on the United States, which should change its decision on Jerusalem, as well as to continue mass demonstrations.

In December, one of the Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh called for a new uprising against Israel. “We should encourage and we should work to launch a new intifada to [threats] with the Zionist enemy,” he said.

Israel proclaimed Jerusalem as its capital after the war for independence in 1949. In 1967 after the six day war Israel captured East Jerusalem and United it with the Western, but the UN has not recognized it. Embassies of countries, including diplomatic relations with Israel are mainly in tel Aviv, Ramat Gan and Herzliya.

The first intifada (1987-1991) — the struggle of the Palestinians against the Israeli occupation of the conquered in the six day war of 1967 territories. In 2000, the second intifada broke out, the reason for which was the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to the temple mount.

Currently the term “intifada” means the armed struggle of the Palestinian Arabs against Israel. Hamas was founded in 1987. Since 2007, the organization that controls the Gaza strip. The movement had carried out hundreds of armed attacks against Israelis inside Israel. Hamas is recognized as a terrorist organization by Israel, Canada, USA and Japan, and is banned in Jordan and Egypt. In Australia and the UK terrorist recognize only its military wing.

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