Trump is proud of what has achieved in the first 100 days of presidency

Trump is proud of what has achieved in the first 100 days of presidency

As reported by broadcaster CNN, the US President has managed to achieve progress in the solution of important problems in 23 of the 37.

WASHINGTON, April 24. /Offset. TASS Anatoly Bochinin/. The President of the United States Donald trump is proud of what he managed to achieve in the first 100 days of his tenure as head of state, but his team is already thinking about the next steps. About it journalists at a regular briefing, said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer.

“I think we are very proud the President is very proud of what he has accomplished in the first 100 days. But we also want to start talking about the next 100 days, that is still left to do,” he said.Sean Spycicles Secretary of the White house

As reported by CNN, in advance acquainted with the document on the achievements of the administration trump, prepared in the White house by April 29, the President was able to achieve progress in the solution of important problems in 23 of the 37. This was done with the help of presidential decrees and memorandums.

In particular, the list of measures taken in the sphere of national security and immigration, is a trump of April 6, about the attack on the airbase in Syria and the presidential Memorandum of March 6, about the measures to protect the US from infiltration of terrorists from abroad due to the introduction of restrictions on immigration.

