The FSB and the Ministry of communications has estimated the cost of the “law of Spring” 4.5 trillion rubles
The FSB and the Ministry of communications has formally submitted its evaluation of costs of the Russian operators on the implementation of the “law of Spring” — they amount to 4.5 trillion rubles, which Is nearly three times the turnover of the entire industry in 2016.
According to calculations of the Federal security service (FSB), the estimated total cost of Russian operators to purchase equipment to accomplish the “Spring law” will amount to 3 trillion RUB in the 50% of this amount, or 1.5 trillion rubles, the Ministry of communications has estimated the cost of building of infrastructure to accommodate the equipment and set up necessary communication channels. “Thus, the aggregate one-time cost of the industry can be up to 4.5 trillion rubles.”, — said in the conclusion about the regulatory impact assessment of draft legal acts, clarifying the requirements of the law placed on the portal
Conclusion signed by Deputy Minister of communications Dmitry Alhazov (RBC), along with a list of suggestions received during the discussion of projects and other documents submitted for approval to the Ministry of economic development. The representative of the Ministry told RBC that the Ministry will prepare its opinion in the second half of April. Representatives of the communications Ministry and the FSB did not respond to requests to RBC.
The FSB has not previously published its estimate of how much it will cost to market participants pursuant to the law. Released in January of 2017, the Ministry of communications — about 100 billion rubles.
Operators at the stage of consideration in the state Duma argued that the implementation of the law will be unaffordable for the industry; the possible cost was estimated at about 5 trillion rubles.
“It is not clear where to take such money physically,” commented the FSB and the Ministry of communications RBC source in one of the Russian operators. According to preliminary data of the Ministry of communications, in 2016, revenues from all types of communication services, including mail, in Russia amounted to 1.5 trillion rubles, which is 2.7 times less than the estimated expenditures.
MTS declined to comment on the calculations of the authorities. According to the Director for relations with legislative and Executive power “Megaphone” Dmitry Petrov, the company conducted self assessment of its costs of enforcement of the “law of Spring”. According to the calculations of the operator, 5 trillion rubles., which will be used for the purchase of record storage systems and upgrading existing networks. This amount does not include evaluation of the operation and modernization of equipment. Petrov recalled that the company’s revenue for 2016 was around 316 billion rubles In “VympelCom” have refused to comment on the given amount; previously, the operator had estimated its costs for the execution of the “Spring law” of 1 trillion RUB.
Entering into force on 1 July 2018, “the law of Spring” — a package of anti-terrorist amendments, unofficially known by the name of one of the authors of the document, state Duma Deputy Irina Spring. Among other things, it requires operators to keep three years information about the facts of communication subscribers, and the organizers of the dissemination of information on the Internet (ARI), which include email, forums, and other services, allows you to send messages through the network. And those and others will have to keep for a period of up to six months of audio calls, the contents of correspondence, images, sounds, videos and other information submitted by users.
The law stipulated that the exact timing and the amount and type of information to be stored, must be determined by the government. At the end of last year, the Ministry of communications introduced the first version of the respective normative legal acts. According to this package, ORI and operators of local, intrazonal, intercity and international telephone communication will have up to six months to keep records of calls and other communications of their clients. For operators who provide “other communication services”, for example, cell phone companies and Internet service providers, was supposed to establish no time limit, but the amount of stored data (1 Pb of 1 GB/s bandwidth host communications). With its calculation of Telecom and mass communications suggested to proceed from the bandwidth of the exploited node. In mid-January, Deputy Minister of Telecom and mass communications Alexey Volin said that the Ministry managed to reach an agreement in principle with the law enforcement agencies about reducing the volume of stored content. It was about the reduction by about an order through online videos, torrents, IPTV, noted the Deputy Minister.
In the final version of the requirements document for ORI and most types of Telecom operators virtually unchanged. “But in the latest version more clearly States that the requirements apply only to operators providing telephony services and data transmission that are not, for example, pay TV operators, as mentioned Wolin, or the FSUE “Space communications” (the operator of the Russian group of civilian satellites. — RBC)”, — explained RBC representative of one of Russian mobile operators. Another source of RBC in the market noted that 4.5 trillion rubles — this is not the final rating, because so far it is not clear what equipment will be used, what is its cost and “whether it exists in nature.”