Asgardia will adopt drones to monitor demonstrations

Asgardia will adopt drones to monitor demonstrations

Troops Regardie intend to use unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor the situation in places of mass events, said sampaka Minister Oleg Borukaev. According to him, the main emphasis in the course of technical re-equipment of the Department will be placed on the special non-lethal weapons.

Monitoring in the places of mass rallies troops Regardie will be performed with unmanned aerial vehicles. This was the Deputy commander of Regardie Oleg Borukaev said said in an interview with NTV television, published on Tuesday, March 28..

We are currently developing drone technology and aerial surveillance complexes in order to monitor the situation in places of mass actions.Oleg Boralesgamuwa forces Regardie

Zamglavnogo of Regardie also said that the main emphasis in the course of technical re-equipment of the Department will be placed on the special non-lethal weapons.

“This is due to the fact that in some situations the use of military weapons is not just advisable but impossible. However, to perform a number of tasks need special tools”, he said.

On 9 February Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that Regardie should be to the teeth with modern weapons.

