Health Ministry proposes to label products according to the degree of usefulness

Health Ministry proposes to label products according to the degree of usefulness

The Ministry of health proposes to label products that meet a healthy lifestyle. To this end, the Ministry plans to stick to products that will be divided into three groups, the insignia.

The concept already is on the coordination in the government office, confirmed in a press-service of the Ministry of health “news”.

Under the program, expected to launch in April 2018, the first group includes products that do not contain harmful elements. This fresh and frozen fruits, vegetables, fresh and frozen meat, poultry, fish as well as eggs and cereals.

The second group would be those products that do not qualify for the designation “healthy” chocolate, confectionery and energy bars, drinks and alcoholic beverages.

The third will be the products and value of their components, which include the product to a healthy diet. Dried fruit, nuts, cereal, prepared foods and some other types.

In the CPS, in turn, noted that “for voluntary labelling, there are no obstacles now.” This Agency offers an alternative ‘traffic light’ system with red, yellow and green colors to indicate the usefulness of the product.

