The militants* took responsibility for the shooting in Paris

The militants* took responsibility for the shooting in Paris

MOSCOW, 21 APR — RIA Novosti. Terrorist group “Islamic state”* took responsibility for the shooting in Central Paris, which killed one police officer, reports Agence France Presse with reference to the website associated with extremists.

On the Champs Elysees in Paris on Thursday night there was a shootout in which killed, according to one policeman, two others were injured. One of the attackers was liquidated by response fire, the other might be disappeared.

Il n y a pas de mots … soutien aux familles des victimes #JeSoutiensLaPolice #ChampsElysees

— Team Trou Duc (@TeamTrouDuc) 20 APR 2017

The police said that does not exclude at this stage any theories of what happened, the investigation deals with the anti-terrorist unit of the Paris Prosecutor’s office.

* A terrorist organization banned in the territory of the Russian Federation

