“The most eligible bachelor in the world” made an account on Tinder

“The most eligible bachelor in the world” made an account on Tinder

MOSCOW, 26 APR — RIA Novosti. The last male Northern white Rhino named Sudan made an account in the popular Dating app Tinder, according to “Bi-bi-si”.

In the profile of the Sudan, who is also called “the most eligible bachelor in the world”, stated age 43 years, height 180 cm, weight two tons, Hobbies — chewing on grass and wallow in the mud. Inhabits “the bachelor” in reserve in Kenya.

Tinder wants you to swipe right on this rhino to help save his species https://t.co/YpiUVs92Vt pic.twitter.com/DOmV1aaMBu

— ?DENKYUU MEDIA? (@DenkyuuMedia) 25 APR 2017

The choice of the animal is small — there are only two females of his species. However, even with them, he is unable to mate, because first the male must win the female in battle, and Sudan is too old.

To help keep the view will only artificial insemination is a very expensive procedure. Action account on Tinder is designed to help disseminate information about the rhinoceros and faster to collect the money.

The application is registered to more than 140 million users. If the Rhino they make it, they will see the details for donations.

